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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. humm...with that said....WILL TOLD ME just yesterday!!... ---> :switch: j/kiddiN...will ain't told me nothing..but I hope its soon... :thumb: This has been a long and drawn out situation, and it's ashame all of this has happened. .. I JUST spoke with an FBI agent, regarding all this 'nonsense' of Tim legally having to provide evidence about any of his findings. Simply put. He laughed. That's not true. AND!...if this (which can be harassment) continues after he took action and asked to leave this situation alone, Tim could take legal actions if he chose to. Especially when he was victimized, and the table seem to be tryna turn 2 make him out to be a villian... let me back dat thang up... Tim is the OWNER, and invested his own hard earned money into the maintenance and makeup of this ENTIRE website. now. After the forum was destroyed & it's members were DELETED,...he had reasonable belief in his decisions and actions. The agent also told me that Tim isn't liable to disclose anything to not ONE~single~person. As the owner and monetary contributor, he has the right to deny anyone access and make whatever decisions he feels necessary, in order to provide continued service to members that appreciate his time, work and AGAIN... --->> monetary contributions... UNLESS someone was banned who contributed monetary support towards the purchase of this website... I suggest we all respect Tim's decision. We may never know who hacked the forum. But,...it doesn't change the fact that the forum was illegally accessed and misused... It's sad and unfortunate that Prince was banned for inappropriate mis~behaviour. However, we must understand the law of reciprication and own up to our actions. Since prince says he's innocent...so be it. So not to personally judge,...I'll give him that much...and say he's innocent of illegally accessing the board. However, as a moderator...his behaviour was becoming increasing disruptive towards myself as well as others, which is why he's banned... so out of respect...for my boyZ!. -- >> Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff,...and Tim, who is providing this forum and updated info as a courtesy of all of us...lets close this chapter and begin anew... shall we??? peace cookie
  2. Most certainly, the conversation was between us prince, but you gotta understand that I have played a HUGE part of this community for a number of years now....I have to do what I felt was right,...which was to share with Tim this in particular what you said: ironcross1O8O: ill tell you everything i did on the forum today SweetNsoFlyy: sure thing ironcross1O8O: i dont want to lie to you SweetNsoFlyy: ok. ironcross1O8O: all those "Dae the Luss" "Damocles" "oldfriend" ironcross1O8O: they were me Just reflecting on that alone...let's be honest here now...(and what I'm speaking of, has absolutely nothing to do with the board being hacked and completely deleted, thats another sad story)...but as a Moderator,...why would you even do something like that, Prince? Register multiple user names, spam the board up with meaningless posts, putting Timbo to work like that cleaning it up? That alone is not something I would think any of our incredible moderators, (or a regular board member) would do, weather or not you were involved with Hax having to step in to reconcile the board to its normal state. now THATS devistating... Since Hax had to step in...that says alot in itself... As far as your priveledge of being able to post still, thats completely up to Timbo,...because I thought u were banned....but as a moderator, no offense to you as the 'brother' I've known for a couple of years..but I personally think that your recent behaviour on the board has been becoming more and more 'noticeably' rude or disruptive, and I even had to cuss you out in a private message...for coming at me sideways, because you know I don't play that. Everybody saw how you always took sides with Daedelus,...or making 'questionable' statements on the board as if you are trying to stir up unnecesary chaos before the board was hacked,...what else is one to think asides you not partaking in the downfall of the board? Just by reflecting on the way you have conducted yourself most recently, and how everything transpired almost in a sequential order,...I would most definately have to agree that Tim is correct in his ideas of you having something to do with it ... and I support him 100% ... Registering with those multiple usernames, was very immature, childish and not upholding your position as moderator, and yes...i personally spoke to Tim about revoking your positon as moderator. It may not be known to many, but I am more or less one of the HEAD moderators...along with AJ, Jim, and Topdawg... Prince, I still have love for you, but we've got to run the board in the most efficient manner as we can, with appointed non~biased moderators that don't abuse their authority and position... and registering multiple usernames the way you did, was not only uncalled for, but showing a lack of respect for your position and the JJFP Administrative team, who had to spend long HOURS of their personal tyme cleaning everything up... peace, cookie
  3. I must say that I disagree...but since you are not here,...I won't elaborate on why I feel opposed to your view... which is opinion, and not based on actual facts... peace, cookie
  4. As Tim and I discussed, we are just going to close this chapter, and start fresh. If anything else happens that seems "shady",...we will handle it immediately from now on. We have intuition for reasons to follow up on, and Tim obviously had all the reason to make the decisions he's made to this point...in which I fully support... All this situation served was for the purpose of making the forum and site more secure as an end result..and a higher level of awareness for ALL of us...that people just DON'T have respect or even care about the work Tim's input into this forum for our enjoyment... :werd: peace, cookie
