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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by PeaceAngel

  1. Alright we can make a plan. I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and I won't be back til Wednesday, so we'll have to plan when I get back. :dope:
  2. Hey Fresh-Ta-Def I have an extra copy of Code Red, if you don't have that I might be able to make a bargain with ya
  3. I guess he needs the money badly... edit: 1000th post!! :rockon: :wickedwisdom: :yeah:
  4. I don't know if anyone here would be willing to give up their JJFP or Will Smith cds... :lolsign: There are some music stores that will buy used cds if they are in good condition, so you could try that with some of your cds.
  5. Ok that's cool. You can e-mail me when you get the details. :dope:
  6. Yeah I agree, this can't be Will's fault! What is going on with Interscope?! :ShockRifle:
  7. Well, he did spend a weekend in Compton... :lolsign:
  8. I'll take your LL Cool J ones if I can! How much are you selling your cds for?
  9. I've been listening to the Party Starter remixes from this site but that doesn't really count as listening to the album I don't think.
  10. I thought maybe it was Will, but it really doesn't sound like him... it sounds like Lil Jon or something.... :lolsign: Probably not! I was just curious if anyone knew who it was.
  11. Now that it's been about 5 months since L&F was released, I was just curious to know how often you still listen to it? Lately I haven't been listening to it much since I've gotten some new cds recently. I listen to a few songs every once in a while, but it's been a while since I've actually listened to it all the way through. What about everyone else?
  12. I was listening to Switch today, and I don't know why I never noticed this before, but during the lines "Vibe to vibe a second" to "don't download go out and buy the record" I hear another voice in the background saying the same thing behind Will's voice... does anyone know who that is or anything?
  13. I don`t agree with that..Thats like saying the Kids who play Violent Video Games are gonna shoot other Kids! I think the Kid has to be realy stupid to do such things becaus his Idol talks about that.. I mean where aren`t that old to and i don`t think you or me would have such stupid Ideas even if we would listen only to 50 Cent and stuff! I mean i listen to Ice-T and until now i never planned to kill a Cop.lol. Those Kids are just stupid but you can`t blame 50 Cent for it even if his lyrics aren`t how they should be in his Position of beeing an Idol for Milion of Kids.. And what depends that Kid: I feel sorry for him..He just wrote some violent lyrics as far as i understood so whats the Problem?Those People are just wa over reacting..I mean just becaus he writes stuff like that doesn`t mean he`s gonna do it! I mean come on..I think all of us wrote or said some agrsief or violent Things sometimes.. Ok you can say he went to far but at the end he din`t do anything..He just wrote some stupid Lyrics.. ← Yeah well I said kids CAN be inspired. I think it would be crazy if kids were shooting other kids from violent video games! There's been stories about kids doing crazy stuff because they're inspired by lyrics, but I'm not saying it's a common thing going on all the time.
  14. Yeah that is a lot of people. Probably the most celebrities in one music video!
  15. Well what I meant was making many posts at the forum and sticking around, unlike some people who register and make little or no posts at all. I agree many people would try to make tons of posts if it was based only on post count. You just have to stick around and prove you're a true fan and you'll become a potna.
  16. I'm hoping this delay isn't Will's fault. It might just be something going on at Interscope.... I have no idea tho. :shakehead:
  17. Outkast?Greates Hits?Did i miss anything? :lolsign: And i don`t think Luda is coming out with anything that fast..Just like LL his last Album isn`t lonag ago!But ofcourse theyr is a chance.. :davidblaine: ← Yeah Luda's album came out last December so I thought maybe he'd have something out maybe next year, but we'll wait and see. :dope:
  18. I read about that, and it's just sad. "Lost is when you a slave to the biz With no care for the cost of what you're saying to kids" ^^ This phrase is so true in this situation. Kids can be inspired to do some crazy stuff by listening to bad music.
  19. Definitely can't blame Will for this! I think we would all be annoyed if someone followed us around everywhere with a camera. They gotta learn not to mess with Big Will! :lolsign:
  20. Yeah, I have almost 1000 posts and I'm still not a potna yet. You just gotta stick around and be patient like the rest of us.
  21. Yeah we might as well not count on it, and if we happen to see it on tv, then we'll let everyone know. I'm tired of waiting too.
  22. Outkast came out with a greatest hits cd last year so I thought they were done, I can't wait to see what they're coming out with this year! Does anyone know if Ludacris is coming out with a new album?
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