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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Dead Prez- Hell Yeah (Pimp the System)
  2. i doubt you have it right lol like i said- its an exaggeration of the story, so nobody here was engulfed in jeaoulsy
  3. this is a poem i wrote, not a rap, its not about me but actually inspiried by someone on this board. the poem exaggerates the story of the guy a little bit. and the person is no longer posting- if your trying to figure out who it was The Failure Written by Concept The least talented wants to [Fit in] His days and time Are devoted to improving His lack of skill The hours Like points Build up inside And add up to surpass his fellow peers Once a failure Now overqualified Veterans look up to him Now he’s risen To that very spot that No one has reached before Rivals engulfed in jealousy And leave him behind All alone What purpose is it now? Another young amateur wants to [Fit in] And it will spawn another failures drive POST what you think it means, im interested to see what you think it means and if i get my message across.
  4. thats like tryign to remake rocky...why would you do such a horrible thing. most remakes are worse than the original. theres too many characters to have an effective remake. like you have to think of every character that would be replaced...uncle phil, geoffery, JAZZ. you have to think about this. there are too many cruicial important characters that made the show so great, remaking it with a complete different cast wouldnt make it fresh prince of bell air, it would make it a completye differnt show. nick cannon would ruin it casue hes horrible (sorry nick cannon fans but thats my opinion), bow wow would ruin it cause its not his style, like stated before, nobody can replace the unqiue chemical bond of the cast. its to orecent of a show to remake also..most remakes are like 20 years old...this one is 10. the people in the show are still acting in movies, you have to at least be retired to make a remake last thing why i know this isnt gonna happen .....look at the date of the first post in this thread
  5. enemy of the state "do you ever have homosexual thoughts? do you ever masterbate in the shower?"
  6. willennium is the best out of all of them! im not really fans of any other of those artist, except for ice cube- but his older stuff. im not too big on his new album. and for busta rhymes, i thnk i might look into him a little more cause i think i might like him, i dunno, i said i have to look into him.
  7. i havent seen this movie until i bought it yesterday, its pretty good. i cant say that im not a little dissapointed, but i guess i was expecting a whole lot. dont get me wrong its an awesome movie but i think that the performances could have been a little more and chappelle a little less. and i didnt realize that talib kwelis voice was like that, it wasnt his signature sound which had me a little dissapointed. but the dvd feautres are pretty cool, liike a making of, some unseen footage of a marching band and some extended musical acts, which i really wanted to see but i was having trouble finding. you have to press enter when a megaphone appears on the screen to see the extended part but it wasnt working for me, ill have to try again.
  8. thats gotta be pretty embarassing, i bet some of the people thought they broke a water bed.
  9. you see george lucas! hahahahaha i cant belive he was in this i actually dontthink the song is that great, and jamie kennedy really does want to be a rapper, i think this is just a transition for him. making comical raps then i think they will get less comical if he stays in the music industry long enough
  10. whats the point hahaha you should like win something with these points, trade them in for something.
  11. Thats a really good song....but im not listening to it :3-laugh3: Aceyalone- Solomon Jones
  12. oh yeah right, i thought i rememebered it from somewhere casue i heard in nas's song ''virgo'' they said that and then someone beat boxed and i was like the sounds like jjfp and ready rock, but i thoughgt someone else did that before them. and in the song getting married, nas mentioned will and jada... just some references
  13. thats pretty cool, i saw that simon and garfunkle was on there....their one of my favorite musicians
  14. you know how jjfp always says that in all the old albums? and then even made a song like that. my question is did they make that up or did some other rapper say that beofre them and they copied it.
  15. hey im getting minimun wage for a small bakery until im out of my training, then once im out of training my salary goes up
  16. Ted Leo & the Pharmacists- You Could Die(Or this Might be The End)
  17. thats such a good mixtape. im listening to it right now
  18. makes me wanna look at a picture of beyone and make sure shes ok
  19. hummingbird- seals and crofts- i rememebr my dad played this in the car on the way to the zoo and i would try and sing the words but i only know the part were they say hummingbird big willie style tape- ws- when i was moving to maryland i had this take and when our family was shopping for carpet i was just playing this tape on repeat. space jam- ?- this song always got me really pumped when i was smaller and in gym once in a while they would play it and i would be ''i love this song!!" and get so hyper ...im sure theyre more
  20. :wickedwisdom: yo thats some nasty scratchin!
  21. what an awesome video! i have never seen it before, i did like that version better, the intro was great.
  22. thaat was very funny and at the same time he made some good points
  23. who did we want on this track? concept fuq cataboy3 fan 4 ever and i think it was like joe and schnazz does anybody rememeber?
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