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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by 3cookies

  1. [quote=Prince,Sep 25 2004, 08:53 AM]Green eggs? Eggs that are green?[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]YEPPERS! Green Eggs and Ham. um...'spam' ...lol Will Smith knows about this!!! he used to read Dr. Seuss kid stories from what i read...so...yea. lmao.. peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  2. [quote=Hero1,Sep 25 2004, 08:52 AM]speaking of cookies.. my fav is choc chip[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]LMAO... WHAT A COINCIDENCE... you got 3 COOKIES right here! peace, 3cookies[/color][/font]
  3. [font="Arial"][color=blue]LOL...yall crazy. I don't know what I'm doing here..but has anyone ever eaten "green eggs and spam" peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  4. [font="Arial"][color=blue]Happy Birthday Big Will!!! Let Little Miss Willow get some practice and help you blow out all them candles this year, (im sure she wont spit too much) ... What can a fan give, that Big Will dont already have sittin at the foot of his "talkiN" throne? Ill share something from one of my favourite teachers of all tyme. "Paramahansa Yogananda" [b]Balancing Your Spiritual and Material Life… [/b] "The material and the spiritual are but two parts of one universe and one truth. By overstressing one part or the other, man fails to achieve the balance necessary for harmonious development…. Practice the art of living in this world without losing your inner peace of mind. Follow the path of balance to reach the inner wondrous garden of Self-realization." [b]Your Infinite Potential[/b] "What you are is much greater than anything or anyone else you have ever yearned for. God is manifest in you in a way that He is not manifest in any other human being. Your face is unlike anyone else's, your soul is unlike anyone else's, you are sufficient unto yourself; for within your soul lies the greatest treasure of all -- God." — Paramahansa Yogananda peace, 3cookies[/color][/font]
  5. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HAPPY BIRTHDAY WILL! peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  6. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEALK! WOW, i remembe when "May" was the month with alotta fan's birthdays in it,..but now it seems to be September!!! haha... well,...I hope its all that you wish for this year... aint nothing like being with the ones u love on your bday... :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  7. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope this year was the most incredible birthday ever!!!... :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  8. [font="Arial"][color=blue]Hey Wildwildwillenium,...we must be on the save wavelength,....cuz thats what I had been listening to... :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  9. [quote=DevilsJim89,Sep 17 2004, 09:43 PM]oh my god...get a life! lolol....nothing was shown...he told the media in interviews that his dick was duct taped to his leg....ew.[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]If I was Miss Jada,...I honestly wouldn't want the entire world to see my man's um >>> :thumb: LOL... yea! that! :thumb: They'd just be like... :clap3: :lookhehe: >Will!!! > :shower: :urock: LOL back on topic tho...that duck taping procedure sounded real painful,...IF he really had to do that,.. ouch :sad6: LMAO...lets hope he's not a really hairy man, or at least shaved the upper/mid or even 'lower' areas of his thighs first... LMAO Its all cool tho... Just think,... if u average out his salary...he prolly got paid a million bucks just to do that alone...wouldn't YOU? :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  10. [font="Arial"][color=blue]hum. thats good. I wander what Bad Boys I did?... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  11. [font="Arial"][color=blue]LMBO...AJ !!! gone sumwhere with dat junk boy! ... :slap: LOL but u ain't neVA lied! BUT...right now im chilliN 2 a new flavour ... SteppiN UP [/color]>>> Big Gip from Goody Mob!!! [/font]yep! yep! :thumb: peace, 3cookies
  12. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HEy fan4eva...I loved all three pictures you painted in your piece!!! All of them touched my heart...makin me think, its really sad that stuff like this really does happen... You put it all together real thorough and its deep. The chorus is cool too and for some reason I would like to see 2 more lines added as positive reenforcement along the lines of people thinking before they act... but its real good just as it is...i gotta read alotta other rymes on the board later tonite too... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  13. [font="Arial"][color=blue]LOL...AJ, that is a freaky situation, huh? Thank God they didn't attack u,...but I tell u one thang...its a gUd thing that you didn't look up if they were flying overheard and got bombed with loads of bird pooP in ur face! lmbo... I can visualize u in a sitcom and looking STRAIGHT into the camera (like Fresh Prince always usta do)...and the last bird that strayed away from the 'flock' ...drop one last bomb on ur head... j/kiddiN bro! :thumb: ..lmbo... :hilarious: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  14. [font="Arial"][color=blue]I agree and Im glad you made this post,...something I feel selfish for not even thinging about doing before... This site has been like my home away from home,...and I always find solace here just vybing off the energy of the ppl that post here...always serve as a "pick~me~up" sorta outlet... