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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Mc-Bad Boy

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Everything posted by Mc-Bad Boy

  1. im really wanna know how much did he got 4 "hitch" if he got like 20% of the gross he got some real big money any one know how much did he got 4 thoses movies?
  2. its a site of one of the redio station in isreal, i dont have any "hand" in dis site... but ill c wat i can do...
  3. GOD DAMN!!! u got 2 much time in your hands man nah just kidding u deserv a lot of respect 4 that man....
  4. lol, nah man the 1st is already relest in israel, i found it in ToysRus (dont ask me what is it doing there...) and u probbly can find it in Stimazki 2.... the problem is that it cost 350 Shekels....
  5. nah its more like dddddddaaaammmmmnnnn lol....
  6. lol yeah i notice that its pretty cool that he have "his own line" that he use on almost every film
  7. lol both of em... and it will be the gre8est thing if will get close to Indy and Star Wars
  8. u probbly seen it b4 but there u go: http://funnyjunk.com/pages/awesome.htm/
  9. he said on Mr.Niceguy "F.ing with me" its not exsctly a curse but u know what he meant....
  10. nah i think its Tom Cruse that buster get 20 million $ 4 every movie...
  11. its not that hard 2 say "thx" u know....
  12. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll heeyyyyyyyyyyy stain' in alvie heyyyyyyyy lollllllll gre8 idea kinda its kinda ruin the song, stain alive is a true classic some will think its a crime 2 do thing like that
  13. yeah u have any idea how much did he got 4 Hitch and Shark Tale?
  14. thats a gre8 idea!!!! 2 bad i cant write rap in english, i tryed once n i stocked after 6 lines....
  15. damn u r good good luck man
  16. lol she only wrote one post...this one... we probbly scerd her...lol....
  17. jjfp - who stole the dj? ohh wait this dont just over now im listing 2 u saw my blinker
  18. of curse will is a bigger star but it dosent metter Martin is the star of THAT MOVIES... and right after him will...
  19. **** Yeah :kekeke: Yeah we all swear! U guys don't know ''You Saw My Blinker Bit**!!!'' ? For sure u know, so... :werd: :confused3: I always thought he meant a female dog.... :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: lol :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: thats hilarious!!! real good one will2k5!!!!
  20. **** Yeah :kekeke: HELL YEAH U GOD DAMN RIGHT :hilarious:
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