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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jonny 5

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Everything posted by Jonny 5

  1. The artwork is OK for an amatuer job, I saw one of these kinda things a few months ago, and emailed him to ask him about the quality, and he sent me a screenshot from one of the vids, and it sucked lol. It'll be interesting to see what price it sells for
  2. don't worry about it. I was watchin Rail Cops at the same time lol
  3. Actually, scratch that, I've been doin't it for nearly an hour and my computer just crashed, losing it all. I was doing punctuation and everything! I dunno if anyone else want's to start but allow at least 2 hours to do it properly lol. If no one else wants to do it, I will, but not today!
  4. Screw it, I'm bored, I'll compile it, I know I had nothin' to do with it, but it was so damn funny, give me about half an hour :)
  5. Thanks a lot for the video JamesUK, finally got it downloaded today, after doing a bit everyday! cheers dude :)
  6. someone should compile it into a single document and edit it, then if anyone thinks any changes need to be made, they should post. sorry I didn't get involved with it, it was going along so well I just didn't want to spoil it. It's very funny tho
  7. Yeah, but when you're in the classroom, you have to call him 'Proffessor Smiley, That'll be 10 laps' haha... Here's another - "He's still chilling with his homie, so I'm affraid you'll just have to wait"
  8. Now that's Will when him and carlton are fighting over the girl for the halloween party... "That's my motto, never guarantee anything to anyone"
  9. She was called Janet, you not gonna post a new one?
  10. Since I got stuck on the last one, I decided to start up another, should be ok to have two running right? I think I've got quite a good quote too: [color=red]"and Mr Banks, Jazz tells me you're a professional wrestler"[/color] :poke:
  11. take a look here: [url="http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=77"]http://jazzyjefffreshprince.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=77[/url]
  12. "Geoffrey, Break out Lucille" hahaha
  13. Hey, Robert Miles is great, I'm gonna get his album sometime
  14. [quote]who knows he may have searched his name on the net one afternoon[/quote]I think it's safe to say he has, he even rapped about the searching in 'How da beat goes on'... [quote]Aol - search Will Smith thousands of sites[/quote] lol
  15. Gigolo Aunts - Where I Find My Heaven from the Dumb and Dumber soundtrack
  16. Jonny 5


    err, ahoy to you too!
  17. Will next quote - "Who cares whos' it was?, now let me see that trumpet!"
  18. [quote]things that Jonny would be interested in[/quote] hmmm, i gotta check this website out ;)
  19. I think it's cool, it's often on the radio at work and they play it in between the games on Match of The Day, I like it. I thought she mentioned the Fresh Prince in the song, I was gonna check out the lyrics sometime.
  20. You know you guys say you're gonna buy the US one when it comes out on the internet, where do you get it from? Amazon? I'm sure I've tried buying items off US amazon and it saying that they don't deliver to the UK, maybe that's just used stuff tho, I can't really remember.
  21. September 1st I go back to college, this has probs been the worst summer weatherwise for ages, for me and probably also for the rest of the UK peeps
  22. I think I forgot to mention, they were my AS results, so I won't be going to Uni until next year! thanks for the congrats ;)
  23. I got mine today and I got an A in Maths, an A in Business & Economics, an A in ICT (Computing) and a B in Physics!!! I'm so glad because I worked so hard to get them, you may have noticed I didn't have anytime to post for a few weeks in May and June. It was well worth it though,did anyone else get their results today? :poke:
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