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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. Here's a pic of me and my friend, I'm the one in the green shirt
  2. Yeah I heard it on spongebob too, "Happy Lief Erikson Day!!" :lolsign: I've have no idea who he is tho...
  3. Yeah I'm getting withdrawal symptoms too :lolsign: I'd like to have the radio back soon!
  4. I had to make a cd cover at school using a photoshop program, so I made a cover for a Will Smith compilation cd that I want to make. What do you guys think of it?
  5. Does anyone have "Be Without You" by Mary J. Blige? I'm really feeling that song!
  6. Apparently Will Smith is violent.... :hmm:
  7. :lolsign: Yeah time has gone by soo fast! I still remember hearing Men In Black and Miami on the radio, and I was 7 at the time!! :mygod: It's crazy to think that Big Willie Style came out 9 years ago, doesn't seem like that long!!
  8. You wanna get you`r ass kicked? :lolsign: I'd run if I were you lerkot! :kekeke: Thanks for putting up the clip Tim, I'll check it out when I get home!
  9. $12.36? I had to pay $12.75!! Rip off!! :lolsign: Just kidding Brakes
  10. how you know Probably because he's from the US :kekeke: I remember a lot of that stuff!! Haha, great memories!
  11. :word: I think Jeff has a unique voice!
  12. DJ Jazzy Jizzle & The Fresh Prince :lolsign: Frizzesh Prince of Bel Air :lolsign: 0 Gangsta Active In Live Chizzay (OP-to-tha-izzen C-H-to-tha-izzat In: New Window |Pop-Up|Smiznall Pop-Up ) :lolsign: :lolsign: And my favorite: The Magnifizzle Jazzy Jeff!! :rofl:
  13. I just purchased his album and it said the total was $12.75.
  14. I called your non appearance out Jonny :kekeke: We definitely had better mic quality, that's for sure :kekeke:
  15. I remember you sent this to me a while ago but I lost it when I got a virus. I like the beat too, it's cool. I can't understand anything in the last verse with all the echoes tho... :lolsign:
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