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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. yea, thats gonna be a tough 'one year' for her... and the other inmates are just gonna love having her around for that one year. hha I wander what inmate she's gonna become good friends with, and what kind of mentality shes gonna have when she gets out? peace, cookie
  2. I would much rather a smaller setting because its more personable... you can get a better feel and vybe of their energy and a better chance of meeting them versus in a much larger venue... The problem is...like someone mentioned...weather or not the real fans get to see the performance, versus those Lorettas. Looks like I saw some lined up outside for Jeff's gig on Walnut Stree too. haha. j/kiddN peace, cookie
  3. well... that won't be necessary Miss Julie. ..cuz its from ALL OF US. I was tired as I don't know what at the end of the day,... but it was kinda fun being escorted around Philly by 2 cops on motorcycles. They were runnin thru red lights, waving me thru...and I was runnin em too! haha That pic has alot of history now. :lolsign: peace, cookie
  4. Well guys. Jeff received his picture from you guys at Denim Lounge after "Live 8" at his own after party bash. The "Official Afterparty" was at Kimmell Center, but JJ was spininin and doing his own thing. SO...to give u guys a little break down of my Philly / NEw England trip... I got to Philly on Saturday in the early afternoon and went strait to Live 8 cuz I thought that would be a better chance, but the crowd stopped me in my car tracks. lol so I went straight to ATOJ studio to drop off the pic with Irizie. right? LOL. wrong. TO my GREAT suprise...ATOJ studio is no longer there. lmao. Jeff moved it to New Jersey... (from what I was told) Then I was like dam. So I went back down to Live 8 and (found a perfect spot) parked on 22nd and Market street only to get out with this HUGE 60 pound Jazzy JEff picture. (that about 50 million ppl kept stopping me asking to see it, and even wanting to buy it. LOL) but the crowd was madd crazy...so that was a hopeless cause... and I was too tired to walk 5 blocks with that heavy pic that was getting heavier as ppl stopped me, or even to watch the rest of the bands/performers and fight thru that THICK crowd of ppl....so I sadly retreated back to my car. I was about to just leave Philly, but that would be a waste of gas and time... so I went back to ATOJ studio and left a message for Vidal abt the pic, cuz I would have had to come back thru Philly to leave Jeff's pic with him... To make a long story really really short. I was about to leave again, I went back to live 8, and met up with a couple of police officers, because someone told me to get a police escort. (why? i dunno..but it worked) haha They saw the pic, and was so amazed... 2 police officers (Skip & Dave) personally escorted me thru the crazy Philly traffic to the official after party. The manager or whoever was in charge told us that JJ was doing his own thing at Denim. I wanted to see the fireworks at the park so I met up with them after their detail and then I was escorted again to Denim Lounge, and met up with one of the managers name Shawn to drop off the pic. At first he was like,... "Did you get this approved thru his manager?". I was like,...LOok. I just drove ALL the way from Atlanta to deliver this pic to Jeff Townes, and was told to get police escort when I got in the city. I'm off schedule with my trip, VERY tired and Jeff needs to receive this pic because I am not coming back thru Philly when I leave New England." He was like... Do you know Jeff? Do you have his number? I told him,... "Jeff don't know me,...but he needs to get this pic, so just tell him its from Tim Price and all the others for his birthday. It's already late, and he knows Tim, so thats all u gotta say.. LOL (well i kinda threw in a fib and said that JJ was expecting it and might get mad if he dont get it. hahah shhhh!!! :whiteflag: ). I didn't want him to think I was pulling some kinda "loretta" stunt . LMbo He said that Jeff was spinning at 1 am,...and I'm guessing thought that I was gonna stay...but it was like 1 1/2 or 2 hours prior to that, ... I told him that I wasn't dressed appropriately and was waaay too tired to wait around....but he was cool when he saw it and the cops took it out of my car. LOL. ) well. The manager called my cell phone and left a msg with a very pleased tone of voice, that Jeff was very happy to get the portrait, everything went well, and