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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. Martin Lawrence! :dope: I can't ever stop laughing when theyre in a movie 2gether... peace, cookie
  2. I hope you don't think I'm being hard on you, but its just the opposite. What I'm saying is that you have to gain a stronger mindset and be focused enough to know that YOU can overcome obstacles if u wanna get anywhere relevant in ur life... Its called tough love...even from a stranger, but we are suppose to be family here right?...so please don't ignore what im sharing with u... the excuse I was referring to is the fact that it costs money. Don't let that be the only determining factor in you not getting what you need to get ahead in life. Now that you know how much it costs, come up with ways to make the money yourself, if u cant convince ur mom into getting them for you. Maybe she will see your determination, and support you. But at 14, it will be to your advantage to get those documents versus waiting till the last minute when ur 15, and still don't have it. This will at least get u prepared when u are eligle to apply for a job. I don't believe in 'excuses'. You got to tackle it head on (like a football player), and do whatever you gotta do to make your mark in life. You are old enough to comprehend what I'm saying, and it all boils down to believing in urself, (and stop whining and saying, "but it costs $20") ... but knowing that you can and WILL get those documents, if you try hard enough... Theres alot of ppl less fortunate than u, and dont even have a computer to get this kind of advice or motivation... People that are successful, always come up with solutions to their problems, instead of sitting back feeling sorry for themselves, if that was the case, I would have said,... "aww poor thing. I hope things get better." But, what good will that do to u? Please. YOu're growing into a young man now...so stand up, and do what u gotta do... and always pray and ask for guidance... peace, cookie
  3. thx 4 answering. and u know what tho? You can use these kind of opportunities to ur advantage, without 'taking' advantage of ppl. Since he held a high impression of u, I think it wouldn't hurt if you tell him abt ur situation, and u could land a little part time job at that station. Alot of on air personalities like to reach out into the community to help ppl in financial situations like urself. Age doesn't play a factor in some situations, especially if they see you at a disadvantage financially, but a strong willed young person.. its worth giving a try... peace, cookie
  4. HEy funky fresh chic,... I don't think it will leave an emotional scar, instead build deeper love for your father and brother. Your father showed you the sacrifices a parent would make to save his child... Thats something to be proud of and thankful they both made it out alive. Your story was actually a testimony that could make alot of us look at our lives, and bond better with our families... :dope: peace, cookie
  5. You guys are amazing, thx 4 the kind words. And AJ, ur 100% right abt that '2nd' wind. Afterwards we we went back to Centennial Olympic Park 2 watch the watershow,..I asked how they felt, and they said it made them feel good inside. Who knows what 'angels' were among those homeless ppl, could be a blessing in disquise for the album too... never know how God works... Spreading love and L&F. what a combination! haha Oh man! Thats something I would love 2 see Will take just ONE day out to do. His heart will reach a new dimension of love. Just imagine how the paparazzi will eat that up and can't make anything asides positive remarks...do I have an imagination or what? haha peace, cookie
  6. and this lady (in the 2nd pic) was strait JAMMIN, when she heard the cd. she was like "thats Will Smith". Im like yep. she said, "I Love Will Smith". hhaha and I told her I was a fan too... well... thats my street team promotion efforts and giving back to the community. What better gift than a plate of hot food, and throwing a homeless block party featuring WS cd? lol peace, cookie
  7. I mentioned that last Monday, (15 Aug) I went downtown Atlanta with my sons and we fed homeless ppl. We usually average feeding around 50 ppl at a tyme with a nice hot delicious meal that I cook. :ithinkimkanye: I just wanted to share this with u guys, cuz its the heart of my 8 year old that lead us down there, when I was tired already from running errands ALL day. He asked me twice within a week if we could feed homeless ppl,... and how could I refuse a child wanting to help someone less fortunate than us? That makes my heart smile wonderfully, knowing that I have instilled a loving trait in my children's heart...because we do it as a family effort... and Im just sorry that I haven't made any efforts to do it more often... back to cooking... Amazingly, when I was done cooking, and we were gettng ready to go feed them, I felt alright, and actually refreshed, as if I was well rested, which was far from the truth...as if God was giving me a 2nd wind to finish our mission for the day... We park on the east side of a park located one block north of Underground Atlanta(somewhat secluded from alotta traffic) . Perfect spot! I get out, tell my sons to set things up... (they know our routine) and I go up to the park, and just say....I got some hot plate, yall betta come on now!. haha. I talk to ppl in such a way, ... to make them feel like im their family... thats a good feeling...anyways.. lmbo Here i am BLASTING will's cd, and feeding homeless ppl. I did 2 things in once,... promoted Lost & Found and shared it with less priveledged ppl who may have not heard it otherwise, and respected my son's request in feeding homeless ppl... well here is a pic, of 2 of my sons passing out napkins and plates/forks.
