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Everything posted by MaxFly

  1. That's actually a good point. Does it work if you're ambidextrous? I'm partly ambidextrous... I just drank some orange juice with my left, and typed with my right hand... didn't notice anything... Haha, cookies, it's all about the motivation. :kekeke: Shoot, I could probably do it too... lol, or at least type her number into my phone with my left hand... lol... though that may not be as hard...
  2. Good read. I hope the best for him, and I hope that he gets his life together.
  3. Lol @ people actually trying it. I'm too lazy to go find something to eat. I'll let you guys experiment for me.
  4. Cookie, we absolutely have to get you on the next podcast with Lerkot. If you think Jonny's funny when he's tipsy or out right drunk, Lerk is 5 times more hilarious when he's sober (sorry Jonny). But yeah, I can't wait for the next podcast recording.
  5. I've never tried this, but I definitetly will now. You know what we should do. We should make this into a random question thread where people can ask any random question and then discuss.
  6. We were real close to 100 pages. Do we have a record for "longest thread?"
  7. Yeah, you never know when you might need the original. I usually have a section reserved for Mp3s on the computer, and they're all over the place on devices... iPod, Sony Walkman, data CDs, Zen Vision... but I just like having the original CD with the booklet though, just in case... And plus, gotta support the artist.
  8. Good to see that you're still getting kicks from bragging about attacking others that are no longer playing the game. Lol
  9. Saving money. Seeing if I can get to a billion or two in gold before Tim resets or shuts down the game. I'll take first place again if you'd like, but I'd rather try to save as much as possible and see if I can get to a billion soon.
  10. Lol, so are all those weapons that you lost.
  11. Yeah, I did a double take at the Bruce Willis... Lol
  12. I don't think Talib Kewli is a top 10 emcee. Personally met the dude... wasn't impressed. Common.... maybe... but he doesn't have the longevity that many of the other emcees have. You also have to take into account an emcee's ability to entertain, and while Common and Talib are great emcees, I can see myself falling asleep at one of their shows...
  13. Yeah, you need to have enough sentries to man those watchposts, or else the watchposts are just there... and I guess they wouldn't be of much use.
  14. I have to pick those up. Haven't been able to find them anywhere and I've been to lazy to order them off the net. Ted, please tell me you didn't type all of that up, lol. i can hook u up with House of Representatives Max. you'll be recieving a yousendit link in your inbox tomorrow :wiggle: also i have human emergency but its on cassette so im not sure how desperate u are for it Haha, it's cool Wes. I have the tracks. Just wanted the actual CDs before they really disappeared. I ordered them from their site. Thanks though. What's going to happen is that they'll go into the collection and remain unopened and in perfect condition, otherwise, they'd be scratched, nicked up and permanently grooved from the constant play in about 3 weeks.
  15. Mine would have to be when Carlton broke it down on Soul Train.
  16. Sigh Krispy Creames... nothing should be allowed to taste that good. And the slightly melted icing when you just get them and before they can cool off. It's just not right. Lucky for me, the closest Krispy Creame crack house is a good 10 miles away at least. The worst thing is that just thinking about it adds a pound or two... Mos Def - What Is Beef
  17. If this replaces "Time Share," I have no probem with it... but I can hear the complaints from the "music only" faithful now... The next podcast recording is going to be interesting.
  18. I have to pick those up. Haven't been able to find them anywhere and I've been to lazy to order them off the net. Ted, please tell me you didn't type all of that up, lol.
  19. You did not leave it down there! Lol... But yea, it must have been too much stuff to move with you. I don't know what I would have done with it though... I went for a run this morning, and did a light workout when I got back... cruches, pushups, free weights... it was supposed to be simple... but cookie, I can hardly move right now. I'd probably end up killing myself with real equipment. Just tell me that the air hockey table is safe.... lol
  20. How many watchposts do you have?
  21. You probably don't have enough sentries to man those sentry posts.
  22. I'll say what I did in the other thread... Looks like he still has over 100k... You didn't do a very good job.
  23. And he still has 101659. You're probably too scared to take the rest.
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