he personally helped Jeff put it in the truck at the end of the night... so now we dont have to wander if he got it or not... I wind up spending the night in Philly after watching the fireworks in the park with my doggie, and riding all over the city... I had the perfect opportunity to watch Jeff perform live, but I was debating with myself and falling asleep behind the wheel...so sadly,... I just had to pass the opportunity up. My main thing was to deliver the pic...and so it was... The cops said I went out of my way to do all of that..and saw that I didn't even get to see the Live 8 show,..so one of them is gonna send me some Live 8 Souvenir Memorabilia... The white bands with "live 8 / Philadelphia/ and the date) written in black..along with some pics they took. so when i get them, ill share them with u guys, cuz he said he got some good pics of Will...Beyonce,...and others too... man.... do I have some kind of omen or what...i was right there and still missed seeing Will n Jeff. talkin bout dedication tho! LOL well thats abt it.. hope u guys r proud of me..cuz i was tore up from the floor up afterwards.... lmbo and dead asleep by 12:30 am! :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  5. what timing do I have. I was with one of the managers at Denim around 11:00 or 11:30 pm, but JJ wasn't coming on until 1:00 am... but I was so tired, I didn't even think twice about staying after leaving JJ's pic with him... I'll let u guys know the details in another post... peace, cookie
  6. ok guys. Im off to Philly in a few minutes so imma print this out for Jeff... Here is a pic of his portrait that Tim asked about awhile ago... SO u guys can see how huge it is...i put it on my mantle above the fireplace... I had it framed in the same beautiful frame of Left Eye's pic thats in her mother's house... oh btw...do u guys see that oil painting that I started of Will a few years ago? hehe... peace, cookie
  7. I think its cold, mean and heartless. Thats why I can't be a celebrity in Hollywood, cuz stuff like that would make me real self conscious, then I prolly get depressed... I learn to ignore some things ppl say, cuz its their opinions,..but sometymes it does get to us. I wander how Will feels to read stuff like that tho? Thats so sad... I cant stand to hear negative stuff like that about ppl like Will cuz its only their opinion. All they're tryna do is leave a negative impression in ppls minds... Thank God we think differently tho right? :2thumbs: thx 4 posting this ... peace, cookie
  8. I wouldn't say its off topic Wes...but would u believe im gonna be in Philly but not at the show? (im so stupid). I knew this would be the perfect weekend 4 me to finally see Will, cuz I knew abt the show over month ago and that I would b in Philly this weekend too. Then when my butt finally decide 2 chek out the ticket info,...its closed. lol. First n ONLY tyme imma be in the same city as Will and I still mess it up. LOL... Its all cool tho..cuz imma call AJ in the middle of the night and wake him up. LOL j/kiddN AJ... but back on topic... thats what I shoulda asked 4 in the prayer n support circle... the chance to get me a free ticket flyin in the wind and right in2 my hand walkiN round in Philly LOL... haha... peace, cookie
  9. Thanks alot AJ. That means alot since I'm travelling by myself with our dog Zeus. (Like hes gonna help drive) lmbo :lolsign: After leaving Philly, I'll be enroute to Rhode Island, stay for a day or so, get my sons ... then back to A~town. We prolly go back thru Philly since we are sightseeing on our drive back... Scyhigh... your aunt is definately in my thoughts n prayers for better health and renewed strength. Its really special that you are asking for prayer in her favour, and it speaks alot of how much you love her. God bless you for being so caring... love, cookie
  10. :metoo: wel... imma be in Philly for the day, but not at the show. Man that SUX!!!.... I slept on tryna get the ticket, sooo buzy and didnt cross my mind abt it since the beginning of the month..now its too late... :sigh: but...have fun...and have FUN... lmbo... peace, cookie
