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Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. Well I read them sometimes too, but I didn't know that Jazzy Jeff produced the theme song til I read this topic. I guess I gotta pay more attention. :lolsign:
  2. Hopefully the video will be getting more love when it gets aired on tv.
  3. Haven't seen it yet, but I'll look out for it! :thumbsup:
  4. I've only heard a few of his songs, but I don't think his flow is bad. He'd never measure up to someone like Will or LL tho.
  5. :word: I agree. Events like this teach people that bad things are going to happen in life, and we just have to get over it and move on with life.
  6. You must be the only person here who actually reads the credits :lolsign:
  7. Things can only get better now, and hopefully they will!
  8. Yeah, it seems like everything that has to do with Will has been delayed lately...
  9. Yeah that was a good battle, pretty funny too!
  10. Wow, Will's definitely going to pull this off as a homeless man! I'd love to see the reaction about this over at Lorretaville! :lolsign:
  11. I like Kanye, but to say he's as good as LL or Will would be a bit over the top. He's only been around for a short time. He has a good style tho, it's just different than Will and LL. That doesn't mean he's not good tho, it's just going to take some time to reach the skills and success of rappers that have been around for a long time and have had experience in the rap game. :word:
  12. Well that's good. You guys have skills!
  13. Still beter Than 50 :lolsign: ← Yeah, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life, but I think it is hilarious! I'd rather listen to this than 50 cent any day! :lolsign: Heck, that "Beatbox of Death" just might become the next Ready Rock C!!! :rofl:
  14. Haha, they don't know anything! :lolsign: I wonder why they weren't there before tho...
  15. OMG that was so ridiculous!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And that beatboxing... I don't know what to say... :rofl:
  16. I thought these battles were just for fun, looks like things are getting personal now...
  17. Yeah, it's been 4 years and I still remember everything like it happened yesterday.
  18. I've never cried to a song either, but I came close with Tell Me Why.
  19. Much appreciated!! :gettinjiggywitit: ← I like that song too! Great flow on that one! :thumbsup:
  20. Whoa, I didn't know any of this stuff! I guess I gotta do my homework! :lolsign: That's cool tho.
  21. Wow, that was really harsh. I do agree with what they're saying, I just don't feel that strongly about it. There has to be some logical reason why Jeff isn't in the video. Will wouldn't just leave him out, would he? Maybe he was on tour at the time or something. I also agree that the moshpit part wasn't very good, but I wouldn't call it the worst thing I've ever seen. I think these people are just making a big deal over all this. After all, it's just a music video. I still think it's an overall ok video.
  22. Ok well this is taking forever to upload, so I'm gonna try some other things and see if I can get this to work. Until then, someone can delete this topic since it's pointless now.
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