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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. I love Lisa Stansfield AJ, I used to listen to her ALOT when I was in Germany... u brought back memories of me in Europe. haha. Im not listening to any music at the mo, but I got "Chasing Forever" ringin in my head... thas good enough 4 me... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  2. hah. I guess he doesn't know how to give props without using that term,... and to keep his 'hard' image...hah. peace, cookie
  3. Awww. imma miss u willreign. I hope u enjoy the adventures in the military, stay safe, and keep in touch with us... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  4. LOL... happy birthday Prince. Hope it was a good one 4 ya bru... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  5. I never knew any of this abt Jada, all this tyme I've been around as a fan... I'm glad to see jada able to share private matters and stand firm in where she is in life,.. having grown from past ... Sometymes the media will take situations like this as a 'negative' and run with it... Jada must be well loved with paparazzis in HOllywood, to not have her name bashed with this bit of info, (that could easily be twysted negatively)... and the situation with the 'chik' supposedly shedding light on their affair... Its good 2 see that Jada's real people... AND drug & alcohol free... :2thumbs: I do have to indulge in a drink or two at least 2 - 3 tymes a year. hehe. :paperbag: peace, cookie
  6. Glad 2 see you had a great tyme timboat... And that you and Coz hooked up. whoo hoo... That musta been just sooo spectacular... I wander who gave Jeff that kiss from me. hehe. :kekeke: j/kiddN... Kel called me with sum great news about the hype down there, and with ppl buzzin over his and Raheem's joint, he told me bout videos and other projects hes tryna get at,... and KeL wants (both), your and AJ's degits to set up a 3 way conference ~~> and as he puts it,... ASAP!!!!!... can u get me your digits via pm??? I need yours again 2 AJ... its in my old phone. peace, cookie
  7. If the woman wanted ppl to take it as if it were legitimate news, Im sure she would have gone to a more reliable source like "OPRAH" ,versus the SUN... whateva yo!.... dam peace, cookies
  8. that lady must have an alternate reason for saying all that stuff. She more than likely want something out if this and I feel bad for any celebrity who put themselves in situations to be blackmailed or hit negatively in the media's spotlight... I hope it's not true because of how I look up to their 'storybook' relationship,... but if it is, and if it works for them as a couple .. whateva... its their business... peace, cookies
  9. Im not saying it was 'poor taste'...cuz everybody has differences of opinions of what 'tickles their fancies"... have u... it just didnt tickle myne... lol... peace, cookie
  10. I dont have a prob with Snoop, but I think that sucked to have his show cancelled by authorities just because its "rap" genere... thats predujice if u ask me... peace, cookie
  11. i didnt think it was funny at all! .. but thas my personal opinion. The one Chief posted was funny... peace, cookie
  12. No particular song... random songs on Floetry's album... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  13. yup. always. lmbo. :2thumbs: peace, cookie haha. I dont see JJ changing careers NO tyme soon. I know the feeling tho. 'love what you do, and do what you love"... ha. :kekeke: peace, cookie
  14. dang,...im tryna remember what the street remix even sounds like :hmm: :paperbag: peace, cookie
  15. Congratulations on passing it your 1st tyme! haha. My daughter got hers about a month ago, and she passed the first tyme too. I saw her back over the orange cone when she was parallel parking, but lucky 4 her, the 'tester' didn't see it, and it didnt fall down. LOL. Now, she has this bright idea that the car keys are hers 'wheneva'... which equals just 'driving' around, using my gas, and adding 2 or 3 dollars in. LOL. NOT... The gas she rides OUT costs ALOT more than that ! lmbo. :lolsign: .. but contrats again, i know thas gotta be the best feeling in the world right now ... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  16. My 1st hit for me is like when u want make a girl ur wife// ha. That must be a great feeling! :kekeke: so keep 'dreamin' for your 1st hit... Will Smith even said that dreams do come true... peace, cookie
  17. Timboat... Imma close this topic, because someone keeps posting as a 'guest' with multiple viagra links on this thread from IP address May wanna ban that IP address, this isn't the first tyme I've deleted about 5 posts from this ignorant person... They need to get a life... peace, cookie
  18. cool, thx 4 that man. Imma hafta chek it out when I have some 'good' downtyme... peace, cookie
  19. mos definately AJ... sounds like all you need is that motivation tho, and self~assurance that u can juggle everything on your plate... You got it, I have no doubt in my mind... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  20. yea, I remember reading that on the board about 10 times. haha.. thx 4 the info... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  21. I do remember how much Dedication Will put into preparing 4 this role, but never knew Denzil advised him to pray with mr. Ali. thx 4 that... I think he gives good advice... peace, cookie
  22. Thanx.... didnt make her life a living hell no.. hehe.. Peace lmbo.. .ok then.. peace, cookie
  23. im tryna do so much catching up, and after just reading AJs post, i just had 2 stop... have to say I totally agree, and couldn't have said it better myself.. peace cookie
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