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Everything posted by MaxFly

  1. The preponderance of video now and for the next couple of years will continue to be released in DVD video quality with the exception of those shows that are currently being presented in HD. In essence, what will happen is that all of the old sitcom and drama shows will probably be released on both DVDs and single discs of whichever format wins. You make a good point though. The upgrade in format will simply serve to perpetuate the status quo in terms of multiple discs in boxsets. But we've reached a dilemma... If the industry were to take the development of Blu Ray and HD-DVD off of the table and focus solely on holographic media, for the next 3-5 years, shows released in normal DVD quality would continue to be released in large boxsets. In addition, no shows or movies would be released to disc in HD quality. The problem would be that we would be stuck with large boxsets for the time being and those shows or movies that would have been released in HD on Blu Ray or HD-DVD discs will instead continue to be released in regular DVD quality while we're waiting for holographic discs to hit the maket.
  2. Well guys, now that Will has finished filming on Pursuit, do we have any ideas as to what his plans are? Appearances, performances?
  3. I believe that Blu-Ray can hold up to 27 gigs single layered... 54 gigs double layered. HD-DVD can hold about 15 gigs single layered and 30 gigs double layered. The Blu-Ray should be enough to hold 10+ hours of non HD video and the HD-DVD may be able to do so as well... That's the entire season for most sitcoms. Our favorite hour long shows would probably take 2 discs...
  4. Read the book, and it's an entertaining piece of fiction. Tom Hanks is the starring in this right?
  5. Well, I think the next jump is really to just get a season of a television show onto one HD-DVD/Blu Ray disc. I think we would be skipping a couple of steps in trying to get HD video onto one disc. A portable 300 gb holographic disc, though ideal, is going to be expensive when it comes out, and as exciting as it may be, it's going to take some time for the price to come down and for consumers to feel comfortable with it. From a marketing standpoint, Blu Ray and/or HD-DVD are a better bet for the near future. Also, blank HD-DVDs/Blu Rays should be a hit as people are always looking for more space to store their files, home made movies or what have you. I think the concern would be that while it would take the 4 or 5 years for holographic data storage to be fully developed and for prices to drop to a point where it would be a viable option, we'll still be using DVDs in the meantime. I think that holographic technology should be explored more as a permananent replacement for HDDs, and then as that blooms, introduce removable holographic memory cards and the like.
  6. Holographic technology is all the rage now, however a number of improvements must be made for these technologies to be cost effective. For now, they are limited to the archiving sector (these holographic discs can hold terabytes of information). Unfortunately, they won't make their way into the consumer market just yet. HD-DVD and/or Blu Ray seem to be the natural sucessors to DVDs, and though the improvements are incremental in the scheme of things, I think they will serve their purpose just fine for the time being. Blu Ray has to advantage in storage in that it has a larger capacity than HD-DVD but HD-DVD has the advantage in marketing. Because manufacturing of HD-DVD discs will utilize the current manufacturing lines that bring us DVDs, it will be cheaper (around the price of current DVDs). The biggest obstacle, as you pointed out, will be getting people to put aside their old DVD players. My guess is that those who are marketing the new format will promote their product based on it's ability to store HD video and its storage capacity to price ratio versus that of current DVDs. I'm also guessing that Blu Ray or HD-DVD players will be backwards compatible with DVDs.
  7. :paperbag: :paperbag: I fell asleep during some country music song. I totally missed it. Are they going to replay it anytime soon? I know this isn't BET?
  8. Will's at least in the crowd. They just showed him.
  9. Mariah's showing too much leg... Country music? No, no no... This won't do...
  10. Hahaha, I have tears in my eyes... Oh man... Lol
  11. That's probably why he's dead right now too. Julie, we don't want to kill you, but as long as you remain with the tyrants, we have to neutralize all threats. Our guild members are constantly helping one another. I mean, yesterday, we gathered online to sing Kumbaya and read poetry... You're not going to get that sort of support with TDH.
  12. I'm not going to buy one until Halo 3 comes out...
  13. I hear that the new games haven't been able to take advantage of the x-box 360's hardware capabilities. I'm sure that the next wave of games will be a lot better.
  14. I think that they were still in the process of getting patents and so forth, but yeah, they do seem to be taking some time to get this out. The first storcards were supposed to come out in 2003.
  15. Sounds like you're fond of your floppy drives and cds.
  16. http://www.storcard.com/ A flexible storage medium that you could put in your wallet would be cool. A compatible internal drive could eliminate floppy drives... (yes, there are computers that are still made with floppy drives) would be even better. I have a a few pen drives and a couple of CF cards but something about a storcard sounds better. Not sure how this company is doing. They've been promising mass production of this technology since 2003 with nothing as of yet. Hope it's moving forward.
  17. Yup, all fun and games. Indeed. Die! And yet, try as you may, it doesn't happen... :thumbdown:
  18. Those numbers would be at least 10 minutes between attacks, if not more, since Expired can stay in the profile for a bit. But yea, I was attacking you a lot today... probably four times or so. The regeneration for you between attacks is an hour an 10 minutes and my expired showing doesn't last for any more than 2 minutes. If you've logged off, it lasts longer. I was logged on when you attacked me. But again, nothings wrong with that... Nature of war...
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