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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. u got it bru... :thumb: off the subject of the presidency...4 a mo... The answer to capturing Ben Ladin or Bin Laden, (whicheva is correct...) :kekeke: is to withdraw OUR billions of dollars, our thousands of troops, and just send a handful of Navy Seals & Special Forces on a covert operation based mission to target his capture. With the public not being informed, ... I bet ya,...he'll be captured quicker PLUS we save billions of dollars if we did it my way... cuz surely he will surface...ridiN high on a camel yo! :sonny: asides his capture,...i don't see any logical reasons of us still there... ok yall..im finished with this topic...imma work on a portrait... I hope everybody has a blessed day!!! :sonny: peace cookie
  2. As far as drugs, we as people of "THE WORLD" have to take a stand by starting at home first n foremost in doing our part with our chidren. The president is in a powerful position to administer additional programs in schools and offer/create JOBS within communities to fight against this as well...beginning with some of those billions of dollars used meaninglessly in a foreign country. So it's not such a silly suggestion, ... because without knowledge, educational outlets, opportunity for extra~curricular activities for children in poverty-stricken communities, these children just don't stand a chance because they dont have sources or the leadership of educated people to influence them otherwise. What gets me angry, is people focusing on the President's moral ethics, when the suffering truly lies within the economical downfall. Who cares that President Clinton got a blow job from Lowinsky,...the economy was better off with job opportunity on all levels then,...than it is presently... I would admire the President if he would unite people on their views too.. but how can he make this happen if he is ONLY willing to meet with people of 'POWER' , without meeting with people outside of that RICH circle? Come on now! That meeting would be biased as hell, because RICH and POWERFUL people surely can't speak on my behalf, or anyone else struggling to feed their children in this messed up economy with little job opportunity according to skill level. Everybody doesn't possess the same educational background, and many ppl have to skip over GOOD job opportunities that pay well, and could get them out of living in holes, but CANT because they require higher educational levels, that some are just not afforded. People can't live off dreams/wishful thinking and PROMISES! Give kids some incentive to STAY IN SCHOOL, by setting up individual college funds for high school graduates within a certain income bracket, that can't afford it otherwise. My daughter has a 4.0 academic record in high school, placed in the GIFTED classes with advanced college courses in high school. and has been an honour roll student her entire life, and altho we are POOR, I will make sure she is not at a disadvantage versus a rich person's child who may be on drugs running the streets yo! I have another child whose teacher wants to test him for the gifted class, because his scores puts him in the "genius" category. So I can testify that 'poor' kids (altho stereotyped) DO have potential, but their level of success COULD be limited all because of living in a single parent home, with no resources to help them get ahead....but I won't let that happen. So yea...if Mr. President REALLY cared for my view since i DID NOT vote for him, I would love to personally invite the President to dinner so he can get the full perspective of a single mother and military vetaran that received and carried out ORDERS from his father, yet suffer the consequences under HIS presidency for the last 4 years and 2 days. MIght not be a fancy surrounding of "the rich",..or eat 'hor'doveres" or whateva ...but I'll cook Mr. President a ghitto-fabulous delicacy of a big 'ol pot of collard greens, with cornbread on the side! AND ask him to help with the dishes afterwards., and THATS not disrespectful... get me a glass of water too, will ya Mr. President? :sonny: (ok if u insist,...I'll call u George) :kekeke: jokes aside... ON da real tho...I respect and fully support who is in the Presidential seat, because I am patriotic at heart...but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about how he runs the office,...until I see changes implemented that will encourage me as a citizen and military veteran with minimal to no benefits. My main uproar is regarding our ECONOMY, and monies invested elsewhere,...instead of America, namely our children...which I think is quite a valid standpoint... peace cookie
  3. AJ you had some good points, and I am not the one to want a political division between the board members, because it doesn't support unity between us... I can't and won't hate the American people for any of this, because there were announcements that some people that went to vote, but were denied the opportunity, for example students residing in /attending college in different states (Florida) as example. There were alot of circumstances to 'disallow' or put people at a disadvantage in not being able to vote...which had a drastic effect in the final election outcome...i bet some of u were not even aware of this either... My pastor is for Bush,...he says he's a man of God, and was appointed that position, however I choose to believe differently, but my views may very well change (in time) if I see a drastic change for the better in our economic system. Our time in Iraq was done, well over a decade ago,...and even this time,...the troops should have