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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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  2. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Nic61974 in Vinyl Destination 15   
    You all need to rock a Vinyl Destination t-shirt next time. I'll see to that.
  3. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Da Brakes in Vinyl Destination 15   
    I need to rock a hat next time!! Tim and Kev clearly got the memo!
  4. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Da Brakes in Vinyl Destination 15   
    I'm so pleased we all made the cut!!
  5. Upvote
    Ale reacted to KevTastic in Vinyl Destination 15   
    More European tour fun. You also get to see Me, Brakes and Tim flapping our gums post show. JJFP.com representing.

  6. Upvote
    Ale reacted to gosia in Ali - behind the scenes   
    I haven't seen that one. Enjoy!

  7. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Silver Tiger in So I made a music video...   
    ...and I worked very hard on it. I hope you like it!

  8. Downvote
    Ale got a reaction from Ydfer3jjaj in Vinyl Destination: Episode 14   
    From Jeff's Facebook: Good Morning, Here is the latest episode of Vinyl Destination. Check out the summary below. DJ Jazzy Jeff and the crew cross the Atlantic again in episode 14 of Vinyl Destination. First stop is Madrid, Spain, where Skillz declares his true calling as a DJ. But the guys are not convinced. The tour continues in Biel, Leeds, Middlesborough, and Warwick. Their final stop is Berlin where Jeff pays a visit to the headquarters of Native Instruments and Abelton before tearing down the tables at Tube Station. Episode 14 features an appearance from Red Man, a story about an NBA Hall of Famer, and a cake that leaves the guys scratching their heads.
  9. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Da Brakes in I Love You Baby (That's All I Know) - Brakes featuring Frank H Carter III & Caleb   
    Hey all

    Just thought I'd share my brand new song featuring Frank H Carter II and Caleb. Tim is responsible for the hookup on this!! It's been 2 years in the making but well worth it! I love it!

    As always would appreciate the likes, comments and shares!

    I Love You Baby (That's All I Know) - Brakes featuring Frank H Carter III & Caleb

  10. Upvote
    Ale got a reaction from VIsqo in Jada/Fam/Misc   
    From Trey's Facebook: Father I love you far too much. I can't thank you enough for being not only such an impeccable father, but also an impeccable person in my life. There are too many things you have taught me that I have applied to my life; as well as the other lessons there are to come. Thank you for always being you Dad. The most powerful man in my life. Love you Father Trey
  11. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Ale in Will answered my question! :)   
    I never thought I'd have a chance to talk to my idol, but thanks to MSN UK, which gave me the opportunity to ask him a question via Skype, I did :)

    This is something I'll never forget!

  12. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Ale in Jada/Fam/Misc   
    Jada Pinkett Smith Dines in London After Sound of Change Live Concert http://gossipcenter.com/jada-pinkett-smith/jada-pinkett-smith-dines-london-after-sound-change-live-concert-865143
  13. Upvote
    Ale got a reaction from willreign in Will Smith Sets Sights on 'Wild Bunch' Reboot at Warner Bros   
  14. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Ale in JJFP in London for After Earth   

  15. Upvote
    Ale got a reaction from VIsqo in JJFP in London for After Earth   

  16. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Nic61974 in Vinyl Destination: Episode 10   
    There is one more episode from that European tour. We have so much footage that we aren't stopping! We are going to roll right through all the summer shows, then on to the fall tours - Europe & Canada.
    I read your posts to Jeff and he's so glad you are enjoying them. He really thanks each one of you for your support.
  17. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Hero1 in Time to bring the community back...   
    At the height of jazzyjefffreshprince.com's success in 2004/2005 we were bringing in over 6,000 unique visitors a day..over 100,000 a month. The internet changes, social media has become big, and google has updated its algorithm more than a few times to hurt the site. Yes at one point this site was ranked #3 for a Will Smith search. Google no longer values older web sites..in fact it discounts them, and it ranks wikipedia, imdb and name brand sites way higher than fan sites. Good luck finding us for a Will Smith search even though the web site is now 17 years old, and has been updated more than Will's official site. The web site traffic of the site has dropped to around about unique 400 visits a day, mostly to the movie page. For all intensive purposes this community and forum is quite dead especially if you compare it to the glory days.

    It's time to come anew, and get the community back! People don't visit web sites they visit Facebook, and I am aiming for our Facebook page to have 100,000 likes by the end of May. Its time to get that feeling back of a community of fans, who discuss and talk about things with each other. Expect this page to have the latest news about Will & Jeff also. Facebook has a tricky way of not showing updates of pages you like so first of all make sure you bookmark this page:


    Also comment on and engage in the discussion going on right now about.

