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gosia last won the day on May 24 2024

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  1. Confirmed https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/will-smith-mistakes-oscars-slap-i-am-legend-2-red-sea-film-festival-1235705420/
  2. Finally someone with brain https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/10/jada-pinkett-smith-getting-bad-rap/675718/
  3. Let the Hollywood pr gods do their job right now so that we can only focus on Wills work once it comes out. Its only possible if the public gets tired of all the other sh**t.
  4. Apparently Will is in Norway shooting the show https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/l3kG6y/jess-moette-superstjerne-paa-tur-hei-will-smith
  5. Review: Chris Rock becomes a sad old man yelling at clouds in live Netflix special https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/review-chris-rock-becomes-sad-052019169.html
  6. CR has just proved that the moment he went on stage at the Oscars and opened his mouth it was not about any jokes, free speech, comedian thing or any of that IT WAS ALL PERSONAL period. I have no doubt that something happened between the Smiths and him in the past. There are pics of them together here and there until Jada and CR promoted Madagascar and then nothing, zero, null. Coincidence? I don't think so. Fck that guy.
  7. Finally some good news :) "Apple insiders say that the just launched Antoine Fuqua-directed Will Smith-starrer Emancipation has drawn +27% new viewers to Apple TV+ and has become the No. 1 movie internationally including in Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Italy, France, Germany and Korea." https://deadline.com/2022/12/spirited-emancipation-selena-gomez-documentary-break-records-apple-original-films-poised-for-bigger-2023-1235200124/
  8. Just finished watching the movie. Will is a phenomenal actor. That is all. Fck the Oscars, the critics, the pres and that toxic industry.
  9. Some of the critics have lost their minds writing those reviews. I am getting Apple TV and will watch the film several times just to piss them off (in my head :)
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