been pulled out after Iraq established their governmental system, (or whatever). Theres no need to continue deploying men and women into a warzone ONLY to get paid an additional $110 f*cking dollars per month for hazardous duty pay... thats not worth a damn! I know this to be true, because I WAS THERE. I bet some of you didn't know that either did you? NOt to mention...to keep pulling Billions of dollars out of our OWN economy to a country that isn't seeing the overall purpose, not to mention I DONT see the purpose of it at this point. Look what the hell is going on in our economy? Surely people are not THAT blind to whats happening in our own backyard? If you can't see it..try going into a ghetto, and look at how underprivledged our children... --> potential FUTURE leaders are. It's ashame how the benefit of who is elected, supports better means of living for certain americans, namely the rich...do they give a damn about the poor? Go see if they are out helping them with jobs or educational tools to help them out of a poverty state. Maybe I should blame the 'rich' American people...but I won't. Its politics... I was in full support of the first President Bush, and was 'feeling' the pupose of the first war, because I understood MY mission as a deployed troop, and saw firsthand just how effective our pesence was...but God!!! Help people understand when ENOUGH is enough. period. If it was my choice, I would say that any president elected, should have served and retired from the military, because they are more aware of war tactics and full capacity of our armed forces. Altho President Bush is the final approving authority as Chief of Command, he HAS to consult with 3 and 4 star Generals in the Military, so I can't give him props for anything terrorist related after Sept 11. Those props are rightfully owed to our Military generals and their military expertise. With his re election, we are at a higher chance of being targeted by terrorism at this point. Furthermore, I personally would not want any of YOU or my sons to be drafted into the military only to lose their lives for unknown reasons. When we deployed the first time, I could see the reasons behind it, because I was there...but this day and time, I honestly dont see it.... so NO. I am not happy with this re~election for VARIOUS reasons...and don't care who believe differently than I do... we are all entitled to our opinions,...and imma be done with this too... unless somebody comes at me sideways... :ali: bring it. Maybe i'm rambling, ...i don't know. cuz i don't even remember what i typed..but imma go offline and do something constructive with my tyme... however Imma try to keep a positive attitude, and keep Hope Alive... congratulations to Mr. President Bush for his re election succession... peace cookie
  4. I am very dissapointed, because there are alot of changes I was looking forward to... Now that he is re elected as President, we have to just maintain faith that it's in the best interest of all american citizens, not just the rich people that benefited from the huge tax breaks he extended... but the poor people that can barely make ends meet... and the ones in dire need of better opportunity all around... Wish I could run for presidency...I'd definately make sure to invest into the future of ALL our children and our country first and foremost...with a focus on the underpriviledged who seem to remain as "voices unheard"... peace, cookie
  5. LOL....sounds like everyone is learning 2 keep themselves quite buzy in the meantyme.... :kekeke: peace cookie
  6. Thankx 4 da info Too Fresh.... peace cookie
  7. :birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :birthday: :thumb: :birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :birthday: Hope you have a gUd tyme on ya birthday! peace cookie
  8. i have to agree with AJ and Hero... :werd: Geoffrey's character always seemed 2 b a real 'smooth' Englishman with a lil ghitto twist, if u ask me...which made his character quite unique and appealing... MOS DEF not gay yo!... peace cookie
  9. no it doesn't... welcome 2 da board.. peace, cookie
  10. LOL... :kekeke: ya'll crazy. :lolsign: Top ten things I might just do... 1. FIND WILL'S cell number, and call him personally about Switch! :thumb: hehe...after all...theres only '50 million' or more numbers that could be his... 2. Get on STAGE with Will n Jeff at a JJFP concert, and stop the music. then ask bout Switch, before Charlie mack carry me offstage --->> head first. LOL 3. Make my OWN version of switch...with my kids CASIO keyboard with those annoying pre~recorded tunes. hehe... then distribute it to the board members for a small fee ...postage n handling to quite them down 4 a minute! dam, that'll be a winner yo! :switch: LOL 4. Find my potna "Trac" to whip out the catsuits since its Halloween and we crawl on Will's perimeter to get a sneakpeek of whats really going on with Switch. 5. Help ppl understand the REAL meaning of SWITCH !!! --- >>> a tree branch that people from the OLDSKOOL used to get a whippin with. Ya hafta go out N get ur own SWITCH...and dont come back with a short skinny SWITCH. LMAO. yall dont know nuthiN bout dat... :thumb: whoo hooo! 6. We invite Will to the board, and ask him to SWITCH the 'Switch' from 'Switch' to da oldskool Switch. LMAO... right...im with yall!! <<< --- whateva! :lolsign: 7. Understand the Switch epidemic is getting to ppl and drivin them crazy making them say crazy things like I just did in number 6...so have a coke and smile and shut the um...switch up!. :lolsign: 8. sit at your computer desk and think of all kinds of stupid silly things to say related to switch...switch dat bootay!!!...yep yep... switch numbers with board members....etc etc... :what: :lolsign: 9. Give myself a pat on the back...just because. ... 10. um...yea. that too. see ya's... :cya: peace cookie
