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‘Unsigned’ - does this mean unworthy? I would have to say an excitable no. ‘Business As Usual’ is certainly not run of the mill and has a real rivalry with anything in the charts at the moment. I’d describe it as a cross between Hip-Hop and R‘n’B but in not in a way I’ve seen before. It has something for every taste, and I like to dabble in my fare share of genres. Personally not all rapping does it for me especially with what’s out at the moment, but ‘Da Brakes’ brings a new fl avour that’s just less about attitude, which is like a breath of fresh air. Originally an actor from West London, (I thought I recognised the face) it has been said that he pulls off the live aspect of his performance really well, and if this albums anything to go by, I look forward to seeing him progress. This album just might be that ticket. I have listened to his previous albums from his website and they are good, but this latest instalment to Da Brakes’ hefty collection does show off his worth.For the more Hip-Hop inclined Da Brakes more than stands his ground with tracks like ‘Rap City Road’ and ‘Make Noise’ showing off his lyricism and sure tell tale sign that he’s been perfecting his craft over the years. With tracks including ‘Jewellery’ –an addictive beat with incredible catchy chorus, and ‘Understand’ – which is going to be massive in the clubs and on your radio, you get a real feel for what this guy is about. There is a spicy mix of humour, straight talking and real lyrical ability; all put together with more charm and charisma than anyone has managed to pull off so far. Da Brakes has a boat load of personality to put across but not in the way some artists do, trying to shove it down your neck, he’s got cheeky arrogance that suits his style. My advice is to keep your eyes peeled because Da Brakes is pulling out all the stops. Promising. Very Promising.
Nope, the icon for the file has a blue "e" on it, the one for internet explorer. Thanks for the text! That's a great review! :2thumbs: