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About Stoichennium

  • Birthday 12/06/1985

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  1. You can really hear Will's 'Born to Reign' flow on this track.
  2. Hi everyone. I'm a long term member of the forum who doesn't post as often as he should! I'm a huge Will Smith fan and have always appreciated his ability to tell a story through his music; from Rock the House to Lost and Found (something he doesn't get enough credit for!). It was this style of rapping that has inspired the music i make today. Over the past year my tracks have started to get played on the radio in my city (Hull) and have been getting positive feedback. You wouldn't be on a Will Smith forum if you didn't have good taste so I wanted to know what you all think of my new free to download EP. I'm a UK artist from the North of England so it might be a bit different to what you're used to but check it out and let me know what you think! You can download it from the following link: Ninetiesboy.co.uk
  3. Hi, I haven't posted on here for a long time but I have some news! Game recently toured nightclubs in the UK and he visited my home city, Hull. I got to speak to Game after the concert so of course I asked him about the Will collaboration. Game confirmed that he HAS recorded a track with Will. It was just a quick meet and greet so I didn't have the opportunity to ask him anything else but at least he confirmed that FP has recorded something in the last year!
  4. Hey, i know Hancock has been getting some awful reviews since it came out but the general public seems to disagree. This reminds me alot of Bad Boys 2. On rottentomatoes.com Hanock is rated at 36%, the RT community however has rated it at 70% which is higher than they rated the new Indiana Jones film. http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/m/hancock/reviews_users.php Yahoo users have rated it B and so have boxofficemojo users. Although the film origianly had a bad buzz due to the reviews, i think this positive word of mouth will help it do better than we think. Does any one know anyone who didnt like Hancock? The friend i saw it with reconed it was Wills best film since MIB. (I dont agree with that BTW) :signthankspin:
  5. You cant forget about the worldwide numbers though. im guessing that Hancock will take another 200 mill+ overseas.
  6. Hey, i dont really post here much but im always reading what you guys have to say (Sad i know!). I just saw Hancock and thought it was great. It seems however that the reshooting they did wasnt for the actual film but for an extra bit during the credits. Just thought this was interesting after all the worries of them reshooting it!
  7. Yea definately, it does flow alot better but i dont wanna sound over american and hopefully i dont
  8. Yea thats my trouble, i feel im comin off 2 american, i dont mean to sound american its just my flow. i feel if im gonna do out with my rappin tho i cant sound american but i dont kno, wat u all think?? York St John is my uni by the way, everything youve sed tho has bin really helpful cheers :thumbsup:
  9. Come on guys, im kno i dont post too regular but sumbodys gotta have summut to say
  10. heres a track i recorded recently but theres still alot that i want to do with it. ive got bout 5 im workin on at the mo but this is the most complete. What ya think? http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2MX1728...6C15I0004KT48AF
  11. In music zone in hull born to reigns only 1.97! thats a bargain for u
  12. i dont know, i dont think theres any danger of kanye not goin plat, he shud be plat in three weeks released tops,and i think hell go gold first week and hes one of the few artists who can do that. You cant judge his popularity on commons sales as hes not a commercial rapper, to be honest i think that BE is a bit boring, it just washes over me. :sleep2: Anyone agree?
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