  8. I wander if that was Loretta that he invited to his hotel room? lmbo jk peace, cookie
  9. Wow! :dope: that would be a really good reference for kids doing school projects... peace, cookie
  10. ur right abt the chocolate. Im not to much of a chocolate person. But after a couple of dates, (and chemistry is there, or we start going 2gether) I will likely have him over for some h'ovres, chocolate (nut) fudge and strawberries with candle lights and soft music playing,... something to put him in a relaxed comfort zone,... so i can whip his tail real quik in a game of scrabble or yahtzee.. hahah....and YES I make up words as I go along. haha. jk peace, cookie
  11. bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh ****...bwhwhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhhahahahahhahahh thank you...thank you so much for putting me in tears....roflmao..bwhwhahahahhahahahhahhahahhahhah ← chief what you doin here punk :lolsign: :lolsign: ← ' LOL... looks like Chief klan needed a laugh... :lolsign: i betta call him b4 he reads taht! peace, cookie
  12. Regardless of having to pay for it, you will need it sooner or later anyways for something. Those are 2 valuable documents to have in your possession for jobs, among other things. When ppl care enough and are trying to offer meaningful advice to help you along the way, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop making excuses and execute a plan of action ... A Social Security card doesn't cost anything. period. Birth Certificate costs NO more than ten bucks, and u can get that by selling 2 of those cds... you never answered my question in the other thread, how were you able to get a spot on the radio station??? at 13... peace, cookie
  13. I tried that too... I accessed it by going to all programs > accessories,> entertainment >and then sound recorder... still nothing. I appreciate you guys help, but dont waste ur tyme anymore tryna figure it out ...cuz its a wasted cost. but just to let u know why I was askin for help is cuz... I was suppose to send it to a guy ironically name Will. haha.. Will Preston. He called me cuz he wanted to hear my voice so that I could be a backup singer in the band he's forming to promote the release of his album... but guess thats not gonna happen with me being a part of it. dang on it! thx again... but dont worrry bout it. u guys are really supportive... peace, cookie
  14. yep. thx guys. I've checked the sound controls, audio, voice, mute is not checked, and troubleshoot/tested the hardware for voice recording on the (internal)microphone, still nothing. Its gotta be something Im missing, cuz when I was on Skype with the others, they heard me clearly... (altho all i was doing was laughing lol) thanx again all the help tho, ill keep at it when i get home later this evening... peace, cookie
  15. How did you get selected to be on a talk show? peace, cookie
  16. ok thx alot guys. I also downloaded I-Sound Pro, which seems to be good, but now im tryna figure out if I need 4.72 or later of the Windows Common Control library or whatever the heck its askin me, lmbo...cuz i tried recording but nothing. imma leave this alone in a little bit if i cant get it right...altho i really need a recording, dang on it... thx again.. peace, cookie
  17. Thanx but it didn't work 4 me. when I tried to open the "c:\capture.mp3", I kept getting an error message, "The page can not be displayed". Imma keep searching, thx. peace, cookie
  18. I need a little help from anyone please. I need to get a MP3 recording of my voice and I have absolutely no idea where to begin... do i need to download any program? How do i attach it to an email?... forgive me for any inconvenience, but I really need it as early as possible... any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated... peace, cookie
  19. yea, and eat too much chocolate, and you'll be a hyper mess too!. haha... just kiddin... peace, cookie
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS SANDY!!!... :dope: peace, cookie
