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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. every once in a while, i watch the stupidity... and laugh. lol peace, cookie
  2. I didn't wanna say nothin, but I felt kinda the same way... Don't matter how good or bad his work was, he did lose his life... and I don't think this is the time or place to diss anyone... Hes gone,,... we're all still here. Lets just show sum respect for the brotha losing his life... was just a bad choice, bad tyming, and to see a fellow person losing their life in a situation like this, is NEVER a good thang.... know what i mean? :shakehead: Rest In Peace... ~cookie
  3. not on here prolly,...but i think the purpose of this special project is... well, i dont know what the purpose is, lmbo.. but i think he may read some of those.... Go ask ur question b4 they close the project !!! haha... :lolsign: peace, cookie
  4. Im chillin on this new joint I ran across last nyte i... its just... craZy!!! I love heart melting songs like this... Are U Still Down ~ S.C. Productions ~ Chek it out!!!! peace, cookie
  5. well thats on you, ... I personally wouldn't ask him anything like that... he may get offended or it may make him feel 'funny'. u know what im sayN? .... whateva u do, please dont ask him to transfer dough to your bank account. I know u prolly were jokiN, but that dont sound too cool... hah. Just think of a question from your heart, and go for it...it may get answered. who knows... good luck with ur question, i sure want myne answered.... PERSONALLY!!!! HEH. i think i asked, how did he know that Jada was the one 4 him, cuz they have perfect chemistry... or something to that nature.... all i know is, my heart just flutters like crazy thinkin of being in a beautiful relationship like theirs. whooo. whooo hoo. hahaha... imma be just like will, and get me sum everyday. LOL (u know, ~> some good oL. banana pancakes!!!!!!) hahaha... peace, cookie
  6. now see... this is hard 4 me. I love the flavours that JJFP brought, but I also like what Will has done with expressing himself as an artist seperate from JJFP... I agree Will is much cooler now, with how he has matured from his Fresh PRince days.... so imma just savour the flavour of JJFP, till they bring it back. lol... peace, cookie
  7. ain't THAT the truth. !!! LOL... peace, cookie
  8. haha... oh God. i just had another one. LOL. it just seemed to meeeeeeeeeelt right away. LOL. and its all YOUR fault,... all the way on the East coast, got me crackin up ova here. .. we definately gotta keep in touch yo!. LOL... cuz u'z a nut!. hehe... ok.. back on topic... Jamie Foxx ~ entire cd !! peace, cookie
  9. Thats ashame. I wander what the results would be now if he hadn't even brought a weapon with him... Sadly, probably would be alive now. I wish the violence would just stop! too many innocent ppl losing their lives... peace, cookie
  10. I think Will does help the less fortunate, but hes not the type of celeberity to talk about it alot publically... but i wander how he would take that question too... I asked a question about relationships....etc, etc...i hope it gets answered. lOl peace, cookie
  11. Imma hafta get that then AJ... what was the price u got it 4, cuz i know u be lookin 4 the deals when it comes 2 music. lol. \ peace, cookie
  12. Im just ready 4 a new movie regardles... cuz Will has a unique way of making a boring movie worth watching. lmbo. .. I agree with the next podcast, tho I wanna see Max, Johnny and Wes join Timboat on it,... cuz i know Wes will have Jonny saying something hillarouls & outrageous. LOL...\ :lolsign: peace, cookie ... that is if hes toasted. LOL!
  13. LMBO... I know, right??? :kekeke: But since they at it... how bout i LOVE the sound of ... "Peaching Forever" ... "with only u". hehe. u guys know i had to get my 2 peaches in!!!!!! :kekeke: peace, cookie
  14. awww miss ashley, u look soo cute. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  15. i love that feeling of not being able to 'move' after a good workout. only thing ive been working out is my big mouth! eating like crazy... i just had 2 Krispy Creame donuts! lol. i gotta get out of this habit tho, cuz summer is like... NOW. lol. The airhockey table and fuseball table are safe n sound with its new owner . ... haha.. For Da Love of Da Game ~ The Magnificent ! peace, cookie
  16. have lotsa fun!!! :1-cool: peace, cookie
  17. HEy Max.. u shoulda just drove down to ATL to get that gym equipment, cuz i just LEFT it. too big to move, and no tyme to sell it. hah. Will Smith ~ Guys Aint Nothin But TROUBLE!. Will Smith ~ Lotetta peace, cookie
  18. :1-smile: LOVE ~ Keisha Cole IF ~ Destiny Child peace, cookie
  19. whoa. Im glad ur ok Prince, and that you guys got him out safe & soundly... be careful out there, ... after this (and everything Julie metioned), I prollly wouldn't go back for a while... peace, cookie
  20. HEy FUQ... I liked your lyrical content and flow in this joint. very ingenious piece. one thing tho... u be careful puttin your stuff on myspace, and the net period... cuz ppl can rip u off ... same 4 alla u guys actually... peace, cookie
  21. HEy Luigie,... I liked the way u changed the mood on this one. I enjoyed readin it... :2thumbs: peace, cookies
  22. I've never been a real 'drinker', so I can't say 'follow' Julie's advice too closely ,... lmbo. :kekeke: Congratulations, be safe out there,... use condoms if u... well, have water baloon fights!!! lol. heh. Its hard to focus at tymes in school, because of alla tha fun u can have, but make the best of your college years while ur in uni... :stickpoke: peace, cookie
  23. Hey Brakes, imma give it a listen shortly... im sure its hott .. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  24. cool if he does, Will should dump interscope and join Kel. Now that would be good. I would like 2 see that happen 2 miss Julie... :word: :2thumbs: peace, cookie
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