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JJFP reunite for 50 years of Hip Hop December 10 ×
Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Forum

Don Jiggy

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Everything posted by Don Jiggy

  1. lol i voted like 15 times in a row and still goin :afro: oh yeah with our help will is goin to make the countdown :werd:
  2. hey bagotrasho, you aint worried someone would start bitin on yo stuff :afro:
  3. my bad on the attached file just experimentin :afro:
  4. nice song :afro: original_a_first_form_from_which_varieties_arise__an_authentic_work_of_art_as_oppose_too_imitation_or_reproduction___Will_Smith
  5. Bagotrasho where are ya skills/ you got no mo skill than D'angelo/ however he feels/ you sound like a trashbag/ you might need to change yo name to talentless Ms.scalawag/ I spit flows sicker/ I damn near spit flu's/ you tha biggest disappointment like Ashton in Guess who/ now about that long verse comment/ my point was that if you can't say what you got to say in a short verse/ then your skill are in a hearse/ :afro: :ali:
  6. yall rhymes are tight, yeah i do it fo fun, i aint got no beef either; im a kick another freestyle 5th period :afro:
  7. yall writin them long a$$ passages for no damn reason i dont know who informed yall it was amateur season but, slow down yall pump ya brakes i cant believe im replyin to these amateur takes yall need a lesson that long a$$ passages dont mean nuttin you aint hiphop unless you talkin bout sumthin :afro:
  8. GET ON THA FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a remix would be amazing, i be in class yellin the song, GET ON THA FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!! :afro:
  9. when you battle it sounds well but mine sounds better while you in the studio makin this song i step in and take yo cheddar just that quick on my appearence alone i step in on yo record deal and make my own cuz im tha real king T.I. was just frontin wanna see tha kid reign push that red button :ali:
  10. im new on here and i like to freestyle, so who wit it
  11. hey are there freestyle battles on here?? if there are i wanna be down :afro:
  12. its my dream come true, my two favorite rappers on one track, amazing :afro:
  13. why wal-mart anyway go to a record store or something, im going to circuit city :afro:
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