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Angel Amor

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Everything posted by Angel Amor

  1. Enough with B2R :haha: This topic has been :hijacked: Let's try 2 get back 2 the original topic "Party Starter" R PS spins accurate? How do find out?
  2. OMG thats so funny Max :rofl: Anyway cool that Jada's movie is doing so well. Thats another reason why I adore Will n Jada. Cos they are not jealous of each other's success. Like Jada said "His wins are my wins, his losses are my losses and My wins r his wins, my losses r his losses. But either way they got Hollywood on lock-down :haha: I remeber the Oscar's when Jada n Will were presenters... B4 they were announce by Billy Crystal ..Billy said (well along these lines) Here's a couple that has no arrest record, never fought in public, and not fighting on whos done the most movies...They are a disgrace 2 Hollywood".... :haha: Of course he was just joking about being a disgrace part. But the other stuff is true tho. Will n Jada the perfect couple... Will n Jada: King n Queen of Making Money But I agree with Miss Ashley. I want them 2 host the BET Awards again. They were so damn funny :rofl:
  3. That was a great interview. thanx 4 posting it
  4. Well I like WW song n soundtrack. I also like Born 2 Reign. I think B2R is the most underrated album ever(well that just me). Anyways back 2 the topic...I haven't heard PS yet. But from the looks of it, its really starting 2 pick up. I'm sure it will go high when it is released 2 more radio stations n a video comes out. I wonder what the video would look like? :hmm:
  5. Some people debate that. One girl in my music class last year said "Anyone who really understood Nirvana, knows he didn't kill himself" (or something along those lines) ← that's right. People shouldn't be blind sided by the media reports that Kurt Cobain "killed himself." You guys can go to www.cobaincase.com or http://www.justiceforkurt.com/ for some info. Some good stuff there. But I don't think the girl should have said "anyone who understood Nirvana knows he didn't kill himself, etc". No one really understands an artist unless you know them personally. A lot of my favorite artists like 2Pac and Kurt Cobain are still a mystery to me, and I've been a huge fan of theirs for ages. ← Yeah I know sum ppl say Kurt was killed by his wife who know looks like Anna Nichole Smith b4 she lost all that weight. I remember the debate on that. But yeah it's like Tupac we probably never know what really happen. Cos hey u can know sumbody 4 a 100yrs n still not know who they r.
  6. i'm a fan of Nirvana... I love Nevermind. Yeah such a shame that Kurt killed himself. He'll be missed.
  7. hmmmm. I would like 2 see Will n Tom in a action movie. But then again Will does a pretty good job of acting in drama cos he REALLY gets into it. I kinda more on action film. N Cookie that was Brad Pitt in Mr.&Mrs. Smith...Tom stars in War of the Worlds.
  8. I like that...that's real deep n thought provoking. I guess the only song that I take 2 heart is JJFP's "Shadow Dreams". Cos I would like to be a writer of children's books.
  9. Well 2 be honest I have never trusted cops... I guess that's bcos of the lifestyle my father exposed me 2. See my father is a drug dealer sum of his regulars were cops. It's scary that sum ppl u believe that they are suppose 2 uphold the law but then they r just as bad as true criminals.
  10. These r gr8 guys. A lot of remixes 4 Party Starter. But hey it's all good.
  11. it's a pretty funny story. But don't worry about it. Even tho this story ain't true we all had a good laugh...I agree 2 that the vet was just payin' wit ya.
  12. O ok Tim I see what your sayin'. Well to me that sounds like punk rock not really metal. But they need 2 bring out her voice alittle bit more. She gets drowned out by the band. Of course this is the music she has 2 play at Ozzfest remember. Cos she can't go on stage and perform RnB at a metal/punk concert unless she wants sumthing being hurled at her. But this seems like punk rock. I like it. But I also been a metal fan. I can understand why sum of her fans may not like this new album of thiers if it has more of this punk rock.
  13. I know she's just doin her thang. I ain't got no problem with that. Just that sum of her fans like the ol' stuff rather than the new stuff. Frankly I don't really care. Does she sound good? She does, that all I care about.
  14. Well my it ain't really metal. I mean when ppl told me she had a rock band but I never really considered her band 2 be rock. To me it sounded more R/B. No offense 2 any1 here. But thats the way I feel. So she is trying out metal. It could work. She might have gained a few more fans but at the same time lost some old 1's.
  15. O good I'm in the clear. I'm from TX and I don't own a pair of pliers :rofl:
  16. I heard about this. Can't wait until it hits stores!
  17. Will Smith's son Jaden is turning 7yrs old today. Happy Birthday Jaden!!! :jazzy: :Party_fest09: :party: :music:
  18. Wow an update. I guess thats better than nuttin. Well they need 2 do a little more. But hey I take what I can get.
  19. I'm watching the news they say 9ppl are dead n 90 ppl injured. It's so sad. Can't believe we live in a world that now u have 2 be on alert when u get on a train. :shakehead:
  20. That was real dope Ashley. that was real insightful. :respect:
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