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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. so i have this microphone probelm... it goes crazy and buggs out when i try to record in sterio but for some odd reason it is perfectly fine when i record in mono... now thats an improvement but id rather not record in mono... so i have to figure otu how to record in stereo so i can get this done... im just finished up a second verse to death of a dream and its pretty nice, i like how this is coming along. ill try to keep you guys posted.... unless you dont really care.
  2. im writing my songs now.. all the beats are done.. so im going to try to have it done by this year.. but my mic is acting really badly so that will defintaly hold things back :(
  3. i was listening to lost and found... and i didnt really like it that much and took off some songs.. like if you cant dance... here he comes.. i dunno, willennium is just an overall better album
  4. its a "just for you" on itunes, from what you have on your itunes or you buy, it recoomends music.
  5. So my new album coming out is called reality check, i switched to just mike instead of concept and the lyrics are more down to earth...i think, also there is zero cursing. i have every track done production wise (it is all original again, but this time its good), i just need to write the album lyrically now and then get to recording. i have a new song on my myspace that isnt on the album but its my best track(in my mind and from other peoples minds). so heres the songs, not in order of when they will go on the album center stage reality check the illest a part of me face your fears leave me be always will be two sides to every story death of a dream dreamers dream fictional facts weekend nights enemy territory it will be free once its done, but also in post production i have to take the album pictures,design the cd, etc. so ill keep you guys updated right now 4 of the 13 songs are done lyrically. and most of the rest have been worked on, whether it be verse or chorus.
  6. really excited for this one. hopefully we get another blackstar quality duo on our hands
  7. im so tired of my friends telling me how good he is.. this made my day, maybe ill print it out for them haha
  8. anybody up for this again? i think it would be a nice break/distraction from slaving on my album. im totally down, plus i got a lot more instrumentals. i would be willing to organize it, names in a hat.
  9. if this happens i could produce my tracck so none of you guys would have to go through the extra work
  10. music. you can check it out on itunes on use the 30 sec preview, cause you can hear it in the preview
  11. i know its the same exact sound that is used in "no place like home" but im not sure if that sound from no place like home was taken from somehwere else hahah. thats why i said im not sure if its a jjfp sample. it could just be a sample of whatver jeff sampled artist - surreal and the sound providers song - truth be told album- true indeed
  12. im really happy that there are 2 mos def songs on the new kanye cd! itunes has the tracklist up. looks like chris martin (the dude from coldplay) is in the same tracklist location as the dude from maroon 5 was on the last album haha. but i didnt know if i was gonna get the new kanye cd but im kinda locked in for it now, i dont know why. maybe its the mos
  13. i dont think im gonna pick it up, for some reason it isnt appealing to me. maybe im just expecting too much after Be
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! enjoy it
  15. in my first one my hair was down to my back in mine and my real hair is nowhere near that long hahah.
  16. ....this is fresh princes head pasted on some dude when he dances... it is a cool fpoba theme remix but not jeff. hahah
  17. limewire "instrumentals" alot come up
  18. it was yesterday. i stood for 12 and a half hours, 6 of which was in the pouring rain... and it was AMAZING. nto all them played, there were two stages and i stayed at the main stage because i was in a mob of people and there was no way out. so i missed mf doom and murs (living legends). but hey, it was well worth it. blackstar rocked it and they each did solo stuff, kweli rocked a freestyle over get em high, he didnt even do his verse on that song. he also did the blast and get by. mos did napoleon dynamite ghetto rock and universal magnetic. it was soo ill. i have lots of pictures, (88). ill put up the good ones in a couple days, i have so much media i have to email to myself from my phone. like 60 videos, which i did just for the audio becuase you cant really see the stage. ill have a more in depth explainaitioon with those pictures, but it was DEF EDIT: if you cant wait to see the pictures - i put them on facebook in my album. "rock the bells" so you could get to see them that way. im mike petrow
  19. so this was at the american music awards, that means the crowd had to be a bunch of celebrities which makes it even better that he made them chant. haha. i wonder which rapeprs were in that crowd if you get where im taking it
  20. DAMNIT! i rushed over to the forum to start this thread and lost! but yea that looks awesome, and the woman said for the movie "John Hancock" no nets or anything. geez!
  21. this new director seems to be takign after kevin smith.. with serious issues candy coated with dick and fart jokes.. so far 40yr virgin and knocked up have gotten great reviews and done very well... ill stick with my kevin smith movies (and im seeing him on aug 2nd) but i havent seen either but i did see 40 year old virgin which seemed to be overrated to me
  22. well that makes me feel a little better.
  23. what was his style like then? cause its pretty typical of verse chorus verse, i dont see why he would mock it. and tim, you seemed to support alot of mcs back in the day when they were first coming up, thats cool but for the track....that sounds so commercial... i dont really like it, i hope the whole album isnt like that EDIT: i dont like it. i want my murs back and the played on the site says it was produced by kid rock... if so, this is worse than i thought
  24. that was awesome, i had such a pride as a prince fan i was scared he wasnt good live anymore becuase of that dvd that came with hitch... but that was great! i could lose the dancers though
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