  11. Jeff... I was going to write my own personal letter to you, but I figured that I would add it along with the fans shoutout instead..save u the trouble of umm...reading alla that jibberish. LOL This pic (that ur gonna LOVE) is from your fans at the JJFP community online, for your birthday and dam. Its my fault that its months late for, and I am sorry from the bottom of my heart that you are just getting it. It was featured in a Black History Month program at Bellsouth Executive building in Atlanta, in recognition of your musical contributions.... but regardless... I hope I dont run into u at ATOJ, cuz I know a sucka punch from you would be off the chain. LOL Imma be strait with u bro...I've been going thru some extreme changes, totally stressed... and never got around to getting it in ur hands on tyme. I hope you understand that as you receive this gift from your fans,...we all love and appreciate everything u do 4 us. You have a magical touch and we wish u the best with continued success. Give Will our love and we hope u both can stop online to say hi sometyme... oh yea..and can u take a pic with the portrait and send it to Tim 4 us to know u got it? ...and yea...kiss Jill too please? hehe...and ... well thats enough... *muah*... peace, and much love, your sista in spirit... Cookie
  12. Family!!! Post ur shoutouts 2 Jeff in this thread. I am going to print it out and drop it off with Irize at ATOJ studio (if its open when I'm in Philly --->> cross ya fingers),... say whats on ur minds to tha one n only Magnificant JJ ... :2thumbs: Try to have ur shoutout done before 6 pm today plz.... k? thx... peace, cookie
  13. yea, believe it or not,...I just heard Switch the other day for the FIRST tyme on a local radio station in Atlanta... so thats a good thing... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  14. I'll be in Philly soon, and I'm getting my 'ryde music' ready. so...Thx AJ... :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  15. yea, this is mos def one of my fav albums thats in my car AND house! :2thumbs: peace, cookie
  16. aww AJ...I'm sorry 2 hear bout ur dog. But on the bright side of things,...look at the positives that are happening 2 u at the same tyme. I am a strong believer that things happen for a reason... and I also agree with u in staying positive and believing in urself... I haven't been around 4 awhile, because I've been working on portraits, creating a contract for my clients, updating my price guides and focusing on my travel on the 4th of July weekend...so sorry if I haven't been around 2 support u guys like i should have been... peace, cookie
  17. Jonny 5,..dude! You got a serious party going on!!! lmbo peace, cookie
  18. Happy HAPPY BIRTHDAY Fresh&Jazzy4eva. Cool screen name btw... haha peace, cookie :Party_fest09: :party:
  19. man...all of you are lucky that live near where JJFP are suppose to perform. If I had a job that would allow me vacation tyme, I would definately take tyme off...but I ain't got it like that. When I'm off, equals= no pay. lol. and I need that 35 dollar paycheck after taxes. LOL... (little exageration,...but still!) lmbo I can feel the excitement in this thread. haha peace, cookie
  20. Oh man that would be so cool, if I would be able to go, since that is the weekend I had in mind to go to Philly 2 meet my sons for the 4th of July weekend ... I bet there's gonna be so many ppl there, its gonna be impossible to get in tho. dang. I remember how chaotic it was for AJ when he went to Philly before, so I won't dissapoint myself by thinking I'll make it into the venue, just to get stompeded. (sp?) I wander whose all going on the East Coast? peace, cookie
  21. dang...about a year ago,...i wasn't posting as much...cuz of um... problems that no longer exist. (2 make a long story short) LOL but its never too late. IM glad u made it through, and I wish u nothing but success in your future... love, cookie
  22. whoo hoo... that was sweet Joe... chiKs do like to see the sensitive side of guys come out sometymes. Im a sucker for a song, thats kinda like a love letter... I didn't know u were working on your album, but keep at it bro. :1-say-yes: peace, cookie
  23. I don't even know if there are any JJFP fans that graduated this year....but I wanted to extend my congratulations to all of you, and let u know that I am proud u made it through some tough years of school. Everyone that I've met online, and who post on this site are some of the coolest ppl i've EVER dealt with online... and you've shown nothing less than wonderful and talented sides of urselves... Good luck in your future endeauvers, and if there are not any graduates on the site,... well..let us know when u graduate, so we can keep u motivated for that big day .. :smart: much love and respect.. peace, cookie
  24. hey...welcome 2 the board! and let us know how u like your new cd's!... peace, cookie
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