Well, not really... in all, because of the money saved on supplies, and the boost from advertising, lets say the local Dairy Queen will end up making 400,000 dollars a year with 8 workers while your local small business will make 100,000 with 4 workers... If the minimum wage averages out to be 5,000 dollars a year per worker, the large business is paying 40,000 a year while bringing in 400,000... 10% it's annual income while the small business is paying 20,000 on 100,000... 20% it's annual income... Now lets say that minimum wage is increased by 1000 dollars a year per worker... The large business is paying 48,000 on 400,000... 12% it's annual income... The small business will end up paying 24,000 on 100,000... 24% it's annual income... Because of the increase in mimimum wage, the small business ended up paying a higher percentage increase of it's annual income in wages than the large business.