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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by sonic1988

  1. http://tv.msn.com/tv/article.aspx?news=215364&GT1=7756
  2. *insert applause* I would have never thought of that! I could be listenig to the song right now, and that never would have occured to me.
  3. wild child got that crazy canadian money! your 5 dollar bill kicks @ss by the way, I like the one with the pople playing hockey on it, I have a five dollar bill in my room. :)
  4. the grammy award actually means something!?!? :lolsign:
  5. JJFP-get hyped http://rapidshare.de/files/12838516/gethyped.mp3.html get hyped, get hyped do the groove it goes on (when) all night :2thumbs:
  6. does anyone have the song War! by Edwin Starr I think he did it, it was the song used in rush hour.
  7. crazyness hype rhymes :2thumbs:
  8. original 9 5 r&b mix is just too nice.
  9. lol @ brakes :lolsign: I think that weed you smoked in "yesterday's tomorrow" has caught up with you! :lolsign:
  10. yes I can tell that you hate the RSPCA :lolsign:
  11. enjoy yourself in the warmth! and I am green with enevy like julie said because Tim will be in a white t-shirt and blue jeans while I'm bundled up like an eskimo.
  12. isn't not feeding an animal or not caring for it illegal anyway?
  13. *jaw drops* *silence* ddddddddaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmnnnnnnn........... :2thumbs:
  14. I say jazz came first it has been around since the 20s reagge has been famous manily since Bob Marley & the whailers.
  15. well according to encarta hip hop is: popular music, art, and dance: a form of popular culture that started in African American inner-city areas, characterized by rap music, graffiti art, and breakdancing and rap is: popular music with spoken rhythmic vocals: a vocal style in which performers use rhythm and rhyme to speak in verse over music with a strong beat, usually hip hop. Rap developed from African American hip hop music and culture in the 1970s. I personally say that "hip-hop" is what they called it after "rap" sold out. but that's just me.
  16. I just found this picture while searching for pictures of will smith's house for lerkot.
  17. ^ ^ ^ ^ I always have a certain respect for those beggars. I'd give him a dollar.
  18. ID4 MIB Enemy of the State Hitch Six Degrees of Separation-(no, I didn't say this to be different)
  19. that's crazy!! I hope they listen to another episode besides the first one. We have gotten better since then.
  20. well all I can say is "hut, hut, HIKE!"
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