  11. LOL...I remember that too. Looks like ol Jimbo was really was gettin into it too. lmbo :kekeke: ain't gonna lie...THAT joka got a long @** tongue! LMBO... They may have kissed, but it looks as if Will is seriously tryna pry himself loose from Jim. hahaha. Jim Carey is a total NUTbasket...I love watching him in movies... he keeps me cracKiN 4 real tho! :thumb: peace cookie
  12. SUMMERTIME!!!....Jazzy Jeff...Fresh Prince!.. now. I haven't heard this song ALL summer long, but it was on the radio yesterday... Its already 'Fall' tyme...but I enjoyed it all the same!. :thumb: So, this is MOS Def da song of da day! haha... Made me wanna go dip in da pool yo!. :roll: :roll: lol... peace, cookie
  13. :birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :birthday: ...hope you enjoy every moment of it! :thumb: peace, cookie
  14. Has anyone looked outside (at this very moment) to see the lunar eclipse of the moon? Its really beautiful... peace cookie
  15. LOL...yea. Just like AJ said. :ditto: It's just a 'phrase' saying everybody under the sun, with or without talent is tryna rap nowadays...so hyperthetically speaking can u imagine someone's mom or granny rappiN? LOL neva know tho...they might just pump up the volume and get crunK. LOL :hilarious: peace, cookie
  16. ya, I'm also glad that Will turned the role down, because I wasn't a huge fan of Miami Vice, or Don JOhnson. I think that LL Cool J would be a good candidate for the part, if Jamie isn't considered or asked 2 do it... Thanks 4 the article... peace, cookie
  17. Thx 4 letting us know Timbo...if I can afford it, Imma definately get it!. peace cookie
  18. ThanX 4 posting da pics...Magic still looks great, as does his wife Cookie... Will n jada are so cute together...and he just looks so young!. peace cookie
  19. LOL oh yea...I remember that episode with Chris Rock too...MaDD funny! LOL But Jeff was my favourite recurring 'guest star' tho... He had small lines, but I just usta think what made his role abit easy 4 him when he was always tryna talk to Hillary is that she was pretty and I bet he was serious too! ... LMBO... j/kiddN :thumb: peace, cookie
  20. WILL SAID... --->>> He's waiting on me to drop my book first in a few years..so his break will be extended ... That way me, him and Jeff can coolaborate 'solely' on the soundtrack...with Will being "MY" co~star in the movie itself...after he helps me write the screenplay, ...so ...yea no more movies till then! :lolsign: That was NOT a little fib, cuz I wanted 2 pull anyone's leg!!! ...but the hugest lie, that I could possibly 'dream of'. LOL :kekeke: No sleep last nyte... :dunno: So i guess this is a 'daydream'? Ain't nothin wrong wit dat! :sonny: On topic 4 real yo! I honestly feel ashamed 2 say that I have ONLY seen I~Robot... which was just recently on Will's bday... :what: but Imma catch up tho... but yea, Julie I was feeling what u sayd bout the World tour. God knows I hate to sound selfish, but dang..everytyme I turned around Will or JJ was in another country with promotions or working on something...and not doing much here in the mainland US...so before a world tour, I would at least like for them to do something in the states first... (just as JJ mentioned --> ) with the suprise at sum clubs in different cities...like um..let me think... oh yea...ATLANTA. lmbo :lolsign: *sleep deprived* and blasting a cd AJ sent me sumtyme last year!!!... :thumb: peace, cookie
  21. Guess I'll step up to the plate as the 'first' lazy person..cuz im using the direct link. :kekeke: peace, cookie
  22. Yea...i really digg seeing Queen Latifah with Will. They were buggN in that one episode with the straws all up their noses! LMAO... Tisha Campbell,...in the epside with everything fake..and taking off her nails..saying here, here, HERE!!!... LOL...wig came off everything! lol. And when Vanessa Williams delivered the baby in the limo...Will actiN like she's all possessed! LOL. I can't remember their names..but when his 'aunts' would visit...they always had me strait rolliN n crackin up !... Those were some of my fav episodes with 'guest' stars ! :thumb: peace, cookie
  23. man! that was a long interview,...I scammed thru most of it,...but was specially diggiN when JJ mentioned the chemistry he and Will had. Ain't everyday you find someone that can communicate musically on the same wavelength and not talk alot..thas real smooVe...specailly lookin back on their level of success now...dam thats tyte... Now. If,...naw...imma say WHEN they do a suprise tour in different cities... :thumb: JEFF...Yall betta hit up dat HOTATL !!! and dont forget to add me to ur VIP list....ok..now that i've rambled and meant every word of it!!! LOL. :lolsign: As far as his advice 2 budding DJs,... I was MOS DEF feeliN da need of surrounding urself with people that r HONEST and havin each other's back yo! nuff said... peace, cookie
  24. Yea, I remember when we changed from the other JJFP forum, and I was saying the same to the other fans, about giving it some tyme,...now I am finding myself in their shoes. haha. IT's gonna take me a good minute because I was really feelin the vybe and flow of the other look of the board...this one..im not feeling... kinda bland... but respect to Tim all the same,...since he's handling this... I'll be ok tho...and if I don't post as much, ya'lla know why. lol. peace, cookie
  25. I like the look of the board alot before this change...personally.... peace, cookie
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