  21. If you need money so badly, then why dont you go out and try to get a job. You have to crawl before you walk. Even if you must ask neighbors if theres any chores you can do for them,... they may understand your need to work. There's ways you can get your social security card and birth certificate. Call the vital statistics office in your city and find out what you need, and do the footwork. Ask if you can get certified letters from school officials, relatives and others who can verify who u are,.... I didn't have a birth certificate on record anywhere when I joined the military, and had to reduplicate one...so i know its possible... Taking the easy road often tymes results in a dead end and wasted tyme. If you really want something, you gotta work hard for it. Trust me, it takes alot of patience and a determined mind... I get really annoyed when I see ppl not even making an attempt to better themselves through a little hard work. God blesses those who attract a blessing...all u gotta do is put forth some effort and hard work... if you dont believe in urself, u limit your possibilities... peace, cookie
  22. That was some pretty good advice AJ... altho I 'do' remember tens of conversations when you've revealed tha suave side of u,... things u do to keep a woman interested. haha... (ei... just give her enough to keep her interested...) ill keep the rest 4 now tho. lmbo Its been so long since I've dated,... I can't even begin to share what interests me anymore,...but for starters, I will keep what AJ has mentioned in mind. Flowers are really gentleman~ish. I've had one gentleman to do that for me, and it was the most beautiful spring bouquet of tropical flowers... it blew me away,... I like the idea of a guy who can cook. Cooking together is really fun on a first pre~date kinda thingy for me strangely, before actually going out on a date... (if u got ur own place, not at ur parent's place lol) Guys, it won't hurt either for a woman to offer to pick up the tab if u take her to dinner. It shows you that she is not selfish, and actually considerate. Weather or not you let her pick up the tab, is on you. But as your sister, I'd say remember her gestures in the back of ur mind, but get the tab anyways... haha. I would love to see a video of AJ and alot of u guys on a first date, i bet u guys would be really nervous... haha... Just let the conversation flow. If she talks, yes, listen,...but talk too, because I can take a conversation from one subject to another...specially if I feel like Im doing all the talking, and he's not interested,... you better believe Im already thinking... ugh! hes boring, and I am NOT enjoying the night. So i will definately talk about everything in the world, asides leaning towards an intimate conversation. so please, be somewhat interesting, without the boring conversations... peace, cookie
  23. yea u right Jonny... i was editing my post while u typed that...but my thing,..is i will still forget to vote unless im reminded. lmbo peace, cookie
  24. right here! :dope: I hope when the video comes out, Ill remember those links. im very forgetful. lmbo... oh man,...i forgot to tell you guys (see i told u guys that I was 4getful lol) last Monday a week ago, before my sons flew back to new england, we went downtown and fed homeless ppl. and i was promotin the heck out of Will's cd! LOL. we were feeding the homeless ppl and they were eating, and JAMMING to Will. haha Man, i promise.. life was just sweeeet to them at that moment... hahaha a hot plate of spaghetti, veggies, a fruit, cold drink and a block party featuring Will Smith cd. hahahl one chik said..ooooh that sounds good.... and she knew the song.. i think it was Switch,...i cant remember at the moment,..but a homeless chik knew Will's switch song. haha. but, imma keep doing that cuz it feels good (to feed them , promote the cd in a special kinda way. haha... and share good music with the underprividledged :dope: ) haha.... i took pics, and ill show a few when i remember... peace, cookie
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