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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jonny 5

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Everything posted by Jonny 5

  1. Hey all, this is part of an article about Sharktale I got in Culture Magazine with my Sunday Paper... [quote]Katzenberg seems the sort of man only Hollywood can produce. He speaks in headlines and hyperbole, with phrases that could be straight from the corny script of a film mogul. "The movie gods granted my wish in getting Will Smith to play Oscar," he says. "The character dreams big and schemes bigger . And then he gets into trouble, trying to chase after the things he dreams will bring him happiness." "When we were developing the movie, I had a dream of my own - to get the No 1 actor in the whole wide world, who would be absolutely perfect for the part. He had to have charm and charisma, be someone the audience would instantly fall in love with. On top of that, he had to be the character who could believably talk his way into and out of any kind of trouble. Who else but Will?"[/quote] :sonny:
  2. hey, chill out guys, it was just one video, of course I only downloaded it because I heard it involved Will, what else is a fan to do? :nana:
  3. she called up her partner in crime, Kimmie to assist her in finding the rare items...
  4. I'd say most of us have recorded just about the full series onto vhs. Is it not on TV where you live?
  5. thanks for the extra info Tim, hopefully I can go, never been to Liverpool before so I'll have to watch my back... cheers, jonny
  6. ...she soon found a suitable one, hopped on her broomstick and rushed there immediately...
  7. I don't think you can post more than one poll per topic. Anyway, just list the questions in a numbered order and people will post their answers. You can then tell them if they are correct or not, there's not much point voting as they will probably not be a matter of opinion.
  8. Only 6.94% for the UK, i'd have thought it'd be more than that with me, Prince, Brakes, Julie, Kev, James etc.
  9. [quote]Gotta be Willennium for me. I have love for BWS and BtR though, in their own special ways![/quote] same for me Prince Now that you guys have been biggin' up BWS, i think I'm gonna listen to it some more, see if I'm feelin' it.
  10. Anyone have any idea what time this would be starting? Hopefully if I pass my driving test on the 6th, I could burn down to Liverpool after work on the Saturday. As long as it doesn't start too early.
  11. haha guys, at first I didn't get what Prince was on about, but I got it now lol
  12. cheers for that, also thanks to James, his video was brilliant. much appreciated
  13. We listen to the Spice Girls at college quite a lot lol, It's pretty cool to blast out once in a while!
  14. I can't wait till I get broadband! thanks for the link
  15. How about just ask all the questions in one topic. theres no need to keep the answers secret, if people don't know the answer, they sure as hell will want to. It's not a competion is it?, because the polls won't track who has voted correctly/incorrectly. just my opinion... jonny
  16. haha, thats well smart, it's better than just normally readin lyrics, beacuse u know the original beat... nice When i get broadband I promise to download some of you guys music, that goes for you too Brakes, I'm really interested to hear what it's like.
  17. I think Chelsea or Arsenal, but I'd like to think Man U could do it, that would prove a few people wrong. Jonny PS: Ivan Campo rules!!
  18. same for me Brakes, I read the warnings thread, totally understood it but have seen nothing of them since
  19. interesting read, thanks
  20. I got all of mine from amazon, but am still lookin for Rock the House!
  21. haha Prince, maybe he's off trying to 'pant' some guys lol, remember that?
  22. not sure, but they surely would wreck our 'catch a quote' games lol
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