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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum


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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince- Shadow Dreams
  2. i cant get the flow on this song, your should try and organize it better
  3. The Roots- Return to Innocence Lost
  4. my friend sent that to me last night on myspace!
  5. i really like mine is if mine got taken away i would probaly be angry and do nothing about it
  6. i liked the other battle thing, it was so simple, this thing is confusing me. but hey im probaly just too lazy to figure it out. i too miss the arcade, and that one time i held a record for like an hour or so.
  7. :word: i havent been hear for a year yet, but its close. and i feel the same way as you do. definatly a family, cause if youve been to other onmline forums its not the same as this. people dont really act the same way toward each other. and to create a family is definatly something to be happy about tim. too bad we all live at the ends of the world haha cause i bet if we all lived close we would already be friends before this site
  8. i love will smith for his musical talent, and his charisma and talent toward rapping. You know he did it cause he loved it, im not saying he doesnt love acting, but i feel like you can have a better passion toward music then acting. but then theres that thing about age, you cant be a 67 year old rapper, it just doesnt happen. so i mean thats where i would want him to persue acting. i voted for being a rapper, but when he gets older he could come out of retirement from acting since it would fit his age.
  9. You might be able to kill me but I'll kill you 70 years faster damn lerkot that was a good line this is a pretty funny "beef" which is ironic since renegades chorus is a ripoff of a biggy song. which proves he cant think of sh!t on his own. and on top of that the pathetic things renagde will say and think they are insults....its kinda sad if you take offense to this renegade...you should. but if you dont, then thats good, cause im not usually the type that likes to have conflicts. but if you want one..i will lyrically murder you P.S. what ever happened to that 400 bar diss? your not even a man of your word, excuse me. a boy of your word
  10. definaltly not chris rock, im not really sure. will is such an orignial and unique person it would be hard to play him unless you were him. you gotta take into consideration all the phases of his life, like jjfp, and then acting, and then big will. oscars. stuff like that, it would be a hard roll.
  11. i think you would work on the rhyme a little more, make it longer too. nice work.
  12. i think we're all entitled to are own opinions, and some opinions we dont like to hear or think is wrong, i personally didnt really favor lerkots message in the song. but i can respect him for his opinions. so im not angry at anybody. we need to respect each other :davidblaine:
  13. thanks! i actually put up a topic about wanting this in the rare tracks section cause i never heard the fuill thing! i neever really checked that topic again so thanks
  14. i think it could have been better, but hey.... :2thumbs:
  15. new verse in it! bullets blast now become a blessin violence repeats but we still ignore the lesson the lyrics off, bad message grows music forver ruined like new stained clothes Hidden hip hop halos bust, retract the reason Ridden with ridicules rust, lay low its rap season id rather reach out refreshin radio stations and repair rare respect for hip hop in the nations number one steriotyped songs that sell people favor old school, cause reall hip hop fell now im lookin to bring love back to rap get lost in the message throw away the map find your own way there, through any artist or song as long as it has sense, no chouce is wrong when your locked in, never turn back if you got a clear mind, why waste money on crack next level up, hear intelligent spit next level up, write your own smart **** now at the top of the class, you now know all But with that attitude, your bound to fall Jacobs ladder, foever you'll climb Neglect concept effect,you dont deserve to rhyme (Chorus) so all together thats 59 bars now i just have to make the damn song!!
  16. prertty impressive i find it funyn when the crowd is wowed by something thats not that inmpressive like the first wow.
  17. the title of this thread sounds like a beginning to a joke "so i went to lorettaville......."
  18. oh stacy can you see that you are the girl for me http://www.stuffmagazine.com/cover_girls/girl.aspx?id=518
  19. damn, too bad im under 18 and dont live in europe
  20. i just got it today, havent watched it yet on account i just came in the door. about to start. EDIT: so ive watched the 1st disc and i think have one more episoide on the 2nd. its very good, the only thing so fr that i dont like is that there is no book in the box set or a description of the episode.
  21. good for her! i didnt know she lived in newark, thats close to me.
  22. its on my itunes! really good :2thumbs:
  23. that looks like a good movie, too bad i dont know the questions, whats the prize anyway?
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