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  15. [quote=JumpinJack AJ,Sep 13 2004, 11:50 PM]This topic is easy 2 keep addin' on2...unless u listen 2 the same song all the time.[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue] so im guessing...that may be me..with Chasing Forever... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  16. [font="Arial"][color=blue]LMAO...that Jada is sumpthiN else! gone gurL... :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  17. [quote=JumpinJack AJ,Sep 13 2004, 02:07 PM]FP is very much in love with Jada, neither of them are gonna let something happen 2 mess that up.[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]:thumb: i so do agree... I guess if you are going to persue a career in acting, modelling etc...or any type of career that will put you in the limelight,...you will have to just accept the fact that you are just a beautiful young lady...and its going to come naturally that ppl look twice or maybe even longer than you would like sometimes...but its not always a bad thing, or should be taken in a negative light... As little as I know of Will as a fan, he's always projected a super sweet and personable side of himself as he's interacted with the people he's worked with, and was prolly tryna just be friendly to try and 'make' you feel comfortable in his presence... I'm sure thats all it was. He's got to be aware of any tension that you (or any other fan, or new coworker) may be dealing with, because celebrities do impact on us in different ways. and...If anything was said,..im sure it was along the lines of... "wow...Shes absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could do or say something to make her feel at eased and understand that I am an "everyday ppl." GUess to me, it seems as if you were honoured in being there,...but just had a difficult tyme in 'loosening up'... u know what im sayiN? Its all good tho...and I still can't wait to see that video!!! ...haha :thumb: stay around and keep posting with us tho...ok? peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  18. [quote=fan 4ever,Sep 11 2004, 03:13 AM]Yeah Tim...we wan't some pics...(owkay that sounds gay... :cya: )[/quote] [font="Arial"][color=blue]and thats right Miss Julie! u tell'em gurlie! lmbo ... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  19. [font="Arial"][color=blue] Carl Thomas ~ I Wish.... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  20. [font="Arial"][color=blue]hahah....u so silly... I've only experienced this maybe two or three times with the same man, and it was really beautiful. I mean just...incredible!!! Tantra is not something you can explore with just 'anyone' ...it should be someone, who totally captivates ur heart and breath with every essence of their being... and usually you're in love with that person... :thumb: So..just hold off Miss Julie! :roll: and keep the 'idea' of Tantra or Kama Sutra in the back of ur mind for when u finally do meet that special someone. ok??? :switch: because,..its a sprititual 'union' and journey that adds a state of bliss and completeness to couples truly in love,...like Will & Jada as a great example! :sonny: peace, 3cookies[/color][/font]
  21. [font="Arial"][color=blue]Thats what we are here for...to encourage one another. It buggs me if someone puts another's writing down, when they invest time and their best effort into a piece... IF its good...i'll say so..and if im not feeling it,...i say so, but in an encouranging way so not to hurt anyone's feelings,...but so they will want to put forth more effort next tyme... and you should keep posting...the more we show our creative side, the more hidden talent we discover within ourselves...and theres a helluVa lot of talent on this board... :trust me on that... :thumb: peace, 3cookies[/color][/font]
  22. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HEEEEYY! [color=red]Happy Birthday!!! [/color][/color] Hope it was a good one 4 u... :thumb: :switch: peace, 3cookies [/font]
  23. [font="Arial"][color=blue]HEy Kimmie, i enjoyed reading that. It was really pretty, and put me in kinda of a "chill" mode...just imagining living each word of the poem... I liked it alot..thanx 4 sharing it with us... peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  24. [font="Arial"][color=blue]well congratulations!... Its definately something to celebrate,... :thumb: peace, 3cookies [/color][/font]
  25. [font="Arial"][color=blue]That was beautiful stanka... Written with clarity and reason... I do remember this part too, back when the two of us were writing together... [quote]The rain falls steadily, forming puddles but then draining away // Disappearing readily, like visions there once but gone the next day //[/quote] Its good that you recognize when you can write with emotion, versus not really 'feelin' it, because your full creativity is usually released when ur feeliN your flow as you connect with ur innermost sensitivity to the subject.... keep it up!... :thumb: peace, 3cookies[/color][/font]
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