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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. dag. all of these birthday celebrations, imma hafta take advantage and get myself a drink tonite since the mood hit me. hehe. HAPP BIRTHDAY bro. peace, cookie
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. :party: peace, cookie
  3. LOL Wes. glad it got to work 4 u... hah. Im almost embarassed to say how many play counts are registered on my itunes.... lmbo...and its playin now. .. Really nice song, thats 4 shure... I bet if he does a full length album with some of the trax I heard,.. thas not on the "Who Is Kel Spencer" mix cd ... it'll be strait dope! :2thumbs: ... peace, cookie
  4. thank u timboat... with his nasty ol fresh, MARRIED self... :dontdothat: :daveuidiot: peace, cookie
  5. lol MaxFly ... i didn't expect to say that but : you are totally wrong , that was from the EMA back in the day('96 or .. :hmm: ) I didn't pay that close attention,..maybe ill watch it again..but she's always had that smooth 'raspy' sound to her voice to me... peace, cookie
  6. Ashley, that's great to hear. I really hope everything works out for the best. ditto!!!! :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  7. LOL Wes... I know as soon as he would see me, he would sabotage my lil crew of women and flaming gay soldiers. LOL. I DO NOT discriminate. haha... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  8. hah. Taking the fight from the board to the podcast... I'd like 2 see a good debate going on, because some ppl actually do have good arguments ... or differences in 'points', rather... peace, cookie
  9. dam. i was afraid of that Max... someone said to me earlier, to just 'play'... but looks like imma just not even play... peace, cookie
  10. LOL... you's a bad boy. :lolsign: Im sure Coz and BE feels the same, dont ya think so tho??? peace, cookie
  11. ahh... is that u .. the 3rd right, from the bottom left, just below the middle? Lol if that made sense... jk. i dont have a clue... :lolsign: peace, cookie
  12. LOL.. i was on your site listening to that the other day... Will Smith ~ Just CruisiN... peace, cookie
  13. yea, miss ashley. Thats got 2 be hard on your family. I have no doubt in my mind, that it's going to be ok. Just continue to support her as much as you can, because I know she was shaken up pretty badly after that experience... You and your aunt are both in my thoughts & prayers sweets... love & light, cookies
  14. I agree with what Will sayd, and how he feels about the approach he's taking in his career. Sure, we love it when he works on music, and I also love it when he's nominated for an Oscar...and I wanna see him get another Oscar nomination in the near future... specially so I can see jada with a helmet on, and tear that head up again! LOL :lolsign: jk. got my support all the way... peace, cookie
  15. yea..why dont u just DO THAT chiefey ol boy!... lmbo... ud fit RIGHT in... :lolsign: peace, cookie
  16. I'm merely offloading a few of my soldiers who I think aren't quite up to it.. I mean if you can;t sabotage a simple weapon you deserve to be captured and killed :sipread: LMAO!!! Timboat, you said that so SERIOUSLY!... :rofl: yall really gettin into this, but as Julie said to me to join, ill be travellling in ...heck, i dunno, but at least in a week...and I dont want to come bak online and have alla my ppl killed... hah. peace,cookie
  17. Love N War ft Raheem ~ Kel Spencer... :2thumbs: peace, cookies
  18. I'm glad u feel that way Miss PeaceAngel, because the board and fam here are nothing short of what you've described. :lolsign: we've had some majour knockdown, drag out fights, Lol...but over the years, we've managed to keep it real, and just continued to grow closer...and knowing how to put our differences behind us... The more ppl stick around, the more often we see posts like yours with ppl describing the board in the same way... which is always a good thing... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  19. ^^ hes quite a 'special' character... as in... a bit 'touched' but hes harmless as a fly, but I got a fly swatter 4 him. haha. We do hope to see more of our guest register with our fam here, you will be pleasantly suprised with how much fun you'll have. lmbo see you on the board guests. !!!! :2thumbs: peace, cookies
  20. LMAO...Lord jesus, help my baby!!! haha peace, cookie
  21. LMBO... Chief, he's not too 'partial' to free downloads of artists music, hes an AVID believer that ppl should support the artist by buying their music, versus downloading... if im thinking correctly here. lmbo. peace, cookie
  22. I was up till after 4 am this morning, tryna figure out alla that stuff, and lo and behold discovered that im as incompetent in this 'game' as any1 could imagine. lmbo. i guess imma hafta do a bit more reading, studying and strategizing before i even TRY to play against any of u guys. lol... especially ppl who dont have nothing to do at WORK asides play on the computer,... aint that right Chief? LOL good 2 see u guys having a blast tho! :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  23. LOL AJ... calm down... :lolsign: peace, cookie
  24. ok bru. I got u... :topic: peace, cookie
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