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Everything posted by MaxFly

  1. Haha, agreed... He has potential... We'll see... Nick needs a grammy... he has a few kids choice awards I think... We'll see how he does, but I think it's best that he is left to develop on his own in the absense of scrutiny and comparisons... Stars usually develop best under those conditions.
  2. The Born 2 Reign track had a good beat as well... but that's pretty much it...
  3. You know what... this will all take care of itself when the time comes... I'm just waiting for Party Starter tomorrow night...
  4. I still give it to Lost and Found... Here He Comes Ms. Holy Roller Mr. Nice Guy Lost and Found Loretta I Wish I Made That/Swagga Tell Me Why Party Starter That's the core of Lost and Found, and even the fringe tracks are pretty good. B2R, BWS, Willenium... They aren't even in the same category, Jeff or no Jeff, it really doesn't make a difference, Lost and Found is that good. Lost and Found just has Will at his best. Production could have been better, but Will more than makes up for that with the lyrics and the way he flows over the beats... Voice inflection, expression, and pitch... It's just an all around package of enjoyment. And you have to admit, Will has gotten better lyrically and his flow is just crazy... Everytime I listen to the Born 2 Reign title track, I wonder what happened to the rest of the album... Will must have been saving it for Lost and Found.
  5. The VMA's are definitely a big stage, but the single should still have been out 2 months ago.
  6. Lol, Ted, I know you're not mad at Interscope... what happened to all the Will doesn't care about sales stuff... lol... Welcome to the dark side...
  7. Yeah, BWS will always have a soft spot in my heart. Willenium may be the better quality album, but BWS will always be my favorite and most listened to album out of the two. Frankly, I think a lot of people are feeling Willenium so much because Jeff was involved... Before anyone says no... Think back to your reactions to Lost and Found when you thought Jeff was involved a lot, and after you found out he wasn't involved much at all. Same music, same beats, same lyrics... but your reactions changed, didn't they...
  8. Good to know that Will2k, Freakin It and La Fiesta are pure hip hop...
  9. So the question becomes... Do you want to compare Lost and Found to a lot of other rappers' work or do you want to compare where Lost and Found is now with where it should be... I don't think we should be looking to other rappers to validate Lost and Found's mediocre success... Lost and Found should stand on its own merits. It shouldn't me judged by what others are doing. It should be judged by what it can do.
  10. I guess we can under the circumstances... However, is there really no way for us to get a discussion going without the echo... I say everyone make sure that they have headphones plugged into their speaker jacks and lets try one more time....
  11. Go check that score again...
  12. I don't need to talk trash... ← You're exact quote was: "Is there a trash talking thread for these games? There needs to be a trash talking thread!!!" :) I come back, play three times and take my score back... Schnazz couldn't stop talking when he took that billards score... he created this thread to gloat... I went and took that score as well as a few others simply because he decided to talk. He hasn't mentioned it since... That's how I operate... ← It's hard to talk trash when I'm currently losing. And the billiards score took you a ~bit~ longer then 3 tries. :) ← Billards did take me a while to beat, partly because I stopped playing it. After you took the record... I left it alone for the most part... And then you made this thread... And then I took the record back. You didn't think it was a coincidence that I got the record the same night you made this thread did you? Took the taunting Fed it to my ego Used it for fuel... What more can I say...
  13. I actually don't spend much time playing. I work 40 hours a week, and then come home and do more work... Like I told Frenetic... ya'll spend all day to beat a score, I come back, play three times and take my score back... I don't need to talk trash... Schnazz couldn't stop talking when he took that billards score... he created this thread to gloat... I went and took that score as well as a few others simply because he decided to talk. He hasn't mentioned it since... That's how I operate...
  14. There are a number of reasons it's climbing slowly: no video, no promotion, it's coming out very very late, the album has all but fallen off the charts... people, in general, have lost interest in the album and it's subsequent singles... Even some people on this forum have gotten to that "I don't care" level... With all these things taken into account, one can argue that the single is doing relatively well, but relatively well is not good enough. Questions arise. Why is there no video? Why is there no promotion? Why is the single coming out so late? Why has the album pretty much fallen off the charts...
  15. Yeah Cookie, that's a wonderful thing you did, and it also says a lot about you that your sons were so eager to do it. I think we're going to start the canonization proceedings soon.
  16. Haha, I downloaded it this morning after reading an article about it on CNN... No indication of multiple user use though...
  17. And they can tell their grandchildren that as a result of their numerous appearances on the album, the album was mediocre in quality and a disappointment in sales... Lets hope that they have more exciting things to tell their grandchildren...
  18. Too much Tra-Knox... Too much.... You play a song... Tra-Knox. You play the next song... Tra-Knox. You skip down 3 songs... Tra-Knox... The best thing to come out of Born 2 Reign other than the title track was Lost and Found...
  19. Ya'll are silly... These are just games...
  20. A Holy Roller is someone who is so dogmatic in their religious beliefs, they look down on others who are not as strong in their faith or who do not share their faith. They seem to believe that they are better, holier and more righteous than others, but more than just thinking it, they behave and speak in a way to demonstrate it. There's a sense of arrogance and pride around someone like that rather than the humbleness that salvation should evoke...
  21. Can we get the balloon hunter tournament going... Peopl need to finish their turns so that things can get going...
  22. Party Starter helping album sales... sigh... what a concept...
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