  5. Everyone should go and change their passwords.... peace, cookie
  6. HEy AJ....do you know all the lyrics? or where I could find the lyrics? Cuz as much as I listen to the song, I still don't know all of the lyrics... I'll try n do a google search,...but I wander if it will link me back here... LOL :kekeke: peace, cookie
  7. Have any of you ever did a google search for your username or your own personal website? Well, I did a search of my site "SoFlyy Designs" and I have 2 whole pages of results!!!! LMBO :kekeke: I'm catching up with Will's and Jeff's popularity,..only have about 2 million more search results to catch up with them LOL :rofl: but the funniest part, is the very first search result,... had the link to THIS BOARD. LMBO :lolsign: DANG..guess that means im a dedicated fan? lol oh well...yall know im just rambling, but i thought that was funny to do a search of my site, and the number one search result is the JazzyjeffFreshprince website. Same thing with "3cookies"....not really alotta results BUT tha JJFP community. LOL :thumb: peace, cookie
  8. HEy prince...wassup Boo?????????? :kekeke: cookie
  9. aw, don't be like that u guys. I can clearly remember when alot of other fans needed help over the years with something,...and ppl responded. If we are gonna be a family, its just like helping one another 'succeed' in one way or another...and there's nothing wrong with asking for a lil help.... Here's a couple of good links. I think Jim hit it up pretty good, because I grew up in Jersey too, and New York is absolutely beautiful! It can get pretty cold tho...My favourite city, Manhattan, people fillin the streets up late at nite, seems like its daytyme... I loved walking on the sidewalks at nite, and buying a shis~ka~bob. um umph!. timesquare is pretty popular, and I hope you do good on ur test. Timesquare NY City Government info Museum of the City of NY These last two links are to excellent sites,...they have just about anything and everything you can use on your project about NY... :thumb: all about NY more info on NY 4 ya! : ) Let us know how u do on ur project....ok? peace, cookie
  10. I know I'm late,...but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! peace, cookie
  11. He plays for the Atlanta Hawks, not sure when he's gonna retire tho... I see alot of chiKs pushing up on these guys, for the money, fame or whatever...when I see it, I just smile and shake my head at them...and just keep on doing my thing....but it's good 2 see that 'some' are wise enough to be leary and not find themselves fighting paternal lawsuits... haha... Once I went to a birthday party Kev was throwing, and I invited a girl with me that I worked with. (didn't tell her NBA players was gonna be there). When she saw all the women surrounding him as he was greeting his guests, she was like... "Who's THAT?" I told her, and once inside, he came over and she wanted me to hook her up with him, I tried everything under the sun, to initiate a conversation between them, but he just wasn't feeling her...didn't say one single word to her. LOL Don't know what kind of vybes she was sending, but later she told me, "Your brotha gave me the nastiest look and rolled his eyes at me" LMAO. I couldn't help but laugh under the slyy,... :lolsign: cuz he must have just 'known' what she was about ... I was like, "naa, he;s not like that."... Only guy I've ever liked in the NBA, started acting wierd after he was drafted into the league. After I flew in2 Atlanta from Europe, (we hadn't seen one another for 8 or 9 months or so, just wrote letters n talked on the phone from Asia and Europe at *MY* expense)... his family invited me over and wanted me to go see him. They skypaged him, and he then wanted to fly me up to Chicago at his press conference. I did, (but I intuitively chose 2 fly myself) but as soon as I got there, he wanted to jump strait in the sack as soon as he saw me yo! didn't even ask how I was, or concerned that I was safe after leaving the war in Asia. I was TOTALLY not feeling that,...not how I am or was raised,...so I broke camp when he was about to sign his contract...and never spoke to him again. Maybe he's changed...who knows, but women doing that kinda mess ought 2 be ashamed of themselves....cuz that stuff don't do nothing but spoil these silly tail guys 'ego' and these guys wind up finding themselves in a whole heap of mess... peace, 3cookies
  12. Yea I'm with u guys on this song....I been feeling it 4 a good minute too...it's the last song I posted in tha "what are you listening to" post,.... only thing...my daughter and her friend always says, everytime they hear the song, they think of me and my X...im like...plz. Don't ruin the song 4 me.... but naa...i don't have a boo at tha tyme either...what a waste of a gUd song 2 to be in luv with, huh? :kekeke: j/k/... peace, 3cookies
  13. You're quite welcome Bigted. :thumb: If he calls anytime soon, I will try to remember asking him about stopping by the board... peace, 3cookies
  14. Im a pretty multi~talented/ artistic person... I write, sing, dance, (well kinda stiff now tho LOL) :kekeke: but Ill get it back 2getha..., draw, paint, do huRR, (hair pplz!) LOL... talented at being a mom, that FUSSES all da tyme LOL... but if I had to choose one particular talent and stick with it, it would be hard....id say, be a local night club jazz singer in my city, (no travelling, no hollywood etc), and render portraits during the day... that would be the life!!! :thumb: peace, 3cookies
