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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. i saw the premeire on mtv back in 2002
  2. all my jjfp cds i bought used, thats the only way i could find them, we had to order rock the house off ebay cause i couldnt find it anywhere on the net, also used. i actually like my jjfp cds being used. its like tricking myself that i have been a fan since the start
  3. i think that tra knox are good but unless you want a full out r &b album then you cant have them on every track.
  4. i think talib and mos def are great, but your right that they havent been in the game for a while. mos defs last album is the definition of hate it or love it. i think common could have been on that list cause hes been around a long time. and maybe black thought cauld be on the top 15.
  5. for eminem, you see its like he only writes about about 4 things -family(mom, kim, daughter) -him being white -publics view -random stupid eminem sh!t theres probaly more but the majority of his stuff is that, thats why encore was bad, any of the bearable songs where already rapped about by him and all the others weird severly f*cked up album fillers.( which can be classified as random eminem sh!t on my list). so its still the same stuff. on the slim shady lp he had more topics and stories, plus it was orginal then. the next album was big cause the contriversy and it was raw, had lots of emotion in it. it was a more mature eminem. i think eminem show was pretty solid album actually, but encore was just trashy messed up tracks. i wouldnt keep him on the list and replace him with talib kweli or common or mos def or someone like that, but if he had to stay i would make him #10. and jay z definatly cant be number one, thats a joke. hes too commercial to be the best rapper, maybe best selling (but i dont even know that). if your talking lyrically and passion and influence i would have to go with the cliche answer of tupac. cause not only was he passionate but actually had messages in some songs,powerful ones.
  6. the roots- organix aceyalone- a book of human language these at the top i would want to get and the ones on the bottom i heard are the best by them so i would want to hear them. i heard that 50 cent takes lines from power of the dollar and uses them in tracks now eminem-infinitie 50 cent- the power of the dollar
  7. this is my third day off from break (exluding sat and sun) its been pretty good except its supposed to rain tommrow my friends are on a trip in europe for school and we called on and it was 11 in london and like 6 here and i told him to look at the moon so we would be connected lol
  8. i sat here tryign to figure out what the hell he was saying, thats another nice thing about will smith not curseing, when your reading lyrics you dont have to decode the stars that censor the lyrics.
  9. i was itunes checking out jazzy jeff and there was a playlist called "jazzy jeff tribute" but thats not the point. the point is itunes' funny little thing they screwed up with the artist on a song. on just cruisin they have the artist as "dj jazzy jeff and the fresh prince & will smith" ..not that big a deal but i found it humourous on a account that will smith and fp are the same guy, which you guys know but people out there are pretty stupid and might get confused
  10. im reading "the running man" by stephen king..it was written under another name but its really by him. very very good book. COMPLETELY differnt in almost every aspect from the movie.
  11. i havent seen any of the shows, have a tribe called quest or de la soul been honored yet?
  12. good luck, we wish you only the best
  13. nice find! i love de la soul
  14. always a good message from him i didnt see the bow wow part
  15. just for the record i heard summertime on the radio last friday, i dont know what station it was. my friends were flippinh channels when we were playing wiffel ball and i made them keep it on. but they changed it cause it was staticy. ....just wanted to share
  16. i didnt so far, its only 10:12am so i got time. but for my friends burthday party today(not his real birthday) we are gonna catch him a live squirell! and we are still debating whether we should let it loose through his house.. but that could end up bad
  17. thanks alot a-hole :lolsign: but i just got my kingdom hearts 2 today :omg: its AMAZING!! definatly 100 times more amazing if you played the first one!!!! which i did. if you havent it wont be as crazy
  18. i didnt read much of the artcile but if its like a grey album thing than im fine with it, but it its like mj recording just for this than thats pretty messed up.
  19. differnce bewteen blue and red is blue has some pokemon youi cant get in red and vice versa, it was all a marketing scheme so you buy them both so you can collect all 150 and if anybody cares my ivysaur is now a venasuar and its level 36 i need a life
  20. i would like to announce that on myspace my song has had 61 listens in 4 days
  21. pokemon!!! hashahaha brings back memories and its soo fun blue version bitches! ive been playing since last night and i have a lv 28 ivasuar :lol:
  22. as good as an idea it sounds, they have complete differnt styles. i think will is better suited with people from his own time.
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