OMG thats so funny Max :rofl:
Anyway cool that Jada's movie is doing so well. Thats another reason why I adore Will n Jada. Cos they are not jealous of each other's success. Like Jada said "His wins are my wins, his losses are my losses and My wins r his wins, my losses r his losses.
But either way they got Hollywood on lock-down :haha: I remeber the Oscar's when Jada n Will were presenters... B4 they were announce by Billy Crystal ..Billy said (well along these lines) Here's a couple that has no arrest record, never fought in public, and not fighting on whos done the most movies...They are a disgrace 2 Hollywood".... :haha:
Of course he was just joking about being a disgrace part. But the other stuff is true tho. Will n Jada the perfect couple...
Will n Jada: King n Queen of Making Money
But I agree with Miss Ashley. I want them 2 host the BET Awards again. They were so damn funny :rofl: