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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. hey Brakes,...u watching cartooon right now, arent ya? :lolsign: LOL eating cereal too, i bet... lmbo Pentecost request ~ Jawz of Life peace, cookie
  2. LOL. im trippin, cuz that song is one of ATL's anthom songs right now. LOL... and hott in the city... but im about SICK of hearing it. ugh... :paperbag: peace, cookie
  3. LOL. well dang DA Brakes, how cool is that? haha One day I was googling myself. LOL. "3cookies". then i cliked on a link for "3Cookies" pictures, and lo and behold... 6 or 7 pictures of 3 cookies in a plate, and then MY mugshot. LOLOL :2thumbs: haha what that crazy or what??? peace, cookie
  4. Jeff turned 22 didnt he? I know hes got me by a coupla years, and Im 19, and gonna be 19 again in May...so either hes 21 or 22. LOL... peace, cookie
  5. awww... i think the poor baby died... thas so sad... peace, cookie
  6. I just wanted to give u a formal SHOUT OUT. Cuz I've been playin the heck out of some of your stuff. haha... I re~thunk (lol, what a word) my original msg to u,...and dont worry bout that, cuz ppl will st eal ur stuff over there... but PROPS, KUDOS..and buenos tacos.... LOL peace, cookie
  7. Ok... I need da hookup, or some tracklisting ideas for my loooooooooooong drive to Cali towards the end of next month... I'm getting ready to buy a coupla cds, any suggestions? or if anyone has anything that might make my travel to Cali smoother, please ADVISE pleazzzzzzzzzze... thankies lolol peace, cookie
  8. It was a good 'story' big_willie. I read it a couple of tymes to get a deeper feel. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  9. LOL... u stupid chief. U know thats not what its abt. thas jus where UR mind is... peace, cookie
  10. Vipa's Joint ~ Listen (I Love you) peace, cookie
  11. I feel it, stronger than ever. The pulling of 2 souls... here I sit, slowly closing my eyes/ finding myself floating, encompassing a natural high// soultry sound of sweet music, thats aphrodisiatic/ a sexy mood enhancer, stimuation gettin at it// elements of earth, wind and fire/ birthing a universe of desire// from within the depths of my soul to aphelion/ pulling my being closer, yes. Im feeling him// closer towards my destiny/ to fulfill the final connectivity// third eye sees only you & me/ joining us in unity. // This undying dream, blending like Adam and Eve.../ a sillhouette, soft amber horizon illuminating the pacific seas... Its only a matter of tyme/ God has ordered my steps, to leave all behind// and follow my mind's prophetical envision / the pulling of 2 souls, just as it is written...// peace, cookie
  12. CHIEF !!! Somebody should pluck those feathers off your head turkey! ONE by ONE!! lmao... peace, cookie
  13. real nice,... :2thumbs: ... thats a real classic Vipa. I'd love to hear a smoothe rap over tha beats... then of course u know, I'd have it on repeat 4 a good minute. lmbo.
  14. THAT JUNK scared the Crap out of me. LOL. my sons ran into the room and said, " what was that mom?" lmbo.... peace, cookie
  15. u be ON it,... dont ya Coz? lmbo. THX. I got ya pm,... dont worry bout it, cuz my email addy aint set up right now to get the pass.... peace, cookie
  16. Retire?!? He's only in his late 30's. He could keep on acting till he's an old, old man. well i aint talkin bout no tyme soon, thats 4 sho... in a clearer perspective, im sayN ...if and when he WANTS to,... its his choice... peace, cookie
  17. I think its just a matter of going from one level or career path to another with time. Sooner or later, he's gonna retire, but Will's got way too much energy to just sit at home. lmbo. Its in his blood, so it would only be natural for him to take his career to another whole direction. Who knows, it may be directing, or it may be teaching... peace, cookie
  18. LOL. you just turned a one line question into a two line question with the same basic principle !!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. (don't mind me) :2thumbs: welllllllllllllllllll.... ok give me a sec to think... :hmm: dam. i really cant say one over the other. Because just as all of his movies are not on the same scale with total ticket sales, some more successful than others... same with his music. Look at the success comparison of BWS versus BTR... He's good in both, with his Highs and Lows. the way I look at it seriously tho... is hes an artist with a well rounded realm of talents. As a fan, if Will is enjoying HIS life, and using ALL of his talents, why would any of us want to see him stop doing one or the other?? or compare which he's better in? God blessed him with both talents, so why would a true fan want him to stop sharing it with the world??? :hmm: or compare, when all I can think of is one word: "appreciation". thats just my opinion... :2thumbs: and i guess i didnt anwer ur q uestion huh? lmbo peace, cookie
  19. Good GOD Max. U got a little video store going on up there brU!. LOL... I LOVE Common's video, "Come Close"... matta fact, im listening to the song RIGHT now. haha... but im strait tho... u got a pretty good selection for ppl to choose from. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  20. I'm glad u said that, so I wouldn't get bashed by myself. LOL... but I feel the same way, sorta, kinda, in a way... If I had his skillZ, i would write for ANYBODY who was diggin my style, specially if I'm tryna make it big. Thats how he build reputation and respect like that... Im sure the lil bank he's pullin in the meantyme,... most certainly ain't hurtin him any either... I don't think its wise for rising celeb 2 turn down such an opportunity, but then again thats my personal view... peace, cookie
  21. I'm probably just tired, and sincerely dont mean to sound the least bit rude, but do u know how many tymes we've had to answer that question? so many I lost track, so today... Imma say actor... tomorrow ask me and I'll say rapper... lmbo peace, cookie
  22. I LOVE U MAN!!!!!!!!!!!. DAM. i was just goin thru sum cds, mixed with music, pics.. and its like SATURDAY to me right now,. oh wait,. :hmm: it is saturday. LOL... but thats besides the point. (b een up all nyte.) I pulled out aLOT of cds, tryna look up pics, music etc... and ran into some OLD treasures. JJFP music that I thought I would never see again. haha. I remembe when I had that MSN fans website for Will Smith, and lo and behold , I find this cd full with tens of pics. LOL... and one track i havent heard in awhile, that I got from u tim... dang...whos the artist,.... "Places and Spaces " ? oh crap... is that it tim??? anyways,...thanX man... This morning I went back down memory lane, in a real greate way... and u've been a part of that memory... U TOO AJ> !!! and I even found a mix that XploZive did for me... hahahaha...... surely nobody dont wanna hear that tho.... (kinda personal joint haha ) :2thumbs: whoooooooo. edit... dummie me... :paperbag: Soon ( A touch of Jazz Mix) Jazzanova + DJ Jazzy Jeff... this is soo my joint right now! got this from AJ... peace, cookie
  23. CHASING FOREVER!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was looking through some of my old discs, and found a copy of Chasing Forever. whooo hooooooooo! I hadn't heard it in ages,...so its like... whooo hoooo. lmao.. peace, cookie
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