  15. Well you couldn't see my face because my son was back there taking pictures of everthing he could (lucky we at least got one decent pic) He took pics of bird doodie outside...EVERYTHING u name it . LOL. kids!!! :kekeke: I'm nowhere near being a celeb...if the money was comin like dat, then it would be on like hot buttered popcorn. LOL I don't even see Kev as a celeb..donno why,... but after nearly 20 years,....it's kinda hard 2... I'm not small prince,...I'm actually 5'7".....Kev is like 7 ft 7 inches....it feels strange hugging him...i was like "wassup Kev, with yo TALL self".....haha....he is definately a sweetheart. Couldn't have been blessed with a more kind God~brotha.. :thumb: peace, 3cookies
  16. I forgot (sorry bout 4gettin yo!) whoever on the board asked me bout Kevin Willis, and wanted to know if he would s top by the board. WELL......... He's aware of someone wanting him to stop by the JazzyJeff Fresh Prince board for a minute, ( wrote the link down...and its in that blue folder in his hand amont other things) but weather or not he is able to,...I can't say...who knows tho,...just like Will right? :dunno: :thumb: Here's a coupla pics of me n kev today sitting down shootin the breeze, and discussing some personal 'family' matters,...in so many words..... peace, 3cookies
  17. YEa...im definately lookign forward to this season's games. I was just talking to Kev just a coupla hours ago... hahah ...I'mma make a post and put up a coupla pics for anyone that may be interested. It was just after The Hawks practice today. Me and Kev sat down to talk n catch up (big bro/lil sis convo....personal matters) after they all were signing autographs for fans... peace, 3cookies
  18. dam. I forgot all about the chat and missed it... anyone who was there, let us know how it went... peace, 3cookies
  19. Now THATS what I call a REAL man... Do ur thang Big Will ~~~... peace, 3cookies
  20. [quote=bigted,Oct 4 2004, 07:48 AM]Speaking about little guys I'm amazed about how Spudd Webb beat Dominique Wilkins in the slam dunk competition in the '80s, he's only 5'7 and he won over one of the greatest dunkers of all time, he musta had a mini-trampelene in his sneakers to get that high! [/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]LMBO..yea, I remember back in da day with those slam dunk contests... it tripped me out too when lil bitty ol Spud beat Dominique out. haha... "Nique WAS tha High FlyiN HAwk..." peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  21. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HEy mfqua...they've been my "big brothas" for 20 years now. :thumb: wow! Time sure does flyy, huh?... Kev and I both lived in the Lenox/Brookhaven area when he moved down from Detroit and first started in the NBA, till I got this crazy urge to "Serve My Country",...I broke camp and joined the Army and NOBODY knew where I had gone for years. lmbo. He is HUGE prankster! lmbo . I did a couple of oil portraits for Nique (and Aisha), who I met thru a friend who was dating John Salley at the tyme... (1984 or so),... As far as their NBA parties... I never "hung out" tho,... cause of things I used to see going on ... it wasn't my style...unless I was invited to a private party Kev was throwin in Buckhead or something for a friend,...like ShaQ. Id stop in for a few, have a bottle of water, remenise and catch up...give them a hug & kiss... then break camp... cuz the groupies that would swamp them, was ugh...not somethin I'd want to be in the midst of... u know? I'm like tha little 'sista' that stays in 'hiding' (as they say) Kev don't like it when guys mess me over cuz of how respectfully I carry myself ... :thumb: I'd go over to Kev's crib, and he would be cleaning up, sweeping, watering plants LOL. im sittin on the floor with my head in my hands...grumpin like a 'little sister' and he would literally guide me thru situations, and help me see thru "the rain" and staying focused on God as I endure thru my heartbreaks. THEN ask for dude's address so he could go kick his tail. lmbo. my big brotha... Honestly...I don't have a brother in real life, and they treat me with love and so much respect...I could never ask 4 a better mentor, when Im feelin down and out ...so ya... Cookie's God~Brothas... I'm everybody's sista tho... :thumb: so there u have it... peace, cookie ps... yes, Kev's back with the Hawks. along with Kenny Anderson among others... Just think...as many years that I've known Kenny...I've NEVER seen him play... just home footage some of his relatives showed me before he signed with the Nets ... and stuff he used to mail me, and telliN me bout his lil skillZ...can't wait til this season ... :thumb: [/color][/font]
  22. [font="Arial"][color=blue]some of my overall fav players are Shaq, MJ, Cliff Levingston, Isaiah Thomas, Scotty Pippins,... John Salley (<silly dude yo! ), Majic Johnson,... theres a few others,..but I can't name alla them...um yea..Kenny Anderson. :thumb: ... and my best friend ~ Cleveland Bibbens (played international ball in Austria) but my favourite all tyme, are my 2 big brothas...and I'm glad 2 see Kev back with the Hawks!!...anyways...what are yall's fav teams, or players. Of course im in da ATL,...so the Hawks definately gets my support... Dominique Wilkins & Kevin Willis ~ 2004 [img]http://www.soflyy-designs.com/agbook3/public/img-1096721999.jpg[/img] Much LuV from lil*sis 2 my big brothas! *muaH* :thumb: (when I marry tha right guy...Kev don't know it yet...but he's gonna give me away LOL. He always disapproves of the guys I hook up with...) :nono: :daedulus: and threatens to kick their butt after he finds out they mess his little sis over! lmbo nuff of me ramblin ..lmbo but tell me whose yall favourite bball teams and players... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
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