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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jonny 5

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Everything posted by Jonny 5

  1. Thanks for that, cool pics also.
  2. [color=yellow]Nice discrete yellow text before Prince, good thinkin :)[/color] thought this was quite appropriate:... "I also put my diamond cuff links in a baloon and swallowed them"
  3. Someone set up a caption contest for this, that could be quite amusing!
  4. Welcome to the board! [quote]see i brought friends to the site, its like im mulitiplying. (no scouse jokes please).[/quote] I read this Julie, got to the multiplying bit and had already started thinking up a joke!, how bad is that!?
  5. Yeah, I don't think Will would be down with sayin he was a year younger, that's not really his style is it? Probs just made a mistake on the day, maybe he had been rehearsing that routine/thinking what to say when he was actually 17 then it was just kinda set in his mind... Jonny
  6. haha Prince, I still haven't forgotten those 'conversations' we had in the chat room, have you? lol
  7. [color=red]Hey all, when Will says 'I'm seventeen years old' near the start - I worked it out and it seems to me that Will would have had his 18th birthday in September 1986, meaning he was not 17 in November 1986... What's the deal with that?... or have I just messed my dates up? :dunno: Big thanks to anyone that can clear it up :thumb: [/color]
  8. [quote]they do????????? o ya. I just noticed aight man, peace word life[/quote] what is this guy on!?!
  9. Hey Prince, I've only got 4! Hopefully it will be on Newsround, they sometimes put that kind of stuff on there, dunno tho... Jonny5
  10. hey, those guys mainly seem to know what they're talkin about, this sums it all up for me: [quote]not only was Will nice on the mic, but you actually understood everything he was saying. unlike some of these mush-mouth rappers on the radio these days.[/quote]
  11. Happy Birthday mate, I see everyone else is taking advantage of the new smilie - me too,
  12. [quote]I don't wanna stick it anywhere in case i regret it...it's too precious![/quote] You guys don't get out much do you?! :laugh2: PS- And yes Prince, I do get out a lot, even with all that video downloading! :nana:
  13. thanks mate, also to Jim for providing the direct link :)
  14. I didn't actually say a kilt was a skirt, fair point tho lol
  15. Mines on a folder I use every day, It looks great... :poke: :nana:
  16. [quote]Both Justin Timberlake and Will Smith (the voice of Oscar) are cooking up fresh numbers with super producer Timbaland.[/quote] I think the words 'Both' and 'fresh numbers' imply that there will be more than one track, not Will and Justin ont he same track. Man, It's so confusing with Timberlake and Timbaland!
  17. I think FreshPrincess must have mistaken Prince for Julie, they sometimes wear the same 'lowerhalf' attire...
  18. even if they didn't come to the UK, I would be very happy with a dvd/cd of the performances, don't get me wrong, I'd love to see them live though... Jonny5
  19. phew, someones nicked the limelight off me ;)
  20. Hey all, I was watchin Vernon Kay's quiz show 'Headjam' on BBC2 tonight and they were doin a round of tv theme tunes, and TPOBA came up and Vernon was like 'I know this one' ran round to the front of the studio and started dancing (kinda like dumb dancing) :switch: and rappin the theme tune, it was so funny... He also said "thanks to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air I got an F in all my exams" lol, I like Vernon Kay I think he's a funny guy, really down to earth, what you reckon?
  21. haha from what I could understand of that it sounds well funny, thanks!
  22. Bloody Hell! I hadn't noticed that, I thought it was a real live performance, mind you I was not too educated on JJFP at that time... Jonny
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