I read the topic and needed to get this off my chest.
I think will does the right thing, it doesn't matter for me if I can take
a picture with him, or meet him etc. or expect things from him.
Most people get on a picture with will just to show it to their friends and brag about it,
sure i'd like a picture with will 2, sometime I'll see that happening, but that picture is going to go into my album and movie collection of will, I'll keep that picture till I die,
that's the meaning of a picture for me with will.
The only thing I except as a real fan from will is him giving us his love,
this by making music albums and movies, when he stops doing those things,
especially music, that'll break my heart.
It's a tough situation you know, could U love me if my albums were not so good,
could U love me if I wasn't on top of the world, etc. this goes for will and every other artist, fans are very unfair sometimes,yes Born 2 reign wasn't as good as any album will did, but even so real fans buy it, why ?
Because you love will, and if you love someone, you expect nothing back,
a 1 way love, I bought the album even though it wasnt that good,
but at least I got another will smith article that goes into my collection and heart.
How many fans will go on a picture with will smith when he hits his 70th year,
and how many fans will go on a picture with will right now.
The difference can be huge.
If he makes crap albums, or good ones, bad movies, or great ones,
it don't matter 2 me, I won't be missing anything will will make.