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Based on a True Story is out now! Will Smith's first album in 20 years ×
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Everything posted by Typhoon20

  1. I think I'm going to get this off my chest. I'm so sick of hearing about his kids. I wish them all the best and I understand Will spending time with his kids but I'm a Fresh Prince fan and as a fan I feel like his kids are getting in my way of enjoying the FP. I don't even blame their kids or anything just sick of Will spending his prime on doing projects for his kids trying to create a career for them (so soon) I wish he would just let them be kids and focus on his own career. I think if he had done that we'd be having an album by now, he wouldn't have been gone this long. Plus even now he's doing a movie for Jaden soon he's going to make a movie for Willow not only am I not getting an album i'm also not getting to see much from him as an actor. He could've done so much (music, films) during the past 3-4 years and upcoming years. Not blaming anyone here but as a FP fan this has become FRUSTRATING to say the least. Trey is by far my favourite out of all 3 and that's probably because he isn't in the spotlight as much. I used to like Jaden and Willow but lately it's having the opposite effect on me. If only them being in the spotlight didn't subtract from the FP I wouldn't be this upset over it.
  2. That's not the first time Will did this. In fact he did it to a major celebrity too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyGWpcz5M-M
  3. Where did that incident happen ? Russia ?
  4. Wouldn't surprise me if Denzel turns it down.
  5. I actually sincerely believed it up until I read Ale's post. Totally forgot about april fools. You should've seen my face when I was reading the story. I feel depressed now.
  6. Not only does it have no ''MIB'' feel the song is truly beyond horrible. I didn't know what to make of it...it was just so bad. Will Smith should've made a MIB song and if he didn't want to perform it just hand it over to any other musician. MIB = Wills thing. This should've concluded with a WS song. I have a feeling this movie is going to bomb. Everything about it feels like a mess.
  7. Cool pic thanks for sharing Ale. Btw isn't that Reggie Miller on the right ? Lol Urkel looks like a lil kid next to FP and Reggie. Reminds me of this Duncan pic:
  8. I hope it was Jada. Will ! A mother is always right.
  9. It looks like a mess of a trailer. You can tell all the trouble they've experienced and are still experiencing kind of affected the trailer in a bad way. Most shots seem unfinished, large portion of material not included because of this and it kind of shows in the trailer. Still the material doesn't seem as bad as I expected it to be. The movie can still turn out to be good but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  10. I'm not a Blazers fan but Roy was still one of my fav players all-around. Great guy, amazing player. That game in the playoffs against Dallas was legendary. Sad day for the NBA. You will be missed B-Roy.
  11. Not saying it is or isn't but none of those sources have any credibility whatsoever.
  12. Were the rating really that bad back then ? I always imagined it to be one of the best rated sitcoms.
  13. What does that mean exactly ? Jeff wants to do it 100% as a JJFP album and Will wants to go Solo with lots of musical guests/features and bring Jeff on for ''some tracks'' ? Or am I reading WAY much into this. It seems like Will wants to do it BIG this time. Well either way best news ever.
  14. For some reason (isn't it obvious) I just can't stand K.Smith.
  15. It's Will and Jada's personal life they can do whatever they want but out of all the Hollywood people I felt Will&Jada were probably the only solid couples and who I could see together 4ever. I hope this is false news I really do but either way god bless both and of course their children
  16. - Jeff was on the beat box (one of my all-time fav tracks) - Numero Uno - Jazzy's Groove (Jazzzyyyyyy) - Pump up the bass - Taking it to the top - Somethin' like dis (such a great track) Ohhh just solo ? Sorry didn't read that part. - I can't stop (such a great song) - Candy (3rd verse is one of the sickest lyrics of all-time) - Da Butta - Who Am I - Afro Angel - No More - Willow is a player (sick beat) - Potnas And many many more....
  17. I wish the thread was about artists rather then just rappers because I want Jeff on every track. I also want him to work with Nikki Jean, Jill Scott, Andre3000, Lupe, JCole, Mos Def, Common etc and have Pharrell produce some stuff.
  18. In honor of this great news I popped in L&F at work lol. Lost & Found, Tell Me Why and Loretta are my 3 fav tracks from that album followed by the Robin Thicke switch remix. Such an underrated great album.
  19. I'm happy with a possible album from Will but slightly worried that he's working with these gimmicky people *cough*Gillie, really?*cough*. He should work with his boy Jeff and people like Jill Scott instead of Gillie and the game. The only artist I heard/read about Will associating himself with that I liked is Pharrell. Btw, we should do a ''who would you want to see Will work with on his new album'' thread.
  20. Nice shot there... Oakley, Ewing, Mutombo nice list there.
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