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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. I'm not hyped about it anymore. I'm not saying that I've completely lost hope, but I'd be very surprised if it actually got released.
  2. So you're assuming it's a girl, even tho the name says "Karyn_Parsons_Is_Hott"? :lolsign: :lolsign:
  3. Yeah at first they weren't going to throw Jazz out of the house very often during the series, but they decided to, so they used the same clip over and over. That's why he wears that shirt in a lot of episodes.
  4. Haha me neither! Then I noticed the name and I was like "Whoa, it's not blue!!" :lolsign:
  5. actually ... good try but it's from legend of B.V. ← Actually I was talking about Hitch. It was the part when Sara was throwing the lettuce at him. I haven't even seen Legend of Bagger Vance so I have no idea if it's in that one... :lolsign:
  6. I have that album and it's really good!! You should definitely get it!!
  7. Yeah you're right. I feel much closer to my dad and brother now since we had to work together and bear with what was going on. I'm very happy that everything turned out ok. This is definitely something that I'll never forget!
  8. Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby This song is so ridiculous that it's funny!! I get a good laugh out of this song. "I'm cookin' MCs like a pound of bacon" :lolsign:
  9. That's awesome! It's great when people are showin' respect for being a true mc!! :dope:
  10. Hey do you have Will and Jazz in there too?? :lolsign:
  11. In the US you have to be 16 to get a job!! I've been trying to find a job too and it's quite difficult since I'm 15. Well I agree with everyone else here, it's best to work hard to earn your money. You could try selling some of your stuff on ebay to make a few bucks.
  12. Hey everyone, I copied and pasted this story from the Prayer and Support Circle forum.. so well anyway, I just got back from a trip, and I had an experience that I'll never forget. It's kind of a long sad story but here it is. I went to a place called Bear Lake for my trip, it's on the border of Utah and Idaho. My dad, my 11-year-old brother, and I went to the lake to go swim in it. My brother and I had innertubes to sit in, so we were just relaxing in the water sitting on our tubes. The waves were pushing us toward the shore, but then it got windy and we started being blown away from the shore. My dad was sitting in the car while my brother and I were in the lake, and he noticed that we were getting further and further away from the shore. I noticed that my brother had floated far away from me. My dad got out of the car and came into the lake with a rope that he was going to use to pull us back to shore. I was closer to the shore than my brother was, and the wind had blown my brother very far away, so he was stranded in the middle of the lake on his tube. My dad thought he could walk to our tubes but we were too far away, so he had to swim. He swam to my tube and held on to it because he was exhausted. He took off his sandals and put them in my lap. I asked "What are you doing?" and he said "I have to get Mark" and I said "You're going to swim that far?!" and he said "I have to. I have no choice. Paddle yourself back to shore." So I was paddling like crazy since I was kind of far from the shore, and I kept looking back at my dad. He looked so exhausted and I thought he was going to pass out and drown, and I started crying while I was paddling to shore. I made it to the shore and by this time I was practically bawling because I could see my dad pushing my brother's tube, and he was really exhausted. I finally calmed down and I wasn't bawling so much. I noticed another rope thing sitting on the trailor, and it wasn't very long, but I grabbed it and I walked to the shore. I noticed that my dad and my brother were getting closer, so I walked into the lake until the water was up to my chin. My dad looked really really exhausted since he had to swim clear out to the middle of the lake, and I thought he was going to pass out. So I was standing there in the freezing cold water waiting for them to get closer. I threw the rope to my dad and he tied it around my brother's tube, and I pulled him to the shore. My dad was able to walk on the bottom of the lake floor. He was breathing very heavily, but I could tell he was probably going to be ok. All 3 of us made it to the shore, and my dad had to take a rest after all the swimming he had to do to rescue my brother. I got a towel and sat in the car and I started crying again. I had experienced the scariest time of my life. After my dad rested, he told me that I was very strong and brave to get a rope and come back to the lake and help rescue my brother. I was trying to hold back tears because I didn't want to upset my dad. I was soooo grateful that everyone was ok in the end. This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I had so many feelings and emotions going on at the time and it was very stressful and scary. I seriously thought that my dad was going to drown and die out there in the lake, and he didn't so I am very grateful that everything turned out to be ok in the end. This is really going to leave an emotional scar for life. Well that's my story.
  13. That's so awesome Cookie! You are such a nice person to do that. What a big heart! :dope:
  14. Hey everyone, I just got back from a trip, and I had an experience that I'll never forget. It's kind of a long sad story but here it is. I went to a place called Bear Lake for my trip, it's on the border of Utah and Idaho. My dad, my 11-year-old brother, and I went to the lake to go swim in it. My brother and I had innertubes to sit in, so we were just relaxing in the water sitting on our tubes. The waves were pushing us toward the shore, but then it got windy and we started being blown away from the shore. My dad was sitting in the car while my brother and I were in the lake, and he noticed that we were getting further and further away from the shore. I noticed that my brother had floated far away from me. My dad got out of the car and came into the lake with a rope that he was going to use to pull us back to shore. I was closer to the shore than my brother was, and the wind had blown my brother very far away, so he was stranded in the middle of the lake on his tube. My dad thought he could walk to our tubes but we were too far away, so he had to swim. He swam to my tube and held on to it because he was exhausted. He took off his sandals and put them in my lap. I asked "What are you doing?" and he said "I have to get Mark" and I said "You're going to swim that far?!" and he said "I have to. I have no choice. Paddle yourself back to shore." So I was paddling like crazy since I was kind of far from the shore, and I kept looking back at my dad. He looked so exhausted and I thought he was going to pass out and drown, and I started crying while I was paddling to shore. I made it to the shore and by this time I was practically bawling because I could see my dad pushing my brother's tube, and he was really exhausted. I finally calmed down and I wasn't bawling so much. I noticed another rope thing sitting on the trailor, and it wasn't very long, but I grabbed it and I walked to the shore. I noticed that my dad and my brother were getting closer, so I walked into the lake until the water was up to my chin. My dad looked really really exhausted since he had to swim clear out to the middle of the lake, and I thought he was going to pass out. So I was standing there in the freezing cold water waiting for them to get closer. I threw the rope to my dad and he tied it around my brother's tube, and I pulled him to the shore. My dad was able to walk on the bottom of the lake floor. He was breathing very heavily, but I could tell he was probably going to be ok. All 3 of us made it to the shore, and my dad had to take a rest after all the swimming he had to do to rescue my brother. I got a towel and sat in the car and I started crying again. I had experienced the scariest time of my life. After my dad rested, he told me that I was very strong and brave to get a rope and come back to the lake and help rescue my brother. I was trying to hold back tears because I didn't want to upset my dad. I was soooo grateful that everyone was ok in the end. This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I had so many feelings and emotions going on at the time and it was very stressful and scary. I seriously thought that my dad was going to drown and die out there in the lake, and he didn't so I am very grateful that everything turned out to be ok in the end. This is really going to leave an emotional scar for life. Well that's my story.
  15. Well my camera won't cooperate with my computer so i'll have to try when I get back from my trip. Well I'm out for the night. I'll e-mail you when I get back and we'll make a plan. :dope:
  16. Yeah I've never seen Nicky with braids before.. :lolsign:
  17. I'll have the 2 LL Cool J cds. I'll talk to my dad tomorrow and see if I can send Code Red to you and make an arrangement and everything. :dope:
  18. I got a few cds from ebay and Code Red was one of them, and I already had that before so now I have 2 copies. It didn't come with a case tho, it came in a sleeve with the disc and the front insert, just to let you know. It's in good condition too.
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