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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. Yeah I have 24 episodes. I think it's because the "Someday your prince will be in effect" parts 1 and 2 was counted as one episode. They must've done it differently in the UK.
  2. Yeah that is a lot better! Great job! Keep it up and keep us posted with your songs!! :sonny:
  3. The album comes out on March 29 in the US and I don't know when the single comes out
  4. My computer won't even let me play it, but based on everybody else's comments, I probably don't want to hear it...
  5. He was good in Hitch, so that basically proves he can handle just about anything. It would be nice 2 see him in another comedy though. :sonny:
  6. It's "Yeah" by Usher, but I don't see that song on AJ's list...
  7. Yeah that's true. They should've had an episode where Will babysits their baby and things keep going wrong, or he loses the baby or something. That would be hilarious!! Imagine how Jazz would react! "Hey man! Where's my baby?" lol! :kekeke:
  8. Mine has 4 disks.... is it supposed to have 5??
  9. nice pix!! Thanxx!! :thumb: :kewlpics: yeah I love the colorful style!!
  10. Well I haven't seen Bad Boys, see I'm only 14 - no R-rated movies for me...yet ;) I'll be sure to see Bad Boys sometime
  11. Who is your favorite movie character played by Will? Hitch - Alex Hitch Hitchens Shark Tale - Oscar I, Robot - Del Spooner Bad Boys II - Detective Mike Lowrey Men in Black II - Agent Jay Ali - Cassius Clay/Cassius X/Muhammad Ali The Legend of Bagger Vance - Bagger Vance Men in Black Alien Attack - Agent J Torrance Rises Wild Wild West - Capt. James 'Jim' West Enemy of the State - Robert Clayton Dean Men in Black - James Edwards/Agent J (Jay) Independence Day - Capt. Steven 'Steve' Hiller Bad Boys - Det. Mike Lowrey Six Degrees of Separation - Paul Made in America - Tea Cake Walters, Zora's Boyfriend Where the Day Takes You - Manny My favorites are James West and "Hitch" so what are your favorites?
  12. Yeah these smilies are awesome!! THANXX!! :kool: :wiggle: :afro: :peace: :dancingcool: :highfive: :bowdownslow: :jeffspeeditup: :jazzyinthehouse: :multibow: :kewlpics: :lolbonk: <---this one is interesting
  13. It seems like you all have 5 discs, but mine only had 4... my documentary was on the 4th disc... :confused: :dunno:
  14. There was an episode in season 6 near the end of the season I think and it was just an episode of bloopers, and it was showing behind-the-scenes and stuff like that. I just saw that episode the other day and it was really funny! So yeah I hope the other seasons have stuff like that, too. :werd:
  15. I got the first season FPOBA DVD and I noticed there's an error on the back cover where it tells about the show. It says it's a "2-disc DVD collection" but there are 4 discs! Did any of you ever notice that??? :nhawong:
  16. Hmmm...I never noticed a change. I have the DVD, maybe I should watch that episode again. Maybe it did change but I just didn't notice it.
  17. The 2nd aunt Viv was ok, but the first one was just so funny! Also, since Carlton was darker-skinned than Hilary and Ashley, it would only make sense that at least one of the parents was dark-skinned, too. Also in the later seasons when Nicky was born, he was dark-skinned, too.
  18. I like the first season cuz it's so "old school" and it's hilarious! I like all the other seasons too because he starts becoming more serious, but still just as funny, of course!! I can't pick one, they are all great!! I especially liked the episodes with Will and Lisa. In the episode when they were gonna get married, but they decided not to, were there any episodes when they actually did marry? Cuz I've never seen that and I was just wondering...
  19. I have a question: What is this "Warn: 0%" thing on my posts? <------------- I seem to be the only one who has that so does anyone know what that is????
  20. Lekrot, just out of curiosity, where did u get your signature???? Seriously, I've never seen anything like that b4. :kekeke: :hilarious:
  21. I'm lovin' the album cover!!! I wish Will was looking up so we could see his face, but it's totally awesome! I think the West Philly/Hollywood street sign symbolizes a lot because those are like his hometowns. The cover is awesome, and I hope the CD will be, too. I wanna search and see if I can find out what the picture on the disk looks like, and if I do, I'll let you all know. GO WILL SMITH!!! :peace: :wiggle: :switch:
  22. Yeah I noticed that too. In the commercials, there was a part that was showing Albert Brennaman tripping over a curb and falling in the sidewalk, but that was never in the movie either.
  23. I love both of their dances! They are both hilarious! Like the episode when it was Ashley's b-day party and Will was showing all the kids how to "dumb-dance" that was really funny! Or whenever he's at a party or a club and he dances that is so funny too! And any time Carlton dances is just hilarious! I wonder if he still dances like that in his spare time... ;)
  24. In the theme song, with that person who's supposed to be Will's mom, i heard that it was Will Smith in a disguise. But i don't think it's true because that person had blue eyes, and Will has brown eyes, and if you look closely at the face, it looks nothing like him. Does anyone know who that person is? :dunno:
  25. That would be really cool! If they ever do that, I hope Jada and Will's kids are on the show, not just other actors. That would be awesome! :thumb: :werd:
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