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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. dang, I've been so buzy doing things 4 Mother's Day, and not online for a coupla days,...and of all tymes, when it was my little bro's birthday that I missed... sry its late, but I hope it was a beautiful day 4 u AJ... :thumb: Happy Belated Birthday... peace, cookie
  2. I wouldn't wear the first wristband, but I'd definately get a JJFP wristband. :angel: I'm gonna get a JJFP tag 4 the front of my car sometyme (I hope) . haha peace, cookie
  3. Pic Caption: AJ: "wait, hold up! I think I hear something! The Aliens r coming" lmbo peace, cookie
  4. LMAO...AJ! ur a world classic! In a whole category of ur own! lmbo :kekeke: thx 4 the pics... peace, cookie
  5. aw dam. u soo r ight bigted. I haven't even been ova there 4 ages. I feel so bad bout that... Imma chek it out again, in the next coupla days... 4 sho. so u had a profile huh? haha... do u know the term,...um "shammiN" haha...just kiddiN... Well, I didn't have a profile....but even if I had a profile,... they prolly woulda made my tail go anywayZ... (u'll heal up ova there SOLDIER!!!!) :thumb: ps. I was airborne too... but I went to jumpschool after I flew back to the States... I know... ---> :offtopic: hey... if u wanna chat more bout this...Ill shoot u a pm lata...cuz this is kinda off topic.. 4 real bro. lol (sorry everybody)... peace, cookie
  6. oops didnt see the 92... :peace: here i go again... :offtopic:
  7. awesome..now ur turn...why did you get out? or... are u still in? peace, cookie
  8. 95... E-4 promotable. I was up for promotion, but I was determined 2 get out, and didn't care to submit 4 promotion, or acknowledge ppl persuading me 2 stay in cuz they thought I had alotta potential... I promised my daughter that I'd never leave her again and go 2 another war... So I left...AND got xtra cash in my pocket! lmbo I don't think ppl wanna hear bout my military stories in this thread, cuz its kinda off topic.. :offtopic: ...LOL but im workin on plans to write a book bout my experience...and BOY, do I have a story 2 tell. lmbo peace, cookie
  9. cool... I was a 95 Bravo... Military Police ... peace, cookie
  10. one of my main jams... "Speechless" ~ Beyonce :antlers: peace, cookie
  11. no...i've never seen them perform...or heard much of their music either... just the clips that were on the site, when the site was first put up... peace, cookie
  12. haha what is up with this one? prince is gonna have a ball over there now.. :kool: LOL Timboat,... :ali: give him a chance... I think he's learned his lesson, missed being on the board and now wanna be a part of the fam again... U know just as well as I do, that...families forgive n TRy 2 for get... I know its hard... but hopefully we all have a fresh 'prince' start ova there. lmao and MaxFly... I hope we haven't scared them off. lmbo :kekeke: I thought abt that 2 and said a sorta apologetic post, but let him know we just care...' and miss TRAC! Gurl.... u told me 2 chek ur profile over there to get ur email addy...and I did... so what is it? trace@invisible.com? lmao... Theres no email addy listed,... Shoot me a private msg over here with ur email addy... or hit me at natalia@soflyy-designs.com, then we can go from there....aiight sis! :antlers: peace, cookie
  13. LOL. Since Wes posted that link to the old WS board (archive)... It's gotten me motivated to post more interesting topics just thru browsing the old bbs...haha I hope u guys can remember some of the posts u made too, and re post them,...it will be kinda fun too, and get the 'new' visitors on the right path with their topics lmbo... peace, cookie
  14. I don't have tyme 2 read thru all of the replies,..but that sounds like it might be a great idea...haha.. I'll keep cheking on the progress... peace, cookie
  15. LOL IM sorry yall but I can't stop :lookhehe: laffin @ AJ!!!!!!!!!!!! :hilarious: peace, cookie
  16. I agree with the guys AND girls... "Some" girls aint just trouble, but dag on gold diggers wantin a free ryde., either out of the guy's pocket...or some other kinda ryde like the ryde that chik was tryna get outta AJ. LMBO... :hilarious: LMAO... ha HAAH! I can see AJ now...just a FLOORIN IT!!! :cwm: as far as dudes. I'm a TRUE witness to attest to Guys aint NOTHING but trouble!... Some of them suckas can be 'walkin' gold diggers too yo! What the heck I want with a dude stayin at home with 'mommie', no job, no ryde, playin freakin video games all day long, ...don't have NO skills around the house, always wanna go out 2 dinner with a 'buy 1 get 1 free" coupon AT MY EXPENSE> LOL ! . or...picking out outfits that he thinks will look good on him, with his BROKE SELF!!! (ok, u right....thats a real flyy outfit...u got sum money 2 buy it?) LMBO...for these kinda guys? ---> B U M P that!... I'm like Julie,... got my own crib,... ride,...and always payd my OWN bills!...and do my own plumbing, lawn, painting etc etc?...pULeeze....lmbo (betta gone sumwhere else N freeload!... guys...cant live with em... can't live no more peacefully without em...lmao :antlers: peace, cookie
  17. I was wandering the same myself . Glad 2 know this,... if I ever go to HOllywood,...imma find it and take a pic next to it. lmbo... Then I can say I was 'near' the essence of Will . :antlers: lmbo peace, cookie
  18. yea and I think that mr. 'yeehaw' man ---> Bossman --< was being sarcastic abt being stuck over at Will's site,..cuz if he was cyber stuck surely he wouldn't have been able to come over here... :antlers: peace, cookie
  19. Looks like we need to get a 'cleanup' team togetha and go ova there and CLEAN HOUSE jack!. lmao Lucky I wasn't ova there, cuz I woulda showed out. haha :chuks: :ali: :hilarious: yall know i can get a lil 'gitto' from tyme 2 tyme one way -->> :afro: or anotha-->> :antlers: LMAO dag i love these smilies! lol :kekeke: peace, cookie
  20. dang what in the world.... :ridepony: :ali: when I pressed the 'add reply' key...i heard some music? like JJ scratching or something. LMBO....i MUST be tired... :hilarious: well 4 the 2nd tyme tonite... gnite,... peace, cookie
  21. Good Job Will!!! :thumb: I loved Hitch... I got a LOT of laughs off watching Will in this, 4 sho!!!... If I must say so,...Will was looking really handsome to me...specially since I haven't seen him in awhile... peace, cookie
  22. dang...i guess Igotta listen 2 it b4 i answer that lmbo. peace, cookie
  23. LMBO!!!!! ... :laugh2: peace, cookie
  24. OMG BRETT!!!!!!!!! whas going on ? long tyme no see 'type' :kekeke: well,....my birthday is May 22nd,...and I will be... 39. (minus 20 = 19!!! lol) I've been 19 for years now! :thumb: I'm actually the OLDEST on the board,...but its all cool :peace: peace, cookie
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