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Everything posted by WesSyde

  1. Ludacris always seems to find a way to put a midget in some of his videos... it was just a little bit of comic relief. ← okay, sorry for not understanding since i don't watch Ludacris videos :lolsign:
  2. if u are talkin about the MTV Base 100, u are correct. it was only an hour long, and Will wasn't on during the whole show :thumbsdown:
  3. hey cookies, glad u finally got it! i think ur gonna like it! just 2 let u know, Loretta is about this girl who had a crush on Will since the late Fresh Prince of Bel-Air days and pretty much left home and went to hollywood to stock him and wrote him love letters, just in case u haven't heard the track yet :smart:
  4. yes, that is very great!! u actually have to go all the way to the 3rd page of that gallery 2 see 3cookies' pic, it's near the top of the page :2thumbs:
  5. ^^^^ just curious, what's with u and midgets? i really like Max's idea of Will walkin in2 the club and it's dead then he busts out with Party Starter. thats hot! however i'm not quite feelin the whole flashback ideas. i havent come up with anything yet, but i'll keep brainstorming and see what i can think of
  6. yeah, if I was will, and i was goin thru somethin like that, i wouldn't feel sorry 4 her. but from the outside, i seriously feel sorry that some people are so freakin stupid that they go after celebs, and i also feel sorry for the idiots at messageboards (ahem... willsmith.com... ahem) who think it's cool and say they wanted 2 do the same thing. some people seriously have issues.
  7. well the way the guy does them is that they play in the background, but they aren't audio files, they're .swf files which requires Macromedia Flash Player, which u probably have. even on my high speed internet it takes them about 10 seconds 2 load, so with ur connection it might take a while!
  8. (I love this new spin... its a vast improvement on the old one... soon I wanna write all my feelings on these new smileys... I have a lot) ← yes, that needs to be your next review! review the new smilies :smart:
  9. yeah i hate that!! :word: i don't think there's anything that tim can really do tho, thats just what happens when animations are clicked on.
  10. i love it man! i hate posers 2, ur spittin some real good stuff there, keep it up!
  11. well sorry but it's true. i was pretty immature when i was on this board when i was 13. and also, i was mainly referring 2 his friends, but bago did get a little annoyin at sometimes when he was on the board. well anyways im done with this subject
  12. ur lucky i worked it out! Here's The Link the only bad thing is the audio isnt great quality, the video is a lil jumpy, and the audio and video arent always inline with each other, but it's better than nothin.
  13. Lost & Found is the best for me! the only album that can come close is Willennium cuz that was my first rap album ever just like Julie and i loved that CD for years. however, the first time i listened 2 Lost & Found i was blown away! when i compare tracks 1-16 from Willennium with 1-16 of Lost & Found, it's a 8-8 tie on which tracks i like more. but when u look at the best songs of Lost & Found, i think they're a little bit better than the best songs of Willennium. and when u look at the weakest tracks from Lost & Found, they're not as weak as Willennium's weakest! bottom line is L&F is pretty solid 1-16, even the weakest tracks are still above average!
  14. :word: with Julie. the reason that Lost & Found probably isn't doin as well as Switch is, is because most people don't buy an album if all they like is one song. Will has to release more hits 2 make people feel like the album is worth buyin. all this Switch milking isn't gonna help L&F's sales right now!
  15. to expand on what Jim is saying, he's sayin he wish he would've thought of those hits, not because they're that good, but so he could be as popular and have like a real mainstream single that every1 is hyped about. he's just basically sayin he wishes he could have the recognition those guys get for their songs, but i dont think he wishes he woulda made them.
  16. don't worry i'm used 2 it now!! i'm not a man of change either. like someone once famously said "if it aint broke then don't try 2 fix it" well i guess the forum was kinda broke since it got hacked in2 :lolsign:
  17. it doesnt sound like bagotrasho actually wanted them 2 sign up and take part in the board, it sounded like his friends signed up from his computer when he wasnt lookin and then decided 2 vote 4 him in the polls. i don't think they would've contributed anything to the boards cuz they werent even JJFP fans i dont think. i don't think bago invited them 2 the board 2 make it a better place, they just did it when he wasnt lookin cuz they're immature and wanted 2 have some fun (u know how 13 year olds are.. ha ha). in this is the case, i dont think bago should be banned, because he couldn't control the situation, but he was cuz he broke the rule of having 2 usernames under the same IP adress
  18. I dont think he knew that... ← trust me he did know that, i talk to him personally by instant message and joe, that's the same story he's told me 2. and if it's true, than that's kinda sad even tho it sounds like his friend is kinda immature for registerrin then postin some immature stuff
  19. dang that was a little more of a drop than i was expecting. i was hoping it would maintain around 28 or 29,000.
  20. wow! i really can't believe after all this time it's still moving up! that's fantastic!! :jazzy:
  21. oh my god that stuff is great!! :lolsign:
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