thats like tryign to remake rocky...why would you do such a horrible thing. most remakes are worse than the original.
theres too many characters to have an effective remake. like you have to think of every character that would be replaced...uncle phil, geoffery, JAZZ. you have to think about this. there are too many cruicial important characters that made the show so great, remaking it with a complete different cast wouldnt make it fresh prince of bell air, it would make it a completye differnt show.
nick cannon would ruin it casue hes horrible (sorry nick cannon fans but thats my opinion), bow wow would ruin it cause its not his style, like stated before, nobody can replace the unqiue chemical bond of the cast.
its to orecent of a show to remake also..most remakes are like 20 years old...this one is 10. the people in the show are still acting in movies, you have to at least be retired to make a remake
last thing why i know this isnt gonna happen
.....look at the date of the first post in this thread