1. No latin tracks
- Miami was dope, La Fiesta was eh and I Cant Stop sucked. Theres no need for "de de de de de" to take up a whole verse which means less rapping.
2. Guest apperances to a minimum.
- Willenium was an overload of guests. You don't need a guest on every track maybe 2 to 4 guests at the most!
3. No "jiggy" follow-ups.
- You cant make another sequal to gettin jiggy wit it. Freakin it was a poor attempt (even tho i liked that song). I think this also crosses the "pop" factor line in which I agree.
4. Keep family to a minimum.
- I know FP is a family man but I hated how on Born to Reign, there was Willow Is a Player, the interlude before 1000 kisses, then 1000 kisses. In my mind, FP is better without the family in the music. Sure love songs are good, but I like how LL Cool J does 'em not the 1000 kisses way.
5. No slow songs, keep classic tempo
- What I mean by this is no tracks like "Maybe". That song totally sucked. I love when FP kicks the rhyme to the beat and just takes it and you for a ride. Have a better speed/flow on the raps.
this is just my opinions but I feel this is gonna be Will's best album since Code Red.