mine are
spiderman 2(I still haven't seen the first one yet)
sonic the hedgehog(it was a small anime movie, it is the only anime movie that I like)
I hope that the batman movie is good
party over here!!! :whiteflag:
EDIT: noone post here I just noticed that someone else posted this already, someone just lock this that was my fault!! sorry about that.
can you make the file mp3 if it is audio or mpg if it is video please because my computer can't read m4a and I tried to convert it but is still won't work.
I heard this story where will was waliking down the street and he was mad and some guy bumped into him and will just punched the guy out and peat the crap out of him until he was nearly dead (that guy was eminem)!!!!!
now wouldn't that be cool if that story were true :lolsign:
check this out??? are there books about jjfp????
^^^^^^ I know this one says cd but it is in the books section.