Let me set the record straight. Will was the first to be criticized as a soft and fake rapper by a number of the gangster rappers way back in the 80s. He was mentioned by name and was personally attacked and dismissed for his style of music. Inversely, Will criticized gangster rap in general and addressed why he didn't adopt the style.
I think Will framed the argument perfectly in Lost and Found...
The key question is what are we saying to children, teens and young adults. Why are we pumping poison into the minds and hearts of our youth simply to make money. I personally find the notion that "it's just business and people are just trying to make money" utterly reprehensible. It's the same asinine justification the tabacco companies used when they argued that cigarettes don't hurt anyone.
It's one thing for a rapper to speak about the experiences and challenges of his environment, but it's another thing entirely to glorify violence, drug use, and misogyny... and that's what Will was addressing when he criticized ganger rap.
Just to flush out the idea of people being judged by what they do for a living... If, for a living, I chose to work for a non-profit that sought to set up educational centers in urban areas, I would hope that reflected positively on me. We can't say that as long as it is about money, it doesn't matter what you do. If what you do has a negative effect on people, on communities, and on a culture, there comes a point where you have to step back and question what you do and whether your "business" is worth the cost.