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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Jonny 5

JJFP.com Potnas
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Everything posted by Jonny 5

  1. h a p p y b i r t h d ay S a n d y !
  2. lol, interesting coincidence... wtf happened on 1st August? 127 users online? what was the previous record?
  3. dunno, guess he's jus got nothin to say... I was chattin to him on msn a few days a go so nothin to be worried about... :kool:
  4. Yeah, but I'd say it's different with Jeff cos he doesn't actually give a damn about sales, and he's only got 1 album to compare it to I totally trust him...
  5. here's 5 i took today, while I was actually driving lol (went to yorkshire)
  6. yeah, it's irresponsible... but fits with the image. think of it like somebody playing a role in a film...
  7. don't get into a bidding war with anyone else on here... :rofl: :wiggle:
  8. thanks v much for that Ash! lol @ JL being the only one with a fax machine!
  9. thanks for that review Ashley! 2 hours sounds about right...
  10. Ok so I didn't follow your advice - many shots were consumed :kool: lol, good work :wiggle:
  11. hope it goes well for ya mate :2thumbs:
  12. That pretty damn much to aks. I think The Magnificent has to be one of the best records ever made. Maybe he`ll get even doper mc`s this time. He might top it then. I dunno, with the buzz about this album I'd be very disappointed if it wasnt better than the first one... even tho that one was unbelievably good
  13. haha, Tim was tellin me about this sometime, he thought it was very amusing :lol:
  14. nah, got Da Ntro and For da love of da game sumwhere tho...
  15. He could do with a myspace... just for music... some new material at least every month, like most other music artists on there...
  16. h a p p y b i r t h d a y S o f i a ! :rofl:
  17. h a p p y b i r t h d a y J a m e s !
  18. I reckon he could make albums more often if record labels/Will himself didn't always do all this mad promotion stuff to get the kids and stuff involved. With the attititude will portreyed on L&F it seems like it wouldn't be a problem if he went underground... jus released music to people that actually cared about it instead of promoting to get new fans all the time, which takes timing...
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