Hey all, this is part of an article about Sharktale I got in Culture Magazine with my Sunday Paper...
[quote]Katzenberg seems the sort of man only Hollywood can produce. He speaks in headlines and hyperbole, with phrases that could be straight from the corny script of a film mogul. "The movie gods granted my wish in getting Will Smith to play Oscar," he says. "The character dreams big and schemes bigger . And then he gets into trouble, trying to chase after the things he dreams will bring him happiness."
"When we were developing the movie, I had a dream of my own - to get the No 1 actor in the whole wide world, who would be absolutely perfect for the part. He had to have charm and charisma, be someone the audience would instantly fall in love with. On top of that, he had to be the character who could believably talk his way into and out of any kind of trouble. Who else but Will?"[/quote]