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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by JusticeKnight

  1. I understand, but I still can't become a potna any time soon, so I'm kinda sad..... :thatsux:
  2. Men in black 2 was great!!!!!! Hilarious!!! I bought Men in black 2, before I bought Men black! They are on the same level.
  3. I'll be REALLY mad if he does switch and not party starter!!!! everyone will!!! We have heard it ENOUGH!!!!! really! with party starter he will be more respected as a RAP STAR. and the finals WILL BE the party starter stage!
  4. "You don't see my name you don't see my spot, heres a hint.......LOOK CLOSER TO THE TOP!"
  5. Yo, I have a great Idea!!! Will should join some of today's top lyricists and cut an album!!!! :jazzy: Just as Snoop, Warren G, and Nate Dogg are in 213!!!! Of course Jazzy would be on the wheels of the tracks, and the tracks would be free of explict content!!!!! Who should be in the group? My Group: Masters of the MIC (group name) Will Smith & Jazzy Jeff Kayne West Nas Pretty Cool huh? MY 100th POST!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much!!!! you have been like family and friends to me and have accepted me as your own. Its sooo great to know people who have appreciation for good music and great actor, and who are respectful, as you all are! Thank You all from the bottom of my heart! ---The Justice Knight
  6. Whoops that was me the Justice Knight I PROMISE 3 TOP TENS!!!!!!!
  7. YOU KNOW Eminem be seeing will's movies too! He be tearin' up and sayin', "this guy is the best! why can't I act"...... sob, sob....
  8. You guy have any party starter remixes???
  9. I have to see it again!!!! It is so great! I'll see it about 4 or 5 times no joke.....
  10. I saw it at midnight!!!! The best movie I have ever seen!!!! Graphics, acting, story, ALL AMAZING!!!!!!! go see it!!!! Better than Lord of the Rings.... Hands down!!!! The final battle.....EPIC!!!!! The Acting is SOOO Strong!!!!!! Very good!!!!!
  11. Top Ten!!!!! Top Ten!!!! come on Will!!!!!
  12. That is a great pic!!!! Will and Jay-Z, hip hop masters! The defintion of rap!
  13. You know what???? WHO CARES!!!!!! :slap:
  14. Its sooo cool that kids can listen to good music!!!!
  15. The download Expired!!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzeeeeeee Upload it again!!!!!!! please!!!! I never heared it!!!!
  16. I want the chosen one too.... Please upload it again!!!!
  17. Yo a while back I started a topic about how much money Will's movies have made, and somehow everyone started talking about how much WILL makes!!!! :slap: I want to know how much THE MOVIES made in total so Far!!!!!! :poke:
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