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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. I don't know if anyone is looking to build up their WS dvd collection, (or posted this link b4) but I was browsing Amazon.com and found a whole bunch of Will Smith dvd at a reasonable price. the prices of the used ones are way incredible ! um, if you dont mind them used tho... just hafta be careful and hope if theyre shipped to you, they have a return policy if the used ones are damaged or dont play... heres the link... u can really do some good shopping here to build up ur collection... peace, cookie link: --->> Will Smith new/ used dvds !
  2. Man, I got some ppl going on the Will Smith site in a thread asking ppl 'are you a celebrity'. I casually mentioned that AJ and DaBrakes are local celebrities in their town because they are known for performing there... LOL... well, I know this is a silly topic, but I just came over here to laugh abt it... LOLOL so if they start getting massive fanmail/ pm's ... im the guilty party responsible 4 it !!! lmbo peace, cookie
  3. I didn't read all the replies to figure out who deserves it, but when I saw Bow Wow's name, I had to instantly say him, cuz he's tryna walk in Will's shoes as it seems to me, but i think he was disrespecting Will when he was trying to sound 'adult' after feeding into the negative things he's heard abt Will... without even doing a little investigation abt him FOR himself. that was a no~go with me ... peace, cookie
  4. oh man thats a good Idea. Yea, send her home Will !!! LOL then he can hire me 2 sit in her fat seat ! LOL peace, cookie
  5. At least ur in beautiful California tho Wes. haha. I'd love to be in your shoes, but I'd probably have a difficult tyme tryna walk around in a size 13. lmbo... or look abit silly! :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  6. my day was jus AWFUL... The access / security system was down at work. I scheduled over HALF of my staff off, and the engineer took one of my building's off Holiday Schedule, meaning it was unsecured for 2 hours without my officers there. Fired one officer last week, another one yesterday... then had to work a double from 7 am yesterday, to 2 am this morning. then turn around go back in around 9. New contract in negotiation, meaning i have to switch with another company to keep my current position, but more pay,...and MORE stress and headaches. Train new officers, while juggling schedule, call offs, operations, contractors.. UGH...Who ever said working in the corporate world is great? Does it pay to get a little better pay to suffer through CRAZY stress, personality disorders flippin daily, and managing to hold it together and shine like a superstar in the corporate world as I have been? lol... Can I just move to Cali like I REALLY wanna do ?????? u know...just up and leave ~ kinda situation? :paperbag: I just wanna :paperbag: UGGGGH !!!! so yea.. that was my day... half of it anyways... lol. peace, cookie
  7. I definately agree this is a great song.and after seeing fans react to him 'in person'... i can imagine him cming up with quite afew versions too. haha. peace, cookie
  8. tha chat.... whew. LOL :hmm: peace, cookie
  9. haha... I remember kinda/sorta arguing with sumone abt the album going platinum... this is good news ! I think it could have been better with release dates, but thats another story... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  10. LOL cristigolo... its almost 4 am here... so some ppl havent woke up to Christmas yet... haha I never expect much, but its a joy watching my kids open their gifts :yeah: but the MESS. ahhh... hehe... well... MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my beautiful online family @ JJFP.com. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE U GUYS... Wish I could get u all something, but since I cant,... I hope you all get everything your little hearts desire... :2thumbs: peace and much MUCH love as usual... cookie
  11. whoa...that is a deep review,... glad 2 see the inspiration. I agree also with his attempt (if thas the case) to try to get kids involved with his music, because my 2 youngest sons LOVe "Here He Comes"... haha... its gets so much play in the car, I really have to hide the cd. (no offense to my kids...but geeze boys! CAn I listen to another track plz? )...LOL :2thumbs: I prolly play the cd this morning.. but thanx 4 ur review... I 'aven't written one,... not as good with reviews as u guys r... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  12. omg, JUST LOOKING at that and thinking if it were my kitchen would make me reaally REALLY madd... I would have to admit,... the number one thing that gets me in the WORST mood is a mess like that... aint nothing like coming home to a nice clean house... :2thumbs: so who washed the dishes? LOL :lolsign: peace, cookie
  13. I love Oprah, no doubt! ... Ludacris has madd talent & flow,... but can clean work on lyrics abit more... but what can i say??? :shrug: I wanna see the edited copy of the show!!! lol peace, cookie
  14. GO Mariah! I am soooo proud of her. mariah has gone thru some junk, but she hung in there, and came back stronger. I know everybody aint a 'maiah' fan...but shes got some serious talent., and I hope she continues to do well. :yeah: peace, cookie
  15. yea, miss julie,...thats got to be difficult 4 u guys. Hope u get through the day as well as can be expected... I hope Chief's wife is doing well too... my prayers n thoughts are with all of u guys.. peace, cookie
  16. hey, thanks for the pics!.... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  17. Thanks 4 that link... I haven't heard anything abt the show last night yet... cant wait to hear tho... :yeah: peace, cookie
  18. congrats Timboat at gettting the #1 spot!!! on google search! U been trying 4 awhile,... whoo hoo!... peace, cookie
  19. U know its crazy.... I love his movies,..but after seeing him and JJ live, adds a whooole nother twyst on my idea of him focusing more on music.. I would like 2 see him performing more for his 'music' fans, so I can understand w hy Jim feels that way... oh...good luck with the podcast 2morrow u guys. I dont have an external mic, or headphones..and im sure there will be plenty of background noise to interrupt.. lol peace, cookie
  20. I saw her 'public' speech, and she was in tears. I know that was really tough on her, but I hope the surgery goes well... peace, cookie
  21. I can't say who has the BEST flow asides Will, cuz there are alot of artists that I digg the way they deliver, and their style... I used to love Bone Thugs & Harmony "CrossRoads", Ludacrus & Jamie Foxx joint, "Unpredictable"... I'm really diggiN the way Luda flows on this piece,...Andre 2000, Twysta, Kanye, Common.... <<<--- im lovin his cd... and so forth. LOL. cant think of nobody else right now.. but I wouldn't say the BEST flow, just the variety adds to the spice of music... peace, cookie
  22. OMg how cool is that!. not to be off topic Timboat, but thats the pic I drew of Will. LOL... but great job on the PodCast u guys!!! You've been working on it so long and sooo long,...im glad it materialized in 2 a HUGE success finally. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  23. They really looked like they enjoyed performing together when I saw them, so I wouldn't be suprised,... but real glad they did... whoo hoo. :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  24. yea, i would love 2 see JJ in a movie with Will, but not just a cameo or small role...I wanna see him co starring. lol... just watching FP + Jazz on FPOBA alot lately too! peace, cookie
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