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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. All of his hard work finally pays off. ahhhh. and it helped when silly ppl like Bow Wow sets himself up, talkin trash bout Will... that lead to some ppl givin Will respect that I wouldn't imagined... hahah peace, cookie
  2. yea, u missin out wasting a good dream runnin from jason. lol well. u keep on dreamin bout Jason, with his UGLY self. hah. he'll prolly be chasin me in my dream too,... but thas cuz that joka would prolly be tryna fresh or sumptin. LOL. I do think that some dreams have a significant purpose... If 2 ppl have the same dream, something is DEFINATELY up with that... neva had the same dream as anyone else tho... changing the subject slightly/.... how do u guys handle having a crush on two ppl at the same tyme,... i always wandered bout that... peace, cookie
  3. hah. cool . well if thas the case, immma make me an album, cuz i love it, and i wanna sell it to yall for da money. hehhe... joking... thx timboat for answering... peace, cookie
  4. I agree AJ... that was real cool, and I figured he would... cuz hes a warm person like that. I would like 4 us to share what we personally get from the Weekly Bread. We have a few more fans that wanna join too... This weeks Bread has opened my eyes to alot of things in my life that I would like to share. I'm re~learning to appreciate what I have, (or lack of) in order to fully appreciate an abundance more that will be added in2 my life in its tyming. It also served as a reminder to me, that in cleaning up my life to serve God, it also includes habits that I need to break that have me in 'bondage' or rather, ...holding me back from fulfilling my life at its fullest potential as Natalie, ...and as a "growing" young lady of God... As we grow and mature, our minds naturally tend to part from juvenile ways of thinking and behaviours, (well most of us) and we tend to focus on more positive aspects in life... which also will mirror our self value or worth at a certain stage. We must apply ourselves wholeheartedly, in order to reach "new levels'... Break ourselfs away from OLD ways, such as bad habits, negative attitudes, the poor ways we may treat others... alla that 'nastyness' must be binded and 'tossed' our of our lives before we can make room for attracting NEW and better opportunity & ppl that will help us reach higher levels. Then we can TRULY move forward peacefully gracefully and feel good about our accomplishments. whoo hooo. ahaha We all know that negative self talk is one bad habit we all may be guilty of at one point or another. unconsciously, we speak things into existence. You say it, hear it, believe it, then start living it. So, we have to learn to speak wealth, health, happiness and success into our lives. (Ieven those tall dark handsums for me, Julie and Miss Ashley hehe ) but Its the 'bad habits' or 'unconscious' ways, that keep us going in circles, and not moving forward. Once we get off that old 'whip, and focus our drive to a point where we wanna be someday,..... our lives will take on a new direction. Maintain a positive mindset, by believing in our OWN ability, we too can and will move into new levels of our lives. I dont want to be among the people that sit around 'talkin bout what I could have done, and what I CAN do... Im GOING to be among the ppl that actually DO IT and say... yea i did it. .. but its gonna take belief in myself, belief that i can loosen my bad habits, negative energies, and obstacles that SEEM to hinder me,... but step out in faith that Its MYNE.. Imma claim it, and dont accept failure or NO for an answer... whoo hooo... i love readin the word... haha. Thas one way of a few ways i interpreted the bread this week. Sure is good food 4 da soul... :word: peace, cookie
  5. whooo.. I dont dig that pic too much either Miss AShley. His hair is too short, and geeze. I have 3 or 4 gray hairs and will's loaded...and younger than me... oh boy... hes still cute tho. peace, cookie
  6. wow cool. I remember when I first heard a track on her album years ago timboat, I was walkin thru the musc store in the mall and heard it,...and told the associate that i wanna buy it...and u were tellin me bout Ndia.. haha.. whatever happpened with her anyway? good 2 see her doing things, imma chek out the site real quik...thx 4 da link. peace cookie
  7. wow. I thought that more fans loved Home Base and Code Red more... peace, cookie
  8. AWESOME VIPE!!!... guess what? When im working out, I usually run 3 tymes a week..and this is my 'running song'... that sound pretty incredible what u did with this... makes me wanna put on my running shoes and sprint up a steep hill... This is my fav joint by Usher....real deep, thought provoking... keep bringin it. . peace, cookie
  9. hah. just like me WEs. u know im all ways missing out on da goodies. lmbo :kekeke: but i remember awhile back... YEARS ago..i won a cd from AJ. haha... cuz iw as the only person to reply. hah :lolsign: peace, cookie
  10. what games u gotta play and win to get it? i havent even seen a post about it. lmbo peace, cookie
  11. man. when will it end. I just got off work, and as soon as I went online, I read that Tiger Wood's dad passed away, and now this... ooh. this is just so much. I can understand ppl dying because of natural reasons... but senseless deaths (among rappers), and in the entertainment business like that , gets me worried about dudes like Will, or even up and coming talent.. tryin to make a difference... i just get worried the more i read stuff like that...all i can say is u guys on the board, be careful out there... please. peace, cookie
  12. sure thing turntable... u hafta send me your email thru pm tho... for your own privacy. I wouldn't ask u to post it here... then ill shoot it over by this weekend, when we get more JJFP fan requests... There's been a huge response so far tho... peace, cookie
  13. LOL... it was just a dream Max... besides, I don't HAVE your number... hehe. just kiddin... naa, i would never call nobody out the blue like that with a silly dream. I had a real close guy friend that told me he was dreamin bout me, and it changed our friendship. I felt really uncomfortable around him afterwards cuz i wasnt feeling him like that. We're not even close nomore... and i cherish my friendships too much. but dreaming is a beautiful thang tho... till u wake up. haha. peace, cookie
