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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by JusticeKnight

  1. Has One of, if not THE BEST signatures on the forum
  2. I finally saw hitch!!!! I rented it recently!!! I wanted to see it whenit can out but I just couldnt get the girl I wanted to go with me... :mad: It is a very good movie I was really suprised!!! I thought it would be a chick flick but I really enjoyed it. It made me re-evaluate my friendship with this girl....hopefully for the better, :wiggle: I loved Will's suits in the movie and everyone was dressed nicely!!!! Will and Eva mendes were very good together!!! She did a better job than J.LO would have done :2thumbs: A Very good movie.....I was rolling with laughter at the Scene where she sees her relative's name :lolsign: I learned a lot!!!! I hope for a sequel!!!! :pony:
  3. YES!!! Finally Someone Who agrees with ME!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
  4. NO other artist could EVER do this!!!!! BIG PROPS to Will!!!
  5. Games like these are just Stupid.... and the graphics stink, there are a MILLION better games on the market, and maybe now parents wont buy anything for their kids....
  6. Has trouble thinking of witty signatures lol post much more than I should.... lol a true fan! :thumbsup2:
  7. Welcome!!! I can tell that u will make A LOT of friends here!!! Stick around!!!
  8. I have been trying to become a potna for a long time!!! Its hard but I know that with effort and a positive and appreciative attitude I know I can, because it is near impossible for me to get All of Will's albums any year soon. It kinda makes me sad, but I know That I can prove myself in other ways too! :spin:
  9. Well I don't like independent films, So I guess I like HOLLYWOOD films!! PS> I like ur signature....lol
  10. Like Will, mfuqua23 writes his own Rhymes, and I respect that!
  11. HERE IT IS: Tom Cruise And Will Smith in: MEN IN BLACK III there it is, how cool would that be!!!! Tell me that doesn't give you goosebumps.....
  12. THANXX!!!! I never saw it before!!! I didnt know what it was about!! That cast seems VERY funny!!!
  13. Welcome, Will is better but mase is still good!!!
  14. It is just a fun movie!!! Dont try to be a critic.......Just have FUN!!!
  15. He was the best white rapper and that can't be denied, but as a rapper in general he was just above average. His last album and song stank......
  16. What is the movie about? I have only heard of it but never seen the original!!!
  17. HE IS the BEST MC right now!!!! yall must not be listenin to the lyrics..... maybe u like Mike Jones better?????
  18. Her acting ASSESTS are very good, and they come through very well in the movie..... :lolsign:
  19. After hearing the track my head would explode!
  20. I just saw fantastic 4 and it was very good!!! I was better than The incredibles, which STOLE the idea from the fantastic 4!!! I reminded me of the first spiderman movie, but a LOT funnier!!! The movie is very funny. The thing and the human torch are the best!!!! Does anyone have the fantastic four song by Chingy??? I think it is called "Relax"!!! Put it up if you have it!!! I think it is on the soundtrack. Go see it fantastic four it is FAR better than the dopey Incredibles....
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