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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by DevilsJim89

  1. Ahh man! they need to release these Wango Tango concerts on DVD!
  2. Do they come in normal regular DVD cases or just typical CD cases? Is there like a navigation menu in the DVD so you can just skip through like on most DVDs? Any cover/DVD art?
  3. Two words: Internet Distribution. Plus it is getting more and more plays on radio. I'm still in awe too. wow! great news!
  4. I'm not sure if I like this. I'd rather have them be musical partners instead of this? Why? Because this is just adding to "Hip-hop commercialism". and now asking for a clothing line? Come on, they are both loaded rappers Will and Jay-Z. Why do they need more and more to keep getting more and more money? Keep it real and just stick to music and both for FP.
  5. I'd go with the girl. like brakes said though, a girlie can do things that JJFP can't and (wouldnt want them to do). lol.
  6. thats a dope song Here we go yo here we go so whats so whats the scenario? dope! I'm listenin to: Big L - All Black
  7. Final Numbers In: Will Smith - Lost & Found - 27,055 -6% Overbrook/Interscope Total Now Up to: 344,397 copies sold
  8. With 33.81% in... Will Smith - Lost & Found - 9,433 copies sold So it looks like he could possibly sell 30,000 copies again...not that bad
  9. To be honest, I didn't think "Switch" was gonna do this well. Not that I didn't have any faith, I knew it would be bigger than "Black Suits Comin" for sure but this is FP's first Top 10 hit since "Will 2k". Its an enormous worldwide hit and the whole internet distribuation has really helped it too. I thought it would take away but since they rarely sell CD singles in the US anymore, its really helping. And it was just slowly getting more and more airplay then L+F dropped and now it keeps on increasing fast in airplay. Its so great!
  10. The album is really good. Definatly get it.
  11. Yup AJ, you are right. Wal-mart has restocked them. I noticed it about a week ago. They are in one of those cardboard stands with other classic CDs from at the last 10 years. Pretty nice. It's funny tho how BWS still has that blue sticker saying "get the hits of the winter season" when it was 7-8 years ago haha!
  12. Will's shirt is awesome!!!! I want it!
  13. I forgot about downloading this video until tonight. I just downloaded it and wow. That video sucks. How lame and cheesy. Why is the dude who is supposed to be FP white? What a gay video. lol. but the dude playin FP def. looks like FuQ!!! :kekeke: :kekeke: :hilarious: :hilarious:
  14. I like this song but Lil Jon doesnt belong on the track. His raspy voice really kills the mood of the track.
  15. isnt gonna air on May 20th in the States?
  16. its always celebrities that get away with crime
  17. its about time AJ! Its been a massive hit for about a month or so
  18. I dont get how Big L isnt even on the list. The dude should be in the top 20. He had real skill.
  19. i know really, come on lets see some faces
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