  14. aww. miss ashley, that was real nice to read. I enjoyed the way you expressed urself in this piece... Keep writing babygurl... peace, cookie
  15. aww.. thas sad Willreign. but dont be down about it,..and just think!. I was spose to go and meet Will and Jeff, but I couldn't for some stupid reasons. and there were sooo many ppl prolly tryna get an autograph, i would have gotten stampeded by a bunch of hefers.... haha. that was mean. but i was just tryna cheer u up... ull get a chance to meet him one day...trust me... peace, cookie
  16. \ LOL yea, definately keep me posted AJ. I think that I've been by your side with all of your girlfriends and crushes since u've been a JJFP fan..(well on the boards that is)... and u know i love hearing bout real lofe love stories. haha./// peace, cookie
  17. man i know!!!. i been tryna re live that dream all day. LOL... aaw man THAT C HEST! umph! lol. yea Julie, it wasn't a dirty dream ... the mind is really going crazy now...so YEP. dont say nothin Max! lol peace, cookie
  18. um... I got the weekly bread already on sunday... didn't u get it? Kel welcomed you, and all the other fans that requested to be added...and I only copy and pasted all of your emails, so it would be exactly as you typed it... check your email inbox again.. peace, cookie
  19. ok Wes, i can understand. haha. man, this topic must have been on my mind, cuz i dreamee last night i married that dude. LOL... ok this is the dream, some chik was talkin trash to him, and i was like, "DONT talk to him like that, ill kick your aZ gurl!." He was offended by what she said, and got up walked away, i wasl ike no, ************ <~ thas his name... heh. dont leave baby, come here. I gave him a hug, and was just diggin my head in his chest.. it was SOLID as a rockk! LOL.... he still walked away carrying his notebook... then he came back to MEEEE!!!! HAHA fast forward to another part of tha dream... we were looking at wedding "watches"? wierd. lol. i was like, baby u dont hafta spend 6000 to get a nice watch,... here, this one is much nicer and its only 3g. THEN I remember signing my name with his last name FOREVER. hah... i know ill forget the dream by this aftarnoon. so i wanted to share it... so Julie will get a good laugh... yall got me going now... whoo hoo...but we didnt even KISS!!! dang... haha hahaha ok everybody have a great day! peace, cookie ok ps... i woke up laughing, my daughter was like, mom what are u laughing at. haha.. she wouldnt understand that kinda dream. i was like "nothing"...
  20. If I remember correctly, JJ was with a young lady name Tina, but I have no complete idea if theyre still together, married,... or what. but thas real cool that JJ can keep his personal life seperate from his public 'image'... I admire that... and I still don't know who he's with, but Im sure he has a significant other... peace, cookie
  21. ThanX Max for editing that post, because it woulda forced me to remember what my age really is... lmbo. Whas up with that? I bet he said OLD PPL like me shouldn't have crushes. LOL :kekeke: maybe hes right. ha. (if he said that)... yall are crazy...aand WES!!! 5 at one tyme? oh my my MY!! I guess its ok, since you ARE at that age where ur r testeronies are going crazy. haha... and MAX!!!!! why dont guys admit their crushes? huh? is there away u show it by mistake versus hidin it... ? i bet yall dont show it prolly 4 the same reason us chiks dont,... embarassment, afraid of rejection, the person may have sumone, u may not be exactly what they want...u may be too short or tall. lol... all kinda stuff..so unless the guy 'says sumpthin'... ill deny every bit of it, until like Julie says,... the thoughts eventually just fade away... peace, cookie
  22. tim u so silly...Imma get u boy!!! cuz u know that i DONT use drugs! Thats for losers!!!!! :stickpoke: Whats wrong with SIMply thinkin bout sumbody that ONCE upon brought a smile across my heart? thas all it was, and I was asking if anyone else has ever had this happen to them. haha.. . Julie... THATS what im talkin bout. something like that... but the question is..can a pe rson FORCE themselves to stop thinkin bout sumbody. haha.... anyways...i shoulda kept this to myself...cuz Brakes and Timboat are on me like a criminal. hahaha. :paperbag: AJ UNDERSTANDS THO... (sticks out tongue,) since we dont have that kinda smilke! lol peace, cookie
  23. Congratulations on your wedding bru... Thats always a beautiful thing... Love is deep, just as your personal religious beliefs are deep. Marriage is about commitment and acceptance of the other just as they are. A very important decision you both will face is (if u decide to have children in the future).. what religion you want to raise your children up into before you marry so it wont cause any future problems. For me personally, its important for me to be with someone who has the same beliefs as myself. This will allow us to grow closer we grow old together... but that can also apply to ppl in love with different beliefs, because i've seen it successful in many marriages... Im like Wes and a few others. I grew up as a Christian. (Baptist) As an adult, I've chosen to be inter denominational (or non denominational) Its still Christian, but I choose not to add a title to my beliefs in God. Interdeminational teachings are geared towards ppl of all religions, coming together as ONE, in praising and honoring ONE God. As long as I grow and progress in my life and can apply the word to specific situations, Im happy in what I believe. I've had many experiences that confirmed in my heart that God is very much alive and in my life, and I don't belittle anyone else believing differently than I do. I wish u the best in your marriage with your lady... peace, cookie peace, cookie
  24. I havent had a drink yet this year.. Dont worry, mother's day is coming up... hah. Nobody Brakes, i was just wandering if this ever happened to anyone besides me... U still didnt say if it happened 2 u b4... i just think its wierd for a person's mind to drift onto sumbody u dont even really know... and the bad part about it... u can't control it... daG ! aint like u can talk 2 ur mind and say GET OFF IT! LOL... :kekeke: peace, cookie
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