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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. coming out august 19th, i thought the single was pretty good. what song is the jjfp reference on?
  2. cool gallery, but i was looking at the wills movie pics and i was at the bad boys 2 one and then i wanted to click right so i could get to the ali one and this is what came up a picture of christinia agulaeria, britney spears and madonna from that famous lesbian kiss scene. im trying to get an image of it on this post but its not working so ill just have to say you should check it out yourself
  3. you'll get better over time, joes right.. save your original verses and stuff. i come back to my old old threads and they're horriblle. now i think im pretty good. so just write and put your heart into it and you'll be better in no time EDIT: i forgot about what joe said about the battles...thats so true, i got most of my experiance from a long ass battle thread.. it was like 30 pages long and i just kept on writing verse after verse after verse and thats how i got a lot of practice.
  4. even scratching is hard though, i tryed it once and i sucked haha
  5. i liked the lewis black one better than the first one, but its true that all the political views on video games are retarted
  6. wow i thought he would be more gangster :rofl:
  7. maybe ill get plastic surgery so i look like brad pitt so then i can sue him and then make the money back and have some extra dough.. and a the plus side, angelina might mistake me for him.
  8. is saw this and was gonna mae a thread..good thing i didnt! but this lineup is better than the platinum and gold collecition
  9. its a creative quiz "which classic rap album are you." and you answer questions and at the end it tells you which one you are. but i have no idea how to finish is up. its all javascrpit and i dont know what im doing now.
  10. his guy is retarted... your gonna sue someone because of your genes?? thats ludacris
  11. yeah but with sony you dont have to download, cause the ps3 will be backwards compatible so it can play ps1 and ps2 games also.. and when the downloading old games...you have to pay for each one so its not so incredible as it sounds
  12. yeah it looks like it would be a good shirt but the seller looks really shady and not to be trusted. but if he took the time to make those banners for the store you never know, he coud be real
  13. ok whoever downloaded this please tell me your opinions of my voice when rapping
  14. its the rulers back by jayz over the party starter beat, and will does the chorus' never told you vipa how good of a job you have done :hail: its amazing! http://rapidshare.de/files/25340355/djvipa...sblend.mp3.html there ya go bart
  15. Heres a track i did with my friend and we did it together for english class. its about cantebury tales and we added some things about our teacher (ms murhpy)and some of the students in our class. everybody LOVED it and we made money off of selling copies of it to people. i really really like the way that i spit in this song and i like it more than anything else i put up. and i can listen to this without cringing to my voice..the only song i can do this to. --->the beginning is a parody of mainstream, whats in parenthesis is what my friend 'rapped', cause im the rapper i did most of it since he wasnt too comferatble. so it ended up like blackstar which was cool...but you cant tell the difference in our voices so it actually isnt. haha ---->the oooh maria part is a harmony of our voices which we do well apparently Murph a Lurph Written and Rapped by Concept Featuring kb produced by concept (on garageband) (Ms Murphy!!) Murph a Lurph!! (Westside!!) We're gonna talk a lil about the friar (braatt bratt), he was a nasty dude, so here we go. The friar was a (Liar) and a damn woman (izer) He drank to get (drunk) not a man to admire No compassion towards others, he was so damn (mean) No positive qualities, all his actions were (obscene) Fighting with others, which he did a lot This man was a friar, did he give it a thought? (Hell no!) He was a grumpy man, which really isn't much fun Positive qualities? (He aint got none!!) (Chorus) Murph murph murph murph murph, murph a lurph! (The friar) Murph murph murph murph murph, murph a lurph! (The friar) Murph murph murph murph murph, murph a lurph! (The friar) Murph murph murph murph murph Murph Murph Chaucer was a man with too much free time And wrote tales about pilgrims (and every line rhymed) Chaucer was a mother f----in (P-I-M-P) Wrote the books to make the ladies (happy) The saloon owners loved the friar real (well) Even though he was bad and might go to (hell) This one goes out to my man niko jones! Oooohhhhhh maria! I love you Oooooohhhhh maria! I love you Oooooohhhhhh maria! I love you (Steven aswad report to the principal's office..NOW!!) (A-man!) http://rapidshare.de/files/25332233/01_Mur...Friar_.m4a.html
  16. i thoguht it was gonna be jay z beat with will smith in it...but this is really good. jay z flows really really good. i think jay z flows better than will in this song. :shrug: jay z seems to be the number one guy who gets his music messed around with(grey album, jay z and linkin park) and every time it comes out really well.
  17. now that i have a psp i have been making wallpapers like crazy....as of 2 in the morning i started ( went to bed at 3 and woke up at 11) and i have made 21 wallpapers...the will smith related part of this is ...you guessed it. i made a will smith psp wallpaper, so if any of you have a psp i would like to share my psp background with you, its from the willsmith website a while ago, i love the picture. of you want to see the other wallpapers go to pspwallpapers.com and find the user concept1414 ....im getting deja vu
  18. love is the basis for all great songs and this one is no objection. great song man!
  19. if we could get a hold of that battle somehow it would be so awesome.. thaanks for that info lerkot, i never heard that info either
  20. actually i am.....which is odd coming from the guy who started this thread
  21. im pretty bad at fresssytling actualy, i guess i dont practice at all and thats why. so i definatly would lose in a freestyle matchup, but i need to sharpen my skills all around as an mc.
  22. yeah bitch ain't you heard?? :rofl: you change you name more times than sean combs
  23. yeah thats a good point...will it be the same beat or all differnt.. assuming there are beats.
  24. after spittin against da triptic im definatly in
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