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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. ...i dont really know.. hahah i felt like it was time someone put out a good diss against him. im tired of all his tracks polluting the numero uno pages.
  2. :arg: http://rapidshare.de/files/25065947/DISSS_01.MP3.html Dont mess with Concept LYRICS: If the secret to life is dissin, i'll let the secret become out cause you dont really know dissin is really about and we cant really tell when words come out your mouth because they are a little foggy like starin straight at a cloud im dissin your track that wasnt directed at me casue you challenged real rappers who can flow with a beat take a look at yourself and rewind that track your a punkass from virginia, who would answer back/ now, now, now, i understand what im doing im just trying to make sure your confidence is ruined an mc with a lisp? you gotta be crazy who the hell wants to hear a rap from cindy brady? speak up, speak clear, please just listen cause you mumble more times then a kid with autism i'll rain on you fool, get out your umbrella i can flow better than you spittin accapella i'll get off the mic, i dont have the time i'll let the people decide who had a better diss rhyme :willvspaparazzi:
  3. smells like something.....kinda smells like........ BEEF!
  4. hey i played this game in target and it was pretty fun....in fact i played the same level that that video was of. and i also got a psp and it KICKS MUH F*CKIN AASS YO
  5. that makes you think....would they remake the omen 2? or do a complete new omen movie
  6. you all know its a remake right? the original was really good and i was scared so bad when i saw it.
  7. yeah i havent seen that! thats actually why i came here
  8. i dunno.... but i guess its all opinion. i see ALOT of DS's reutrned to ebagmes and gamespot. but anyway! this game does look really fun! especially that new growing ability that lets you reck everything. and to tim, they should make a "new donkey kong" and have it like the ones on snes and be with diddy, dixie and that fat baby one. the graphics were more mature then mario though. i dont know if that means anything.
  9. that is such a def video!! its so cool to see him scratchin
  10. yeah my friend just got one, (thats why i am getting it- so we can play wi fi multiplayer when we go on vacation and on the flight), and hes constantly wiping it down with the little slip cover it comes in. when i play his i try to leave as little prints as i can. ill have to practice that. i think the ds has really good ideas behind it (mic, touch screen, 2 screens at times) but it is kind of pointless to have them
  11. some kind of action shot of will (jumping, punching, kicking, etc)
  12. im planning on getting a psp. their so cool!
  13. Nirvana - In bloom (ahhhhhh rock music)
  14. i was really looking forward to seeing this happen! this sucks.
  15. good lyrics and true aswell!
  16. all the spiderman movies are really good which is gonna make the movie serious gonna be like a classic in the future. arent there supposed to be like 7?
  17. alot of people seem excited for this, i thought alot of peopole on this site hated eminem...weird. well im not too excited, I'll check it out but probaly not get too into it, id rather check out the obie trice tracks, hes my favorite mainstream rapper nowadays, check out the track "cry now" its soo good
  18. im not a fan of superman but i saw in the trailer that he got shot in the eye and it bounced off and i think thats really cool
  19. what are you doing exactly? are you putting those people in the front of the screen like we are in a back row ofa moive theatre
  20. hey i was with my friend auditionting for cold stone(even though i already have a job) and we had to take a song and then rewrite the words so they correspond to ice cream or cold stone and i wrote one from teh fpoba theme. here it is In the westfield area its cold and praised cold stone is where i spend most of my days its chilled and relaxed to the max its cool the perfect treat for right after school we only had to write like 4 lines so thats all i have. :kekeke:
  21. nothing really, nobody answers or anything, its just cool that you made it ring. try it
  22. i dont know if it works in europe cause ive never been to europe, but what you do is when you see a pay phone, go up to it and take off the phone, then press 5-5-0 then the last four digits of the phone number (the phone number of the pay phone) then press 1-1-1 2-2-2-3-3-3 and hang up four times. wait a couple seconds and if done correctly the phone will ring on its own. its a cool little hack. when doing the 111's, the computer might say to try again since youve pressed too many digits but keep on going, itll still work. just felt like sharing something cool, if you have anything similar share it!
  23. i cant really figure out whats on your shirt but im guessing its jjfp. at first i thought that didnt sound like it, but then i realized that your playing the bass to the song and not the beatbox. haha so good job on figureing that out :2thumbs:
  24. i wasnt aware that jazzy did that much work with eminem. and em mentioned him in that song whento stand up "back when will smith was the fresh prince and him and jazzy were still best friends" and "im the rapper hes the dj" but you guys downloaded it so you know that, obvoiuus refferances since jeff profuced it does anybody else think that that repreateing noise in that is the same one from freakin it? (1400th Post :Party_fest09:)
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