Most people should have noticed this, if not just from the bulk and awkwardness of the suits, then from the lack of proper movement during fighting and action scenes. Batman's supposed to be a world class fighter... having mastered several martial arts disciplines... in the comics he's mastered all of them... While that is very, very unrealistic in terms of a movie, he should be able to do more than throw amature punches and kicks... and at the very least, he should be able to turn his head and move his body fluidly.
For a better understanding, if you've seen any of the Jason Bourne movies, Bruce Wayne (without armor or weapons) would have Jason Boune on the ground with a broken arm, 2 broken ribs, and a cracked collar bone in 4 seconds. :fencing:
I've noticed this shortcoming in the movies since the original Burton film likely because I've always expected to see great Batman fights where he's just plowing through thugs like he's meant to. Batman Begins came the closest of all the films, but much of the fights were filmed as closeups, partly I think, because of the awkwardness of the suit and the lack of proper movement.