    Bad Boys 3:

    and Fresh Prince of Bel Air:



  18. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Jazzy Julie in New UK Jeff Show April 2013   
    Sorry i was shattered last night so i crashed. Firstly i love that i look like i photobombed that pic with skillz. I wasnt quite ready to get in place and in my defense it was like 4.30am.

    So i'll tell you our little story because i like to keep the memory for myself too. So we heard that Jeff was gonna be on 1-3am so we were all ready for a long night, we are all getting close to 30 now and cant handle these late nights lol. Brakes and Kev were popping painkillers in McDonalds beforehand for bad backs etc. So first we went in a little club next to Scala for a quick drink, we all got searched and the bouncer found Kevs heatpack for his bad back lol, he looked at it for quite a while but then it kinda did look like a small slab of cocaine.

    So we went to Scala at about 10.30pm, got searched again, how dodgy are these clubs? Luckily the guestlist was all sorted and we got in for free! Thanx Tim and Nicole, saved us £18 :) We had a look at the setlist and saw that Jeff wasnt on until 2am, are they trying to kill us. We wernt in the club long until Burnadette (am i right in saying she is Darnells ex?) and her boyfriend came , they were both lovely. So at first we saw the nextmen, they were ok but didnt have a patch on Jeff. But while they were on i fought my way closer to the front (it sucks being 5"1). We also saw Tims cousins, i cant remember his name but he had a ponytail and glasses, he was talking about how i met your Aunty Tim and he was amazed that i had travelled so far to see Jeff lol.

    So Jeff and Skillz came on just after 2am, skillz noticed Brakes and Kev straight away and shook Brakes hand over the crowd. The set was amazing, i liked it so much more than the last time i saw him. He even started out with the harlem shake and the crowd went mental and i got squished. Like Brakes i also loved his little "I wanna rock" bit, it was such a shame he only included a tiny bit because what i saw was amazing. Both skillz and Jeff know exactly how to work a crowd.

    So after the show i was thinking we wouldnt get to go backstage because Darnell wasnt there, but Skillz came over and told us to come up the stairs. So i started to move and Skillz said "No just you two" just as my face dropped he suddenly realized and said "oh is she with you". So i got in there lol, to be fair ive only met them once a year ago, i dont expect them to remember me. So "backstage" was just at the side of the stage and Jeff recognized the guys straight away. I then got a hug from Jeff :) He didnt stay about for too long but it was past 4am and it was his third show of the night. Skillz stayed about for a while and chatted for a bit.

    We eventually left the club past 4.30am, tired was not the word. I had a great night though, nice to see the guys again and Jeff was amazing as usual. Heres my pic of me and Jeff.

  19. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Da Brakes in DJ Jazzy Jeff - Studio Tour   
    I would LOVE to record in this studio! Definitely a shadow dream of mine! I've been waiting ages for a video like this.... I just wish it was longer and we actually got to see Jeff make the beat! Chris needs to do a 'proper' video like this for Jeff.

  20. Upvote
    Ale reacted to gosia in Tim Westwood & FP freestyle   

  21. Upvote
    Ale reacted to gosia in Old/Rare WS Vids   
  22. Upvote
    Ale reacted to gosia in Old/Rare WS Vids   
  23. Upvote
    Ale reacted to JumpinJack AJ in BACK TO BACK ID4 SEQUELS - WILL SMITH LOCKED?   
    It's a dumb idea. It's so dumb that I'm challenged to understand why people think it's a good idea...other than greedy companies that will profit from it. FP has said many times "zero chance." It pains me that he'd consider it without seeing a miracle of a script that almost makes the idea of a sequel tolerable. The bottom line is; the earth doesn't get attacked by aliens twice. To pursue that idea tarnishes the original. The only thing that gives me an ounce of fear that FP would do it is that he's done moves like Hancock, which I can't imagine were that good on paper when he agreed to do it.
  24. Upvote
    Ale reacted to Nic61974 in 2012 Recap and a note from Jeff to all the fans ...   
    Happy New Year to the DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince fans! Jeff wanted me to post up this message to you all and share the link to the 2012 recap video with you first, before we posted it anywhere else. You all have been so wonderful so thank you for your continued support. Here's Jeff's message:

    Happy New Year to our Jazzy Jeff/Fresh Prince fans. Thank you to all of you who came out and saw a show this year, its always good to see you. I hope you enjoy this 2012 recap video we put together. Be on the look out for my Vinyl Destination webisodes which will begin in the next week or so. It's a behind the scenes look at the people and places I've visited over the last year. Thanks again for your support and I hope to see you in 2013! -DJ Jazzy Jeff
    Here is the link to the recap video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9LnMVMZz4&feature=youtu.be


    Best regards,
  25. Upvote
    Ale got a reaction from VIsqo in Classic Howard Stern Interview with Will Smith   
    Nice interview! Never heard it before.

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